This cave is bigger than all the caves and looks more like a big hall!

In front of the two gates of the cave, the door is engraved with a carved pattern on the outside. Two huge statues of different animals are guarded here, and the crystal pillars inside the cave are faintly visible. Everything in this cave is full of mysterious and strange atmosphere, looming and real!

This breath tells people really, don't think about challenging unbeatable existence, otherwise it will be the price of life!

Double as the month slowly said: "You can choose to come with me, or choose to stay outside the cave, I can tell you with certainty that once you step into this cave, the danger will come."

At this moment, who is willing to stay in place, of course, to follow!

Double smiles like a month: "This cave is the first level. There are thousands of traps in this submarine cave, but there are not many levels that can be called. There are 12 levels in total." He smiled brilliantly: "Of course, I believe that you will be able to pass."

Lu Yiqian is a bit stunned. I don’t know why, she just thinks that the double smile is a bit horrible.

Sure enough, I don’t know if his encouragement played a role, and everyone was very excited.

Double as the moon has a deep sense of Lu Yi thousand eyes, went inside.

The elders of the Temple of Light and the Knights followed closely.

The major forces entered in turn.

The autumn flute and Lu Yuqian who came for the mission fell to the end.

"I don't just like it here!" He said suddenly, the statement is concise: "breath, hate!"

Yes, the breath here is extremely oppressive, and there are countless eyes that are staring at everyone from all sides.

Lu Yiqian asked death: "How do you feel?"

"Master, I... I don't feel anything." Death said, he is very comfortable in this environment.

Think about it, as the owner of death, this environment is nothing to him.

"Master, I want to hold you." The **** of death asked.

Lu Yi said nothing, holding the hand of death.

The **** of death is stiff, tightly held like a treasure.

The demon red followed him behind, and he thought that he had the idea of ​​helping others, guiding the most correct way, but not wanting to go through the risk, it is better to send it directly. Now, he has no qualifications for guidance, because the double is like the most accurate position.

The halls in the seabed valley, the crystal pillars, the domes and the pillars all have luminous shell-like objects of various colors. Once you walk in, it is like entering a psychedelic scene, which is beautiful and strange.

"What is this?" Someone couldn't help but pull down a transparent carapace to watch.

"This shell is called a human faceworm, it is best not to touch it." Double as the moon does not squint forward.

The man was about to ask what was called a human face worm, but he was shocked to find that the beetle in his hand stretched out an anemone-like touch, and when he had not reacted, he pulled his face and touched it. Soon he got into the five senses. He screamed in pain, and the blood that flowed out became a flash of color.

This scene, straight to see the people around me heart-throbbing, but also disgusting and fear.

"You'd better not move him. He is now the spawning ground of the human faceworm. Whoever touches the bad luck." The sound of the double moon is not urgent.

No one dares to disobey, everyone looks at those beautiful glowing carapace, and then they are cute and beautiful.

In the middle of the main hall, a huge Warcraft was unexpectedly held.

It is generally hidden in the ground, usually outside, with a chain of unknown materials around it. It is like a wolf and a wolf, like a tiger, a tiger-like ear, a deer's horn, a wolf's kiss, a gazelle's neck, and a horse's hoof. Its exposed body covers an area of ​​500 square meters.

It has a huge pressure on it, it is actually a 780-star Warcraft!

"You better not to make noises." Double said in a freehand month.

When he just finished, there was a silly X screaming: "Which **** stepped on my foot?!"

This embarrassment can be described as earth-shattering. The giant beast shakes his ears and opens his big red eyes.

Originally caught and guarded, it was already aggrieved. It was awkward to wrap around the chain. If you want to sleep, you will be woken up. The behemoth is not generally angry!

"Hey!" It screamed, dragging the chain, staring fiercely at the ants who came in.

"All said, let you whisper a little." Double as a month to spread their hands.

The behemoth stared at the crowd, and the anger that had been oppressed all the time. The anger was taken down, and under the oppressive force of the great force, the stone flew out and caught the power of the unmatched force and broke into the crowd.

When the strength reaches a certain level, the leaves are like darts, and the stone is like a cannonball. Under the huge impact, it is a small stone that can set off the power of the sky. Just like a heavy gun, kneel down and directly kill the seven strongest.

Suddenly the crowd exploded, and many people were second, it was so **** and not scary! There are also some clever points, seeing the situation is not good, early withdrawal to the edge of security. The behemoth was entangled in the chain and could not be pursued. However, its huge body was there and people could not pass.

The behemoths came in indiscriminately, but the light temple did not have any damage, but it was strange.

What is even more strange is that the twenty-four people in the Temple of Light have been led by the doubles, and there is no difficulty. They walked away from the behemoth without any danger, and the behemoth did not attack, but only doubted and disgustedly smelled them. breath.

The power of the behemoth is frightening, and the temple of light is amazingly walked away without a wound. What is going on?

"By relying on Laozi, what kind of monster is that, how many stars?" Some people are so powerful.

"I'm afraid there are a hundred stars, God!" Some people speculate that the star of the behemoth, the strength gap is too large, can not detect the star's star, unless it shows its own star ring.

"How does it not attack the people of the Temple of Light?" Someone was indignant.

But no one sighed the passage of life, no one shed tears for those who just died. The purpose of people coming here is very clear, just to win the treasure! All the people are thinking about how to get the treasures of the ancestors one by one. Who still has time to think about something else? For them, one less person is one less competitor!

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