God, my God, this world is crazy!

Long Xing looked at his hands incredulously. It was amazing. He could feel the power that surged in his body, the power that would never be used for Buddha! And the source of this power is in front of this woman, how can this world have such a magical thing! He is still suspicious in his dreams, no, he must tell his father this thing!

Mo and Jianfeng looked at the young master. They were most familiar with him and knew his bottom limit. Suddenly, he was as deep as the sea in front of them. This shock is unparalleled! When they once again look into the eyes of the land, the intuition tells them that this woman will become the **** of their Warcraft!

There are few major adults to start, the next contract is of course very smooth, and soon the twelve teenagers will complete the contract, with six thousand six hundred stars and five hundred and eight hundred stars!

The teenagers are very happy, feel their differences, feel the joy of soaring strength, and feel the joy of unspeakable!

Lu Yiqian did not bother them, removed the enchantment, and the sun shone again.

The sun is also shining on the group of teenagers, making them full of golden light, compared to the moment before, they are completely reborn.

Lu Yiqian and the **** of death walked back to the bedroom, and the teenagers swarmed up and followed her.

At this time, the teenagers noticed the death of Lu Yiqian, and also felt the three bottomless sources of the magical beast in her body, especially the power of the white of the death **** made them feel like the ants face the universe. Feel like!

too terrifying!

The people who have been ignored by them at this time are very profoundly protruding in front of their eyes. They have to be thankful that they are right, and they can worship the same master with such a strong existence. This feeling is really sighing. !

The owner is really amazing!

A group of beautiful young people rolling the road, so beautiful, so large, the sensation caused by it can be imagined!

However, these proud teenagers have long been accustomed to such a dense attention and care.

It’s just a mess when I get to the bedroom.

Deviated from the waist, squatting forward, spoiled: "Dead, go where to seduce such teenagers back!"

Lu Yiqian spread his hands indiscriminately: "Go yourself to the door!"

Dissatisfied with the departure: "I hate it, are you still not satisfied with us?"

Longxing’s noble and arrogant and ruthless hair, the beautiful young man’s momentum reveals: “We are the master’s Eudemons, even if we recognize the owner as the wife and the Lord!”

When you join the battle, the beautiful face is more attractive than the flowers: "You can't satisfy the owner, and the owner can find us!"

Jianfeng cool geography short hair: "Well!"

When they get to this point, it is okay to marry a different ethnic group. Besides, they are proud of their hearts. They will only surrender to those who are stronger than themselves. If you choose the direction of your wife and wife, you will naturally be better than yourself. This person is Your own master, of course better! Only for a moment, three people think so!

Poor departure, was hurt by the teenager's sharpness, red lips slightly stunned, charming eyes filled with tears, and stunned Lu Yiqian one eye: "Do people do not understand your mind, actually let this group of children so bad I……"

Lu Hao has a headache, God, she does not know what crazy children are doing! Seeing the flattering and confident departure of the situation, and finally can not bear, such a proud person, still retain his pride is more lovely! Thinking about it, I walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "To be honest, this expression is not for you." At the same time, she warned a few teenagers on the Eudemons platform. Even though she is very short-sighted, she knows that some things can't be done. Too much pampering, otherwise it is not good to manage the beasts.

When Longxing and others glimpsed, they immediately respected a lot. They were noble in their status, and they knew the importance of management. They listened to Lu Yiqian’s warning. Instead of being angry at the slightest, they preferred the woman more. It is good to indulge them, but it is better to manage them severely. A good wife and wife should have such courage. However, they will not apologize for leaving the country because they are male competitors! The same male, they feel that this man is too dangerous!

When he left the country, he saw him talking to him, and his heart suddenly became sweet. This is an action school. Once the feeling is determined, it is immediately put into practice, and catching Lu Yuqian’s hand will kiss her rose-like lips.

This is the first time he kissed a person. He never felt the heart. The heart was like a drum. The soft lips made him feel reluctant to leave when he touched it. The taste was too sweet!

Black hair, charming gesture, this man's kiss, like a bee on the flower with the sweetest taste.

Yes, he is actually a lonely person. He has no heart. When the king of God is there, he never cares about the fate of his people. He does not care about their survival. His city is destroyed and destroyed. Never had a look back at him. He is actually an unintentional person, a person who is unstoppable.

But I don't know when it started, he began to pay attention to her, and his eyes began to follow her?

When did it start, his heart began to slowly fill up with some unknown emotions?

Lu Yiqian is slightly embarrassed. Although he loves to talk about some things, he never had a deviant movement. He kissed her in public and let her know how to react. Although she is full of wisdom on the battlefield, but she is pitiful, her emotional slowness is amazing! Bai spent so many years of companionship to get the most important position in her heart, death is to use the daily is not to give up is hard to squeeze a position in her heart, Wei Mo is the most pitiful, without the accident, the two can not The relationship goes further. For the departure, she has always treated each other with courtesy. I feel that this person’s mind is difficult to guess and has a good impression. There is no feeling that he can’t be.

In fact, she is slow, leaving the country to know, Wei Mo knows, demon red knows, everyone knows. What can be done, only wait, in the sweet waiting of the day, in the unknown prospect, waiting for the moment of conclusion with her fate!

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