His voice just fell, and the atmosphere of the audience suddenly warmed up.

Auctioning Eudemons is more exciting than auction equipment. Compared to equipment, a good, high-quality Eudemons can play an important role in combat, and once contracted, they will never betray, which is equal to life. . If you are lucky, the contract will be a spiritual Eudemons, and you will be able to turn things around in battle.

"The first ball beast, four stars, after being stimulated, can spray the whole body stinger, starting at 500,000 gold coins, 100,000 gold coins from the price increase."

The illusionary beast in the cage, the size of the hedgehog, is now slouching and curling up.

"Good pity." Xiao Junzun whispered.

"Humans are so cold and bloodless, it used to be like this, and it is still like this!" Raptor said coldly.

The three tails of the fire fox stretched straight and the small claws were pinched: "Hey, you don't want to play a big piece, the master is not such a person!"

Other Eudemons are also cold-eyed to the Raptors, that is, the owners treat them very well!

The Raptors were a bit stunned: "Impressed, impulsive." At this moment, it didn't realize that he was softening to an illusionist who had less than two hundred stars. In exchange for the past, let alone the concession service is soft. It is normal for a tail to kill each other.

The four-star ball beast was taken by three million gold coins.

The second one, the third Eudemons are five-star Eudemons, six-star Eudemons, which were taken by six million and ten million people respectively. The more high-Eude Eudemons, the less valuable they are.

Lu Yi Qian Yi dry beasts looked at the following Eudemons auction, can not tell what the taste, at this moment, they are fortunate enough to meet their own master, even with, have these life and death partners, how lucky!

I photographed the twentieth Eudemons, and Lu Yan took a look at it. Oh, it’s amazing. It’s only a 20-star Eudemons.

This is a lion lion, a lion, it is unlucky, it was caught after the hard battle, and it was tame with a lot of manpower and material resources. The original king is the king, even if tamed, it also maintains the style of the Lion King.

Twenty-star Eudemons, even the white phoenix black unicorn of the Temple of Light has not grown to such high stars, it is the highest star known (White Phoenix Black Kirin grows high quality, just because of the land Unparalleled and single Feiyang are only 19 years old, so their natal illusion is not high now. Of course, this is only the situation before they became a god.)

People are crazy, the lion with a low price of 10 million, and soon the crazy people have shot 100 million high prices.

Among them, the most robbed is Qi Tianxiong and double as the moon!

Yes, how can you get a temple of light in such an occasion?

"Master, can you take it?" The Flame Lion asked.

The same type of lion, it can appreciate the mood of the lion below.

A lion king, but being treated as a transaction object, anyone to buy and sell, this humiliating mood, it can understand.

Ok, take it, give it to Qin Xingluo, and you should owe him.

Lu Yiqian thought through this idea and immediately made a decision: "200 million."

I heard Lu Yuqian’s bid, and the double smiled like a month.

Qin Xing Luo can identify her identity according to the person who is next to her. He is more capable, and he has experienced it for someone's ability to change.

This woman can often give him an accident.

Life is too boring, some accidents, isn't it a good thing?

"200 million!" he shouted.

Qi Tianxiong is almost faint. His hard task is to photograph this mane lion. For a mage, the role of the Eudemons is too great. The mage was originally physically weak, and this lion can make up for this. In order to photograph this lion, he started preparing for it a year ago, just to hit the mainland today, but today, he even killed two Cheng Jin.

"Three hundred million!" he shouted.

"Three hundred and ten million!" Lu Yiqian apologize to see the iron wood, after all, money is what he earned, and he spends money like water, it is really unwilling to go.

Tiemu smiled modestly and humbly, able to make money for the master, can come in handy, he is willing, no regrets.

"320 million." Double as the moon.

At least let her know her existence!

The purpose of his coming to Qi is not simple, it is confidential, even crazy, but what about it, what is important...

He laughs like a spring breeze bathing in all beings, and it is extremely bright and bright... but no one knows, under his beautiful, calm appearance, what kind of crazy blood is flowing...

The so-called light is used to cover the dirt, isn't it?

Lu Yiqian recognized the sound of a double moon early, but what about it? They were nodding their heads, even though he had saved himself and fought side by side in the forest of death, but don’t forget, the temple of light will not let go. Lu Yiqian, will not let go of my line, her two identities, are hostile to them. Just owe your personal feelings, how can you find opportunities?

People must return, the Eudemons will also fight!

"Two hundred and twenty million one thousand gold coins." Lu Hao shouted.

Unlike other Eudemons, the auctioneer knows the popularity of the 20-star Eudemons, so there is no limit to the fare increase.

Only Lu Yiqian just shouted out, some people snorted, how big the price increase, and she added a gold coin, but also a good intention to open. Could it be that the money of this maiden was finally drained?

"250 million!" Qi Tianxiong hated, he can not offend the temple of light, but the woman who confronted him... He crushed the green table next to him. The **** woman, when he surrendered to her, he must have told her that she was born to die and suffered the most cruel torture.

"250 million by one gold coin." Double as the month shouted, he adopted Lu Haoqian's countermeasures, and sure enough, did not let him down, Lu Yiqian's reaction is really cute.

"250 million zero-two gold coins." Lu Yiqian keeps up with it, but he is helpless, and this bright child is not too particular about it.

The people underneath are speechless. Do these two men dare to be more shameless? People's auctioneers have relaxed the price increase restrictions, and it does not mean that you trample on the rules so unscrupulously.

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