Lu Yiqian’s identity is detached, but because he is not a monarch, he is opposite to the Princess of Qi. Qi State attends the prince is Qi Tianxiong, Qi evening wind, attending the princess is Qi Wanru, Qin Guo Qin Xingluo, Lu Yiqian is sitting next to Wei Mo. Death wants to be in the same place as the master, but does not love this entertainment. The demon red can't stand this excitement, rest early, and he is even more disdain to attend.

Lu Yiqian saw that the old emperor looked at the evening wind and Qi Tianxiong when he was hesitant, and he was suspicious.

Qi Tianxiong looked at Qi’s winds and couldn’t stop the grievances. It’s the evening wind, and it’s not too slow to drink, it’s steady.

And Qi Qi like to watch Wei Mo, there is a desire to cover up, yes, she still has thoughts on Wei Mo. It seems that the appearance of Wei Mo, such as the fox in the heart of the fox, but the pure and perfect inner beauty, who will be heart-warming, such a wonderful person, it is her life only see, day and night thinking, want to taste. I remembered that he would be ecstasy under his own body, and suddenly the bones were crisp.

Wei Mo hated the gaze of her straight hook, but because she was with Lu Yiqian, she could not dodge it, and her heart was angry and shy.

Lu Yiqian also made a clue, holding the hand of Wei Mo quietly.

Wei Mo has a good time.

But Qi Qiru is not ashamed, staring at Lu Yan’s eyes and deep hatred. As far as the appearance is concerned, she is a hundred times more beautiful than the woman on the opposite side. Why does the beautiful man not look at himself, for the sake of power, hey, think that she is a princess of a country, is not more powerful, must think of a way, The beautiful man took it.

On the occasion of Qi Wanru’s wishful thinking, Qi Tianxiong also sent his mind to Lu Yiqian. Of course, he didn't know that she was easy, but she didn't know that he had seen her for her appearance twice. He only knew that this woman had a wealthy family and was a symbol of the five-star empire. Just this point is enough for him to be excited and think about it. Well, conquering a founding goddess, how strong enough, and this will definitely help him to the throne, and even, can paving the way for the swallowing of the five-star empire. He faintly felt that the old immortal attitude changed his attitude, and it seemed that he began to intentionally cultivate the kind of evening wind.

In my heart, he can control it. He laughs at the wind: "Miss I am a lady, I have had a chance to see it many days ago. I have never dared to look at each other. I will respect you."

Lu Yiqian did not want to be in ink with him. When he saw the three emperors talking smoothly, he got up and pulled Wei Mo and said, "I am a little lacking in body. You can help me to rest."

Wei Mo’s face was red and nodded, and he helped Lu Yuqian to leave.

Qi Tianxiong’s hand that extended his toast was frozen in the air.

Qi Tianxiong is very angry, but he does not dare to go to trouble, the five-star empire ten god-level masters, who will be so stupid to trouble? But his eyes are sullen.

Qin Xingluo stared at the two brothers and sisters, without saying anything. Now, with Lu Qianqian’s strength, he is not worried about her loss. He is just thinking about how to talk to his brother. He has made up his mind, with Lu Yiqian, he is just thinking, How to say to his brother, he will resign from the position of the prince, remove the prince’s responsibility, and accompany the landlord. He recovered, he is no longer the Qin King who only knows how to be proud. He is no longer the one who only knows how to ask for it... His flaming hair is still arrogant, his clothes are still expensive, he is still very princely. But he has grown up!

When Lu Qianqian returned to the house, he was intercepted. He had no cold eyes on his face, but she still felt a strange sight.

I will not say that Lu Haoqian will be drawn into the battle space. The first sentence is: "Attack me, go all out!"

Lu Yiqian is unknown. However, she has formed a conditioned reflex in the past year. When she sees him, she is eager to try. Her mind is full of tricks. She poses and attacks, which is extremely direct, but also practical.

殇 blocked her: "Come again, attack with all strength!"

The momentum is rising and the pressure is also open.

Lu Yiqian was also provoked by the war, summoning the little Zilong soul to fit, purple and purple, and once again attacked!

殇 殇 open the Jianfeng: "Not enough, come again!"

Lu Yiqian combined with a cat's armor, plus blessing, attacking, and even used the five strokes of "Wan****".

However, the figure is still too strong, and those tricks have no way for him. When the hilt hit, it would knock Lu Yuqian. In this battle, until five hours, the two sides were separated. Lu Yuqian was panting, but he was also exhausted, not to be relaxed.

"Handsome, do you have a heart?" I don't know why, in the cold, she was light.

"I have to go back." He said coldly.

Lu Yan thousand wipes a sweat, she knows, he will always go home, isn't he, he is the demon king.

殇 殇 cold cold stare at the eyes of Lu Qian thousand, black horns black armor, suffocating, indeed deterred devil's discouragement.

"Contract me." He said coldly.

"Amount?" Lu Hao is not calm!

Swearing to God, she did move the contract idea, but it was only at the beginning of his first sight. Later, she always respected him. When he was a friend, he came up with sincerity and never thought about the contract. Now he has so quietly dropped a blockbuster, and really took her back. She touched her nose and wanted to ask, handsome, did you have a fever?

"Contract me, don't let me say a second time!" Someone is impatient.

Lu Yi is a thousand miles, this year, there are people who can't wait for the contract? Looking at his unhappy mood, Lu Yiqian quickly put his hand on his forehead: "So, please pay more attention."

The purple contract was concluded and promoted.

At this time, the level is the second order of God!

After the contract was completed, Lu Qianqian’s hand was put on the corner of the other side. The double corners were more and more beautiful. I think that over the past year, her thief has repeatedly painted the corners and ears of the other side. After a few days, I don’t feel it. I thought that he would return to the devil plane and could not help but feel the strength.

Enduring the corner to upload a burst of pleasure, an iceberg male can not bear, 扒 莳 莳 thousand, toward the red lips is a kiss. His kiss, like his people, was cold at the beginning, but it was also long-lasting, with a faint enthusiasm.

Lu Yiqian stayed, and half a ring began to rebel, but an ice man had let go of her: "When I get the Shura plane and the demon plane throne, I will come to marry you!"

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