She won't give them a chance to win!

The hand slowly renewed, and the wood of "Wan****" was wound around the first level.

This spell can bind the enemy indiscriminately, ignoring the other party's use of moving reels or other props, it can be tied to each other, up to five levels, and even can be tied across the level.

A small group of green plants grow up in the palm of the hand, and the vines are very cute. Looking at its shape, no one can imagine, this thing is actually a killing weapon, the power is endless.

The green plants grew happily, like graceful dancers, stretching their vines.

When the vines are all open, the greenery is like a woman. It is green and wrapped in vines.

It unfolds the vines, and the vines seem to have a life-like attack on the two intermediate gods.

Lu Yiqian is a bit embarrassed, this "Wan ****" is really strange, even the tricks are so chic! Such a beautiful scene is actually a prelude to the trick!

Even more surprising is still behind, the attack of the two intermediate gods is not effective against the vines! How to say it is that the magical power contained in the tricks of their attacks actually sucked up the vines. There is no substantial trick, and it is not effective to cut them. The two were shocked. They have never seen such a weird trick in their lives, attacking and defending one, turning to defense and attacking, and the end is terrible!

In this way, Lu Yiqian did not make another move at all, and the two men had already been evaded by the vines in the full house.

The first use of the winding, the effect is amazing, but also because of the first use, lack of experience, can not grasp the two people who are flexible jumping.

Lu Yiqian’s heart moved to control the movement of the vines with his mental power. It was useful. The vines no longer engaged in unconscious attacks, but they were more flexible and light, and they immediately forced the two into desperation.

The two men vomited their intestines, and the middle-class gods were forced to be forced into such a situation by a trick. Who would dare to believe this?

However, after all, the two experienced rich enemies, and soon came up with countermeasures. First, they made the vines flexible and then attacked Lu Yiqian. At this moment, they realized how powerful and abnormal the opponents were. They were surprised that the woman opposite was actually a small eight-level law guide.

An eight-level guide that forced two intermediate gods into desperation? !

Is the world too crazy, or are they being locked into the seal for too long, so that they are idiots?

Fu Yi opened up the field and hoped to hit it.

His field, which is also famous, is made up of a blade with a knife like a knife. It has a strong attack power, and many strong people have died in this trick.

The blade-like field can be considered as invincible.

However, Lu Qianqian had already expected that he had a move, and he did not hesitate to separate most of the vines and went around him.

It turns out that this vine, the unfolding part can be infinitely planted!

Fu Yi does not know this, the real hit by the vines is a strong!

Although his field can destroy the vines to a certain extent, he can't maintain the field for a long time, and the vine can absorb the magic power, and soon his field is broken and he is made dead.

It’s much easier to solve the problem, and it’s much easier to solve the problem. Soon, the payment is also smashed!

When the vines tied the two, they quietly retreated. And the vines that help the two are still, have to say, this trick is sinister!

"Hey, bad guys!" Firefox Red Kam couldn't help but jump on the faces of the two, a fox claw!

Temu smiled and walked up, laughing and asking: "Master, how are you going to deal with them?"

Lu Yiqian smiled demonicly: "Send to the vegetable market, I believe that the masses know how to deal with these two people."

Tiemu thought with horror that he would like to pay for what he would suffer, and he couldn’t help himself. Think about it, many people in the city hate them, hate to eat their bones, and lick their flesh. Think about it, throwing the unresisting enemies in front of them, what should those people do? He believes that the two will be the first god-level powers in history to be beaten to death by the masses. Well... I can’t help but feel sympathy for the two.

However, the master’s order is still to be executed cheerfully!

Lu Yiqian solved the three people, and a bright red five-star flag floated above the palace!

Five-star empire is established!

This is definitely a day of historic significance. This day is included in the history of the mainland: the magical dance of the mainland empire, the two-year empire, the establishment of a great five-star empire, from then on, a powerful nation rises in the forest of the world, and the development of the magical dance continent.

There are also some miscellaneous records, and on this day, two so-called god-level powerhouses were killed by the masses, throwing leaves and throwing stones one day after another.

I didn’t mention the chores, but said that Lu Yiqian defeated the three people who had won the victory, but they did not become the king, but pushed the iron wood to the throne. Tiemu naturally knows that the master does not care about this secular position, and knows that the master fits the wider sky, and he should be down and become the king of the five-star empire.

The ten people of Tiemu are the first-class figures of the wisdom, and they know how to make good use of them. It didn't take long for the five-star empire to go to formality, and people also settled down.

People who have achieved a peaceful life naturally feel Lu Yiqian. They call her a founding goddess and a sincere faith.

After dealing with the five-star empire, Lu Yiqian considers the time to go to the opposite world. She doesn't want to cook the frog warmly, and she wants to challenge in the peaceful environment. She needs to constantly improve!

On this day, Lu Yiqian successively completed the sword and learned "Wan ****". He learned the shocking world with the white beard and star. He was sitting on the high platform and looking up at the sky, accompanied by the **** of death, sighing the true meaning of life. At the time, Tiemu handed an invitation letter, but it was Qi’s invitation to the National Book and invited the three emperors to meet!

After entering the country again, Lu Yiqian still went as an affair, but there was a goddess in the front of the line!

At the banquet of the King's Palace, the three kings of the three countries took each other's corners, but they also fit the current situation. The emperor of Qi State, about fifty years old, was slightly blessed, but the scorpion was sharp and savvy. Qin Guo Qin is a legitimate young man, and Fenghua is full of enthusiasm. Five-star empire ironwood, do not let the points, repair and move.

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