The imaginary sea is another great forbidden place for human beings. Its sinister degree is definitely more than the death of the forest. The boundary line of the imaginary sea has descended from the northernmost Xufeng ice sheet to the southernmost death forest. Even Jun Zun said that even the edge of the death forest can see the imaginary sea continue to stretch until the sky. The sea is vast, the water and the sky are connected, and people are in it. People will be very impressed by the ignorance of nature's grandeur. However, the vastness of the boundless is not enough to explain the dangers of the sea. The terrible is the unpredictable weather at sea, the complicated undercurrent, and the most terrible is the fierce and diverse Warcraft in the sea!

"Even 100,000 years ago, this sea is also a fierce domain." Xiao Junzun deep love: "Master assured, I will protect you!"

Lu Yi is a thousand people, this child is too human.

I want to come more than a hundred miles from the coast. Lu Yiqian is not willing to walk. From the storage belt, the wind pulls the Ferrari and enters the sea with great pride. At this time, if there are other people here, I would like to sigh that this car is as harmonious as this heaven and earth.

However, on the tens of thousands of kilometers of the coastline, where to look for it, it is really difficult to decide.

Fortunately, there is one dragon horn, and it is good to explore the dragons for the time being.

Lu Yiqian took out the dragon horn and blew it.

The sound is not big, low and lingering, but it has a lot of penetrating power.

After blowing for a long time, there was no reaction. Lu Yi’s heart was under the suffocation. It would not be a fake and shoddy product.

I was thinking, but I saw three black spots flying in the sky, getting closer and closer, until the wind screamed at the noodles, and the three hundred-star dragons fell.

Three dragons, two blues and one red, see Lu Yiqian, the wisdom of the big eyes will gradually become joy.

"Let's a thousand people, welcome to be late, please don't be surprised." The red dragon said first.

Lu Yiqian is somewhat fearful. He can be called "adult" by her own, but she does not know that because she is the master of the main tree of the elves, the dragons are naturally different from her. Seeing this dragon is so polite, my heart is also very good: "You come very quickly."

The atmosphere of the dragons lingered, and the little red dragon in Weimo couldn't stand it anymore. He jumped out of the space and screamed a few times.

The red dragon saw Wei Mo's little red dragon, and his face suddenly changed: "You are the three elders..." I felt awkward, and looked at Wei Mo's eyes with a puzzled look.

Lu Yuqian’s mouth is pumping, it’s not going to leave the guy who ran to the dragon group and grabbed the elder dragon’s child to go back to his apprentice to make the Eudemons. Well, the more you think about it, the more you can leave. The person who does this kind of thing.

In other words, people should not treat them as enemies for this matter?

"Please come on our back, we will take the guests to Long Island." The red dragon spread its wings and leaned down his head.

One of the dragons left the people's field of vision 100,000 years ago. No one knows where they went. No one knows why they disappeared. They only know that there is no trace of the dragons on the mainland. But it turned out that they are concentrated on an island in the sea of ​​illusory.

Lu Yiqian is also not polite, boarding the back of the red dragon.

This red dragon is 38 meters long, like a big ship, flying very smoothly and quickly.

Looking down from the top, the more you feel the vastness of the sea. Gradually, the coastline disappears, and it is not the sky or the water. The wind is strong at sea, the waves are bursting with waves, and the smell is tangy.

Occasionally, the silver awning flashed, and the strange strange fish jumped out of the water.

In front of the black cloud, the thunder was over and over, it was a local storm, the waves flew, and the whirlpool continued. It is conceivable that the world's most advanced cruise ship is here, and I am afraid that it will only have the fate of destruction.

"This water area is extremely dangerous. The area under my belt is the site of the taro shark. The guy has about three hundred stars. Even the dragon on it will be shredded by it. The water on the left is the fin shark. The territory, not only in the water, but also in the water, can fly to the sky and stay for an hour, it has four hundred stars. The water on the right is the site of the big whale, the guy is so big that even our dragons are It’s better to sigh...” The red dragon flew and said: “This ocean is like a breeding ground for beasts. I always wonder if it is a product of this continent, huh, huh.”

As I said, there were several shots of lasers under the water, and the high-speed super three dragons came.

The three dragons quickly and smoothly escaped the blow.

"There are things that are often used in such sneak attacks, and I am used to it." Red Dragon said: "It took us a thousand years for the dragons to stand firm here."

The Red Dragon has already regarded Lu Yi as a person, and he has almost nothing to say, quite talkative.

When I flew for a while, I saw an extremely large island. Although it was just a boat in the sea, it was definitely bigger than the three great empires of mankind.

The island looks extremely beautiful and rich, but for some reason, it always feels weird.

During the day, I didn’t see a few dragons flying around.

The red dragon took Lu Yuqian and they fell.

I have to say that dragons are a kind of intelligent race, good at building and good at music.

The place where Lu Yiqian landed was the Dragon Palace.

The grand white palace built according to the height of the dragon is gorgeous and magnificent. It is no less inferior to human architecture. There are dragon carvings and dragon murals everywhere in the palace.

The dragons are indeed a race that likes the golden shining objects. This palace... No, almost all the dragon houses are decorated with jewels.

The red dragon screamed a few times and announced that Lu Haoqian had arrived at the island.

At the entrance to the palace, a group of people came out quickly. Yes, it was a human being, but it was a group of more than 600 stars. Among them, there is a man and a woman who wear a crown. The men are strong and handsome, and the women are beautiful. They are followed by a group of elders. They are also human figures. Men and women are beautiful men and women, and few elderly people. But there is no ugly one. The only thing that was a little dissonant was that the two handsome men and women with crowns and heads were looking out for a small golden dragon with a fleshy cheek. They were staring at the curious eyes and staring at Lu Yuqian for a moment.

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