What is the power system? Naturally, it is a variety of attack methods. In this book, the spells of creation and life in this book are far more than the spells about combat.

There are only magical sea support, although there are only one hundred spells in the power system, but each one is extraordinary and extremely powerful.

Lu Yiqian couldn’t help but think that this book, how to see it, is like a book to cultivate the **** of creation!

Now she is in the dilemma of being picked up at any time and anywhere, and she fights, relying on the shocking world and the fire dragon fireball. Although the dragon is powerful, it can be for the people who have her five elements. Obviously, it is relatively thin, but if you first learn the power, every attribute comes!

Lu Yiqian looked carefully and selected thousands of powerful spells.

The power of just learning "Millions" is revealed.

The five kinds of spells of Lu Yiqian are Jin Jin Jin Jian, wood entanglement, water system, earth system, mountain fire, fire system.

This spell has five levels in each department. One level is more powerful than one level. One level is more powerful than one level! The function on "Wan ****" can actually be promoted, it is incredible.

Lu Yiqian was immersed in the local mystery of the book, and could not extricate himself until the car rushed to reach the Longwang of the King of Qin in a week. Lu Haoqian slowly eased from the book.

At this point, her temperament became more mysterious, and her body seemed to have a layer of glory.

Qin Xingluo first invited everyone to the Qin Wangfu. He is now a prince, and there is a small palace. Qin Wang Qin Feiran is also well-informed. When Qin Xing Luo came back, he ordered the summons. The three brothers of Fu’s brothers just declared war on Qin Guoqi. He was asking for a response and heard that Wang Di’s return to the city would naturally require his opinions.

With courage, Qin Xinglu walked to Lu Yiqian: "Will you go with me?"

At this time, he is not the wayward, awkward Qin Xingluo. He knows that if he wants to stay by her side, he has to put down his body.

Lu Hao nodded a thousand, she will naturally go, she will of course go, she unlocked the white seal, and white unlocked the seal of the world, the return of the gods strong, this is a good thing, but there are always some bad intentions If a person is in a hurry, then she will not be surprised.

"I am going with you." Lu Yan said with a deep voice.

Qin Xing Luo Xi can not help but want to go to the hand of Lu Qian, she did not hide to hide.

It’s not awkward, but no matter what, as long as she is around her, she will always get close to her.

Once again, I came to the palace, and Lu Qianqian was very uprooted. Her own temperament could not be underestimated. At this moment, no one really gave her a false impression, and Qin Xingluo was transformed, and her spiritual temperament was also reborn.

Qin Feiran first saw his own younger brother, and his younger brother, who has become unfathomable, seems to have been far away from him.

Goodbye Lu Yiqian, could not help but sink his face, he did not forget how she abused him for one night!

Qin Feiran suppressed his thoughts in his heart. State affairs matter. He is a qualified king. He will not disturb his judgment because of his children's private affairs. If the three brothers of the Five Brothers really want to attack him Qin, the generals of the thorns are absolutely indispensable. Although everyone was rumored that Lu Haoqian was dead, he has always been skeptical, and now she is in good condition, sure enough! This woman has a tenacious life! Looking at the younger brother, I was obsessed with her, and I couldn’t help but sigh and give the two seats.

Lu Xingxiang also arrived, although the current Lujia family is Lu Xianghui, but he is so precocious and intelligent, but he is only nine years old. The task of studying martial arts knowledge is heavy enough every day. Therefore, it is still through Lu Ningxiang.

Lu Ningxiang saw Lu Qianqian. She was already excited and unable to suppress herself. She wanted to hug her but she was affectionate. For her eldest daughter, she did not care too much and cared for it. She listened to Lu Caiyun’s words and Xu Jun’s words and drove her daughter out. The family door has even broken the relationship between mother and daughter. Now, what is her face to face her daughter, and what qualifications do she have to ask her to return to Lufu?

"Fuzhou wolf ambition, want to destroy my Qin country, you can have a good policy?" Qin Feiran openly and honestly.

"Jun Shang, Fu Shi wants to fan the country, the court is pleased!" A general fell to the ground.

"Chen also please fight!" Another general also visited the ground.

"Chen please fight!" The generals all fell down.

Qin Guozhongwu, that is, women are also very bloody, and there is no reason that no one will hit the door and refuse to take over. Such a nation is destined to rise! The generals of Volunteers, the civil servants are also ordered, and the monarchs are united!

"Well, the general of General Gao, you quickly lead the 500,000 army to gather my side city, and never let the thief get me a piece of land!" Qin Feiran sighed.

"Yes!" Baiguan bowed down and shouted to the wilderness.

Lu Hao sat still and did not move until he retired: "I have a plan."

Qin Feiran smiled and said: "Oh? I want to hear it!"

Lu Yiqian mysteriously said: "Let's talk in one step."

Qin Feiran made a gesture of asking. At the moment, Lu Yiqian, Qin Feiran, and Qin Xingluo entered the inner hall and discussed it inside. No one knows what the three people discussed in it, but it is undisputed that This day will be remembered in history, and people call this historical event: the Five Star Alliance.

When Lu Haoqian walked out of the main hall, the sky was shining brightly. Under the big hall of the carved bridge, standing with a familiar figure, who is Lu Ningxiang?

To her, Lu Yiqian’s feelings are complicated. She hates her, hates her for her unclearness, marries her, hates her, listens to her words, hurts her, hates her, and never knows her, never knows her. It is this she who is still gone. In that world, she never had maternal love, only because she was white, filled the gap, but this does not affect her fantasy of her mother, mother, not should be the Holy Spirit and great, perfuse the child who loves the most people? Therefore, she could not accept that Lu Ningxiang was so partial to her second daughter. The more important reason is that she is a soul from the earth, and the essence of her soul is the creation god. She is not the Lu Yiqian, not the Lu Yuqian who has died. It’s not that the sacs are a wasteland, and it’s no longer that the mother’s pro-no pain, the lover’s cast aside! What she can't forgive in her heart is that Lu Yiqian is not dying and he has not received more care from his mother. Although this point, Lu Ningxiang did not know at all.

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