He was shocked and shocked. He was thinking about it. Isn't he sad enough? Isn't it disappointing? How can it be so...

Two drops of tears fell off his eyes.

"You drink this, you hold this weapon, are you a sanctuary?" Lu Yiqian lost a bottle of gold syrup, a magical device.

The demon red turned his head and did not want Lu Yiqian to see the tears on his face. He replied lowly: "Well."

The next day, everyone set off early and went to the border of Song State.

Similarly, also on this day, a crazy news spread throughout the magic dance continent: the demon red, get the world!

As long as you get the demon red, get the secrets of him, go to the sea of ​​vain, you can get everything that people have dreamed of, and the inexhaustible wealth, become the god-level power that everyone admires!

In the past, this kind of news can only be regarded as a rumor, but because of the looting of the auction of Lu Yiqian, the various powerful groups of various families have also been dispatched, and the sensation caused by the reward of the bright gods, everyone believes this information for a time. Reliability.

The inexhaustible wealth, the temptation to become a god, no one can resist!

The royal forces, the mercenary regiments, the major consortia, the major families... are ready to go to the sea of ​​emptiness.

The magic dance continent is chaotic, and the magic dance mainland is boiling!

Lu Yiqian smiled and looked at the demon red: "I don't think you are so important, hey, you have to be the world."

The color of the demon red demon face is heavy, and I hate this statement.

The woman dressed up, I do not know how many men intoxicated eyes, even if the face is still stunned.

The demon red glanced at the men blocking the silver-blue army, and the expression on the face became colder.

At this moment, everyone will be out of the country, just after the final checkpoint, the defending soldiers are carefully distinguishing the past crowds against the portraits on the wall. I don’t know what it’s like, and there’s a look on her portrait. There’s a demon red, a Wei ink, a great painting, and a color!

Lu Haoqian old **** is there, Yinfa Weimo even overbearingly kicked a shrinking man in front of the team, and the demon red attracted the attention of most men.

The **** of death and the cockroaches converge on the breath. If you don’t look at them carefully, no one really finds anything special about them.

The evening wind quickly managed to defend the city guards, and everyone sneaked out, not even blocking.

Things have been going very smoothly. It is expected that there will be a burst of hoofs from the city at this time, and a million troops will be able to gallop. The leader is Qi Tianxiong and Qi Wanru.

Lu Yiqian secretly complained, how come you encounter these two disaster stars at this time.

The two of them have seen each other, and they will definitely see the point, and this time they will be more attractive.

The defending city officer saw him as the great prince, and he dared to stop it and immediately released it.

At that moment, Qi Tianxiong was full of confidence and stood tall. He would have rushed out of the city, but suddenly stopped in front of Lu Yiqian and the demon red. Lu Yiqian screamed awkwardly, leaning against the demon red, and at the same time doing a good job of killing and killing. ready. Killing people and killing them.

The nephrite-like body is pressed against the demon red, and the demon red is so indifferent, and can't help but redden his face, and suddenly the whole person exudes a very tempting atmosphere.

Qi Tianxiong’s gaze was glued to the demon red body, and he saw the demon red and looked at Lu Yiqian. The two beautiful women had their own merits.

Such a beautiful person is really irritating, and he laughs handsomely and handsomely: "The two ladies, are you willing to walk with me?"

Wei Mo is very upset, what is this man doing, seduce his woman? Do you dare to look at his woman with his fishy eyes? I was about to open my mouth, but my foot was stepped on by Lu Yiqian.

Lu Yiqian's meaning is obvious: you give me honesty!

Wei ink is rushing, and finally there is still no sound, oh, others can not listen, if you want to listen to your own woman!

"Big Brother, can I take my team member to leave?" Qi Qifeng calmly took the call.

Qi Tianxiong’s eyes finally turned to the younger brother: “The two are your members? Oh, you are the silver blue leader? I just looked down on you.”

Qi Qifeng is not in a hurry, calm and generous: "Big brother praised, can I go now?"

Qi Tianxiong nodded, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the demon red: "We are a family, yours is mine." After that, he will leave the horse, he has more important things to do now, hunting can be a little slower .

Qi Qifeng took the other members to take another road.

“Hey!” Wei Mo is very dissatisfied: “Woman, you are challenging my patience.”

Lu Yiqian caught Wei Mo’s hand and apologized: “Don’t be angry, is it painful?”

Wei Mo’s heart is happy, but it’s still cold on the surface: “Hey, if you know how to care for me, forgive you this time.”

The people walked happily and quickly came out of Qi.

To be honest, there is no reason why the Silver and Blue Legion can be among the third largest legion. First of all, Qi Qifeng has great leadership skills, is sensible in reasoning, and has strong judgment. Secondly, the members are particularly united and highly cohesive.

Qi Qifeng brought a total of 30 members to the team. In addition, there were a total of 36 members of the Luyi and Qianzhou team. Among them, men accounted for the majority. Although they were addicted to the beauty of the demon, they did not make excessive behavior.

The group of people quickly whip up, lightly loaded on the road, and soon arrived at the Song State border town.

This small town is only a hundred miles away from the sea of ​​emptiness.

"Send a thousand miles, you must have a different, the next route, please take care." The evening wind is sincere.

"Thank you, you need me somewhere in the future. Despite the words, I will do my best." Lu said with a smile.

The two played against each other and smiled.

She can't be his lover. In the past few days, the late wind has already deeply understood this point. Then, as a friend, even if it is not a lover, as long as she appears in her life track, this person is enough.

He was sent to Lu Yiqian with death, sorrow, Wei Mo, and demon red to leave the crowd and walk toward the unknown future.

What kind of miracle is the story of how to greet her?

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