Lu Yiqian laughed and showed his unparalleled gorgeous gesture: "Hongzhizhizhi, Yanque Anzhi? Penglai Wonderland, Fool's An Xiao? Dongyue's height, ants ant's safety? 沧海桑田, you wait for an sigh?" When she came over, she whispered her lips: "Since everyone wants to see me show talent, then I will swear and sing a song for everyone."

In the sub-season, I drank a glass of red wine, which seemed like a product. "It’s so graceful, even if she just stood there, she was already out of the crowd."

Qin Xing Luo cold channel: "Unfortunately there are always people who are unclear, like to look for bitterness."

He always knew that the woman in front of her eyes must report, not a good person. Although she is now proficient, she can be given a sharp counterattack under the provocation. He knows how awkward souls are under her beautiful appearance!

As for Wei Mo, she is unconditionally trusting her. If she leaves the country, her charming eyes will be completely optimistic about the play.

They know her, believe her, and never worry about her.

On the contrary, Zhu Hui was a little urgent, and it was difficult for her to see her. In the first time, he wanted to pull her under his own wing. The idea was so strong that he was surprised and surprised.

But the demon red kindly reminded: "She can do it."

"Life is like a big river.

Sometimes quiet and crazy

Reality is like a shackle

I can't break free by binding me

This mysterious life is as sharp as a knife

Seriously hurt me again and again

I know the kind of happiness I want.

Just in the higher sky

I want to fly higher and fly higher.

Dance like a wind, break away from the arms

I want to fly higher and fly higher.

Wings rolling up the storm

Fly higher

I’ve been looking for a flight.

I found that I could not find

If you really want to be a liberation

I have to cut this before.

I want a life more brilliant

I want a sky that is more blue

I know the kind of happiness I want.

Just in the higher sky

I want to fly higher and fly higher.

Dance like a wind, break away from the arms

I want to fly higher and fly higher.

Wings rolling up the storm

Fly higher and fly higher and fly higher..."

Her voice was hoarse, extremely magnetic, and sang this song, which seemed to complement each other and highlight other charms. The song is endless, and after three days, she sang, and people have been immersed in the aftertaste, for her glamorous voice, for her free and easy interpretation, for her spirit in the song.

I want to fly higher!

Yes, Da Yu, there are countless talents, and how many people are there? The silence at this moment is not enough to show that he can't spread his wings and fly into the sky! She sang the voices of the people, making people feel that they have found a good voice, and their hearts are broad. I feel that they are so embarrassed that a person with great talents and ambitious people is really a bad thing.

"Hey!" Qiu Hening first applauded, and then, the whole hall applauded.

What else to say, this woman is really extraordinary, she is the first place in Dongshu College!

People seem to agree with her in an instant, and her eyes are soft and admired.

When one is only a little stronger than the other, the weak will be embarrassed. But much stronger than the other, the weak will only look up!

Lu Yiqian took a squad, and others dared to hide his edge. The next talent show, girls shunned and sang, showed their own dance, piano and so on, but could no longer bring people more interest. People are immersed in the heroic spirit of the song and deeply appreciate it.

At this time, in the secret room of Qiuhe’s house, there were two men sitting, one of whom was playing with the tea pot. This person did not look at his appearance, but also made people feel that he was in a state of affairs, and he could Attracting all the sights, even if you don't look at his face, you know that this person must be beautiful.

"Sikong, you pull me in my heart, just to see her?" The sound of the exit, like a mellow amount of alcohol, makes people intoxicated. "However, this woman is really strange. It is difficult for you to always care about her. From her songs, she also knows that she is a heart-opening person. It is rare." In the voice, if there is interest.

"Yeah, the closer she is to her, the more she is attracted to her. The teacher sees that the car parked in front of the house is not, that is her masterpiece." The face of another man is under the light, but it is a A man who is as elegant as water and warm as jade. If you look closely, you will find that he is the forge master of the magic dance mainland, Si Kongyun.

"That is called a ‘car?” The man’s mellow voice was a little bit of a smile, but his eyes were full of interest. "She is the woman you said is more creative than you?"

"Yes, if the teacher touched her early, she would definitely not accept me again." Si Kongyun smiled lightly.

In fact, Lu Hao Qian just left the magic dance for two months, and he also broke through the sanctuary and followed. Only he was very lucky. People heard that he was a forgemaster and brought him directly to Wanguan... I just didn't want to, she was so famous for it. If you think about it, it will be relieved. It is indeed a woman who shines brightly wherever she goes.

The man put down the samovar, and the pair of hands that are far more beautiful than the pianist are holding their chests: "I am a bit interested in listening to you."

Si Kongyun smiled.

Just as the two talked about Lu Yiqian, the banquet also reached a climax, and the men and women danced again.

Lu Hao thousand lazily can not afford to come, she really is not suitable for this occasion. Speaking of it, she really does not dance right and wrong, but if she is improvised and dances with Wu, she may be able to dance, but unfortunately, I am afraid that there are no people who dance.

I was sighing, and I saw Qiu He’s family and Qiu Jining coming towards her.

She blinked, good guy, the old fox finally couldn't help but make a move.

Qiuhe’s family smiled kindly: “I don’t know Miss Lu’s fun?” He’s in his forties, his face is still beautiful with his youth, and he has a six-point image with Qiu’s, but after years of precipitation, He has more refined and mature style that young people don't have. The excellent family cultivation and the tailoring of the clothes make him feel very good.

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