People say that they don’t win a new marriage, and it’s really good.

Staring at each other, only the other side in the eye.

Then there was a storm and a deep affection. White can't stand it anymore, and a rollover will overwhelm Lu Yiqian and take the initiative.

"You are swearing!" Lu Hao had big eyes.

White evokes a fascinating smile: "Little fools, soldiers are not deceived."

Lu Hao twitched a few times in disobedience, and wished to exchange the snoring sound of the other party: "Death and then give birth!"

The white smudges of love and desire are deep and dark, and they begin to attack the city, and they must ask for the little fool of this claw.

Low smile, white and good: "Knocking back"

Lu Haoqianhao said: "Learning, go up every day!"

Holding the foot of Lu Yiqian in white, pulling it down, leaning over her body, holding her lips and kissing: "So, little fool, you can work harder!"

The concealed smile spread, and the eyes were bright, and everything around it was dim. In this smile, Bai took the initiative, constantly attacking, screaming and breathing.

"Huh, you use a beautiful man!" Lu Yiqian accused.

White grabbed Lu’s fingers and said: “I rely on strength.”

Lu Yiqian knows that no matter what, he estimates that he will never win. I don't want to have a lot of things, hug my love, and try my best to be crazy in this infinite joy.

The white heart is full of tenderness, holding her tightly, just like holding the most precious baby.

Sleeping at night, the night is still very long...

Until the next day at noon, Lu Yiqian woke up, and saw a sweet white man, and a black **** of death.

This feeling, quite a few embarrassed being raped in bed.

It’s just white as a traitor, but it’s very easy to write.

When the **** of death saw Lu Yuqian wake up, he quickly walked over and opened the sheet, so he slipped in and grabbed her waist.

Lu Hao was awkward!

The white face is also black!

This is the second time that Bai and Death are facing each other. The two men competed against each other, and no one allowed anyone. They immediately started a silent battle in the bed.

The strength to reach their stage, just rely on the pressure of the atmosphere, you can also play back and forth several times silently.

However, Lu Yuqian in the two is not very good, although the two have already reduced the pressure on her to the lowest.

Sighing a sigh, Lu Yiqian left to kiss, right kiss, ruined the two people's war.

White charms a smile, and finally confessed to death, and death, the difference is to admit white.

White is relieved, there is death, even if you are looking for the whereabouts of the brothers, you will not be too worried about the big danger of his little fool.

"Little idiot..." The white words stopped.

Lu Yiqian also knew what Bai had to say, and held his lips: "Go, I won't have anything."

As for her, how can she not know what Bai wants to do, how can she not understand his heart? I don't want to leave him, but if I hold on to his footsteps, it is the last thing she wants to do. With the white arrogance and white character, after he wins the power, he will always step out of this step. The brotherhood of thousands of years cannot be abandoned! She will not let Bai Bai stay for her. She knows that she will be as he wishes, but the loss of her brother's love is no longer the white of her heart.

"You have to be careful." Lu Yiqian said, in a word, it contains thousands of love.

White bowed his head and kissed Lu’s lips.

At this time, there are all kinds of words, and he can't say half a word.

If the aperture is flashing, the white stool will stand on top of the cloud. He stands next to the fire unicorn, the phoenix, the phoenix, and so on. There are only ten sacred beasts, leaving only the snake and the panda around her. He does not forget to watch. I am afraid that I will see that the determination to break down will collapse. He flashed his body and jumped out of the face.

Fortunately their hearts are connected.

Lu Yiqian is not at a loss. On the contrary, she believes in white, and the moment of separation is for future encounters.

Patting the **** of death, Lu Yiqian had to get up and dress, but the waist was hugged by the **** of death, so that she could not get up.

"Master, I didn't hold you yesterday." The **** of death muttered.

Lu Yiqian heard the laughter. In some respects, the **** of death is indeed extremely powerful, but in other respects, he is like a child.

Until the evening, Lu Haoqian was dressed well, and after eating, he let everyone sit on the RV, and in the eyes of everyone, he went to Qin State. After the car has been modified, it can be said that it is a rush, and there is no obstacle to running all the way. There is almost no threat to these people in this world.

The RV is Mercedes-Benz, and the interior has its own small world.

Lu Yiqian looked at the "Wan****" from the space bracelet. Now he has regained his strength and advanced to the contract for eight times. Now he has far exceeded the original strength. He has to work harder. Only then.

"Wan ****" can really be called a wonderful book of heaven and earth, and all of them are shocking.

It’s just amazing to say that it’s the creation of magical power.

Opened the magical force of the sea, to reach the eighth level before the entry, can learn the deep spells inside, the conditions required by this book are also harsh.

Now, Lu Yiqian naturally does not believe that this book will be a coincidence to his own hands. This is absolutely related to his identity as a creation god. What kind of character is that night, the thorn flower staff is also his hand... Forget it, wait for the white to come back and ask him.

"Wan ****" does not despise this name, there are indeed 10,000 kinds of spells in it, all of which are extraordinary in power.

The horizontal division is divided into single spells, including the various attributes of Fenghuo Jinmu Shui, and there are also tactics, which are more powerful, but only take a little time.

Longitudinal is divided into: life department, power system, and creation department.

The Department of Life is to restore the teammates or their own lives according to the spells, to stimulate the potential, to live and fall into the forest, to become a fish, and to create a fire that complements each other, the power is incomparable...

To create a department, it is to move mountains and water to create living or inanimate objects...

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