When the two families killed the remaining ten people, the double-like moon would light up his smile like a man. He said, "I will invite you to the interior of my temple to open the light of the gods to us. If you send it, can you look at it on my thin face first?" He laughed and said that it is like a spring breeze, but a little bit of truth knows that the double is not a simple character.

In just one week, he reorganized the elders and the Knights with iron fists, and he was in power and alone.

Inside the Temple of Light, there is a huge transmission array, built by the Guangming God King 100,000 years ago. This transmission array only leads to a place, which is the secret of the Temple of Light for more than 100,000 years.

The news of self-recovering the demon red may be passed on. He also advertised the world to gather the Temple of Light, inviting the world's heroes to go to the magical place that can make people become gods. This is a matter of counter-teaching. It should have been unanimously opposed by the elders and the Knights. But after he exchanged blood in the church, no one dared to say "no" to him.

Then the heroes of the world gathered together, and the major families flocked to each other. Even the three imperial military forces intervened, and the large-scale transmission array was sent over, and there was a scene that happened today.

Mujia and Fangjia had a dumb loss, but they could not show their anger. Not to mention that they have to rely on doubles as they go out, that is, the next expedition, but also the guidance of the Temple of Light. They were wrong, and when they came in, they were dazzled by these treasures.

The red wolf's autumn flute was bored and looked around. The delegation was entrusted, and her deputy head would rush to the front. She has been promoted to a six-level big martial artist, which is more **** than a year ago. Flaming hair, fiery soft armor, fire-like beauty.

This cave was originally connected to other caves. The huge caves have many identical acupuncture points. Looking at it, I suddenly saw a long-lost figure at the exit of a certain acupoint. One called Qiu Di was boiling and called her proud figure!

"Little girl!" Qiu Di screamed in surprise.

This voice was quite loud. Some people looked at her eyes and saw Lu Yiqian, who stood on the top of the cascading cave.

At this time, Lu Yiqian had not had time to make it easy. Since he was recognized, he jumped dry and crisply.

Behind her, death, sorrow, Wei Mo, demon red followed.

People immediately recognized her.

"Is she not a Lujia incompetent woman Lu Yiqian?" Someone shouted.

However, the person who shouted this words was immediately stunned by the contemptuous eyes. Where did the violent, thorn flower generals have not heard it?

Someone reacted.

"Is she not dead?"

Qin Xing Luo Chao talked to the people, you just died, your family is dead!

Excited, emotionally excited, he knew that she will come, she really came!

He will know that she will come!

However, there are thousands of words to say, but only three words: "You are here..."

Lu Hao Qian nodded to him and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Because of this sentence, Qin Xinglu almost fell into tears.

Double raised his eyebrows slightly, and he said that he did not want to see her here. This is a site that is destined to be buried. With more of her, he is afraid of his own soft heart.

Lu Yi and Qian Chao doubled their eyes as they said: "You are still hypocritical as always."

The double smiles like a moon, as if the sun **** is bright: "I have always been so hypocritical."

When everyone heard the dialogue between the two people, they could not help but close the mouth of the discussion. One is the pope of power, and the other is the general of the thorns, who can't afford it.

"Well, since everyone is here, come with me." Double walked forward like a moon, followed by a large number of people.

Qiu Di Shen mysteriously looked at the beautiful man behind Lu Yuqian, and grabbed her arm: "From the real recruit, where did you abduct these many beautiful men?"

Lu Yan’s mouth is pumping, this girl is awkward, abducting the word, how horrified it is, and now smiles: “You misunderstood, they are my friends.”

Qiu Di obviously does not believe, mysteriously squinting: "Talk about these four beautiful men who have fun, have you eaten a few?"

Sweat, sweat, sweat! Qiu Di, how much corruption do you want to be, how much porn?

Qiu Di sees Lu Yan thousand face tangled, hate iron is not a steel road: "You should not have one fell?" Pat the younger sister's shoulders autumn flute said: "Look for a chance, it will be on."

"Sister, I remember that if you are right, Canglong's Bifeng should now pick the big beam. I don't know if he came to ask for a kiss..." Lu Yiqian broke a bad smile, and pulled a game, his hot sister, the loved one, That is the Bifeng, how many years have passed, have not changed.

Qiu Di sees Lu Qianqian mentioning the maple, his face is red first, and the person who has no dragons around him is determined. This is what the younger sister said: "Don't say it!"

"Jun did not marry his wife, he was not married, what is so shy, maybe he will wait for his sister to open it." Lu Yiqian joked.

"Oh!" Qiu Di has a thousand eyes on Lu Yi: "He has not said anything... I won't say it!"

Lu Yiqian smiled and did not force her.

At that time, the double moon is already a light-hearted road with people passing through a cave.

The more you go inside, the more pressure you have on an unknown one. Under the violent pressure, some people can't help but violently: "How long will it take?"

Double as the moon hits the red shirt, not even looking back.

"Who can't help you, just go back and wait!" said the great knight of the Temple of Light.

At this point, no one wants to give up, and the irritated person has to suppress his emotions and continue to move forward.

Lu Haoqian held his chin. From the moment she just came in, she was thinking about why she would bring everyone to the bottom of the cave. With his enthusiasm, will he bring a group of arrogant fools to do bad things? Also, what is the relationship between the Temple of Light and the seal of white, this is what she cares most!

Or, take a step and look at it. The soldiers will stop and the water will come to the soil.

Double as the moon finally stopped in a big cave.

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