"Miss Lu Haoqian, can you dance with me?" Qiu Jining is polite and temperament comparable to the prince.

Lu Yuqian looked at the snow frost with hesitation, and the poor chick was about to cry.

"You are not right, there is a little beautiful woman in your arms, and it is wrong to hook up other women." Feng Yunlian came over and extended his hand to Lu Yiqian: "Miss, can you dance with me?"

Zhu Hui snorted and grabbed Lu’s hand and then swung into the dance floor. After showing his strength on the court, he has been recognized by Zhu Jia as a young master.

To be honest, he is not good at dealing with girls at all, but when he meets Qiu Jining and Feng Yunlian, he does not know why he can't stand it. He does not want this woman who beats her to be held by them.

But when he turned into the dance floor, he noticed the problem: "You can't dance?" Almost gnashing and asking questions.

Lu Haoqian is innocent: "I never said that I would dance." She said that she stepped on the other's feet more than once.

Isn’t it true that the dances of Daewoo’s children look beautiful and beautiful, but the difficulty factor for learning is too great.

Zhu Hui fired three feet: "I teach you!"

Lu Yiqian grievances: "I won't."

She is a dance idiot. She once studied waltz for three months in order to perform her task. It was her nightmare. Imagine how long it would be to learn waltz for so long, Daewoo dance, which is five or six times more difficult than Waltz. How can she learn? meeting? !

Zhu Hui never believed that Lu Yi could not learn, so he always heard some discordant voices at the ball.

"Damn, how are you so stupid!"


"You stepped on my feet again!"

"I said I won't..."

"This is a few times!"

"Amount, thirty-seventh time!"

"You remember to be clear!"

"I am sensitive to numbers!"


Wind and cloud stalls spread hands: "Fortunately, fortunately, I am really a shame."

Qiu He Ning gave him a cold look and turned and walked away.

Wei Mo left the country and they each found a seat to sit down, and decided to wait for Lu Yuqian to dance, but looking at her clumsy look is definitely not a bad thing. Can see more of her perverted invincible, will not dance, they can make fun of her, ha, really so cute!

Eight men, each with their own merits, and any one of them, are people.

In addition to the death of no one hit the main accident, the other seven, has been targeted by the women.


In the face of the invitation, I left the city and said: "Whoever has my beauty, I will dance with whom."

Wei Mo Zhang Yang’s domineering: "I only accept the invitation of that woman!"

Tianguhehe smiled, cruelly said: "Whoever let me dissect it, if it is divided into two halves, the visceral cross-flow is still not dead, I will consider it."

The child season glanced coldly, and the women could not help but tremble.

Qin Xingluo is cold and cold, and the demon red is pretending not to hear. If the blue is proudly raised, "I only serve the main person!"

The women who hit the wall were hit hard and turned their interest to food. I saw five cute Eudemons sitting on top of a large table and rushing toward the table.

At least, the beautiful men are so unrequited, these Eudemons look pretty cute.

"Da, don't you see a beast here?" The Millennium King.

The ladies are pumping! Big, big? !

"Obasan, you are really ugly." The green kitten showed sharp teeth.

The girls finally fell to the ground!

The people and beasts around the civilians are terrible!

"Hey!" Qiu Herning took two slaps, the song stopped, everyone looked at him. Today, he is undoubtedly the protagonist of the banquet.

"I know that today there are many ladies who have a lot of talents and talents. Today is my big day. I don't know if I can have the privilege of seeing your style?" Qiu Hening's cold voice was a little hoarse, so Talking is more tempting.

Heroic teenager, peerless genius, Qiu Hejia's future homeowner, so many dazzling auras, the invitation issued makes it hard for the family to refuse.

This person, he still does not have a wife, and Qiu Hejia, can marry a lot of women, what it means, they will not understand. Their father sent them here, and the meaning is quite obvious.

This is an opportunity!

However, no one has ever revealed the head. The first one who came to power, always died the worst!

"Shu Wen Lu Qianqian's talents and talents, this first color head, how can she get it?" The crowd made an abrupt proposal!

When the proposal came out, someone immediately echoed: "Yes, Miss Lu is very talented, and I can definitely open my eyes to me!"

"Yes, Miss Lu is definitely beautiful and beautiful!"

Everyone spoke up and sighed Lu Yiqian’s talent. Asking her to show her talents, but the ghosts know that she can't even dance, let alone any other talents. These people simply want to see her excitement and see her embarrassment. Qiu Herlan looked coldly, yes, she just wanted to see her joke. The woman who was treated especially by her brother, she just couldn't get used to her, she just wanted to practice her. The more you praise, the bigger you will wait for her. The more you fly, the more you fall, the more it falls.

In this world, no force is absolutely impossible. But the nobles want to make someone lose face, but there are many ways to do it. At least this time, facing this kind of soft provocation, it cannot be dealt with by force.

Lu Yanqian slightly frowned, and these people thought she could not know. I saw Qiu Jining and I hope he can cancel the matter. After all, what he said is more important than a guest. But who ever thought that the kid didn't help, but he was very interested in the appearance: "I would also like to see Miss Lu's style!"

I am XX! It’s a bad lesson. This guy, I don’t want him to lick his toes. I’m sorry for him!

What if people worry about me? What if people marry me? What if people marry me?

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