Lu Yiqian was dumb and calmly pointed out: "You have a nosebleed."

She moved to the next, the bath towel slipped a little, the beautiful scenery, more touching.

The nose of the **** of death flows more vigorously.

Lu Yiqian did not know that he was tempted. She was still concerned about the forehead of the **** of death: "You should not be sick?"

The body leaned down and the chest almost caught the face of death.

Poor death, in the world of death, even thought of her body will spray noseless blood countless times, at this time Lu Yi thousand wrapped in a towel, some inexplicable temptation is more inspiring, inciting his nosebleeds.

Remove the nose and blood flow, but also the heart is like a drum, if there are countless currents in the body, the electricity will be a while, especially when the soft skin rubs to the face of death, especially so!

Lu Haoqian put his hand on the forehead of death, well, but she still doesn't know if death is sick.

It is true that her talent in battle is unparalleled. She is a true genius. She observes sharpness, has first-rate perception, and considers the people around her. Sometimes she is charming and charming. But sometimes, she is a bit white.

For example, at this moment, she was thinking about what tactics would be used to fight, and she did not realize that her nose was bleeding, because she was lured by her unscrupulous.

The warm body temperature presses the cold forehead of the **** of death, and the heart of death trembles in the heart of the gods, pulling over Lu Yuqian, and tightly into his arms: "Master...master..."

The embrace of death is broad, dry, and has a strange scent of faint lingering.

"Master, don't leave me." The **** of death put his head on Lu's shoulder and said in a sullen mood.

Lu Hao was stunned, and his hands stretched out to hold the **** of death.

"Master, I am lonely, lonely, this world is only me, this world is only one of me... Master, I don't know what is joy, I don't know what happiness is... Master, don't leave me." Death, the body exudes a heart-rending empty space, right, empty, like the sky and the sky, only one person.

At least, when he met Lu Yiqian, it was such a complete empty and lonely, which made people feel bad.

In the face of Lu Yiqian, the conclusion of the contract is like a tie, with Lu Qianqian, into his heart. Since then, he knows that the world is not the only one. He stops in the clouds at midnight. He will madly recall the bit by bit with Lu Yiqian. He only knows what is joy, and he tastes the taste of loneliness...

Master, don't leave me...

Lu Yiqian caressed the back of the **** of death: "Hey, I won't leave you."

The body of the **** of death was shocked and tightly supported by Lu Yiqian.

Lu Yiqian will never think of how big this wave will be in the heart of death!

For a while, the **** of death opened: "Master, your **** is up a little five five six three one (the following is a hundred digits after the decimal point) centimeter."

He looked serious and told a fact. Of course, you must understand every change in the owner's body and grasp the difference of each point.

Lu Qianqian, hey.

Time passes by, if the day passes.

Lu Hao woke up thousands of times a day, it is already three times.

Blinking, it fell into the eyes of death.

Four eyes meet, death does not go too far, looks like, shy.

"Hey!" But at this time, Lu Yiqian's door was pushed open!

A 14-year-old boy with a flaming fire came in with a sigh of relief and saw Lu Qianqian, his face sinking a few more points.

If Blue is a little cramped, he does not stop the person, fearing that the owner is angry, but that Qin Xing Luo is recognized, it is not good to stop.

Lu Yiqian looked calm and waited for the visitors to speak.

"Damn, how long do you have to lie to me?!" Qin Xingluo has a feeling of injury, like a beast: "Why don't you tell me that you are still alive, why?" He groaned, suppressing the emotional spurt of the year. Out.

At that time, Lu Yuqian was still killed in the death of the gods, and she never thought that the seven would spread her rumors. Besides, she has dragged the ink into the water and does not want to harm Qin Xingluo. Her enemies are beyond her imagination and she must step by step.

"I think, you admit the wrong person." Lu Yi said coldly.

Qin Xingluo looked up in anger and hurt: "You want to lie to me at this time?!"

Straightforward eyes, stubborn persistence, unyielding complaints!

Lu Yiqian sighed slightly: "No, I didn't lie to you, I am not the one you are looking for." The Lu Qiqian he was looking for was a family-innocent, not too risky, not fighting, not unpredictable. Mysterious and powerful enemy, maybe one day, she will die for a moment... And Qin Xingluo, the royal prince of Qin Guowu, is now named Luo Wang, the future is infinitely bright.

Qin Xingluo look at the **** of death, look at Lan Ruo, and then look at Wei Mo, who just entered the door, ask, how do you want him to believe?

"Why can they stay with you, but I can't?" Qin Xing Luo squatted.

It hurts, it hurts this time, maybe it will not hurt anymore. Even if he was exposed, Lu Yiqian was very calm: "They have the right to follow anyone." Wei Mo is different. She can easily recognize her from the crowd. And the **** of death is her contractor, the contractor who is more closely connected with her parents than the blood of her parents...

Qin Xing Luo can not be suppressed, is he different from the people around her? Even if he can die for her, is it different?

"I will not give up!" Qin Xing Luo sighed down this sentence, turned and left.

Will not give up, will not give up, will never give up!

This little episode did not cause much turmoil. After Lu Yiqian and others ate, they drove to the auction house.

This is the third day of the auction, auctioning the Eudemons.

The same as the Eudemons, Junzun, kittens, red brocade, silver, Wangcai are very curious, fast raptors, colorful elk, phoenix birds also come out to join in the fun.

Fortunately, they are still obedient, they all converge, otherwise they do not know what the venue will be like.

"Now, the exciting moment is here!" Still the elite auctioneer, his white gloved hand waved, full of pride: "Eudemons, especially high-quality Eudemons, are rare in the entire magic dance continent. Our auction is based on the principle of auctioning the highest quality products. It takes 50 years to domesticate a group of high-quality Eudemons. Please look forward to it!"

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