Is that ugly woman doing it?

Is she so strong?

No, impossible, never!

So, what is the matter?

Qi Wan is a bit confused.

Qi Tianxiong blinked and said: "Is this not very good?"

To be honest, Qi Wan is afraid of his brother. Although on the surface he seems to have laughed at anyone, but for those who offend himself, he is extremely ruthless, and there are at least dozens of people who are ruined in his hands. She is only a slap in the face, but his brother, but it is really a person without heart. Even the woman who was just happy with him was cruelly killed by him in the next second.

She immediately smiled and said: "How can my brother do this, is there anything good about this?"

Qi Tianxiong stood up and said: "This shows that the woman still has some use value."

Qi Wan was ashamed, but she soon knew what her brother said: "After the brother got her, can you..."

Qi Tianxiong glared at his sister: "Reassured."

Rest assured, he will surely dig out the men one by one to make them people are not ghosts, this world, there is a good man is enough!

It’s already three in the morning when Lu Yuqian and Yu fight.

Out of the battle space, the **** of death is still standing by.

Lu Yiqian was a little surprised, but the night before, but rarely stayed in her room.

"Master, I want to sleep with you." The **** of death said innocently.

In fact, as a **** of death, he didn't have to sleep at all. He just wanted to lie with his master. The idea was so strong that he was very persistent.

Lu Hao’s mouth was pulled, and there was no way. She had no resistance to death.

"Well, but why?" Lu Yiqian is still somewhat curious.

"I want to look at the owner."

In the past year, if it was calculated by time, it should be a very short year in his life, but it was extremely long because of his thoughts.

The two lay down on the bed, face to face.

"I want to see what you look like." Lu Yiqian touched the face of death.

The **** of death did not hesitate and took off the cloak.

For a moment, all the colors of the Buddha are dim, and the Huixiu of the Buddha’s world is gathered here. No, no, he is more stable than the green hills, more beautiful than the streams, more beautiful than the flowers of the sky, maybe the sky is washed. The charm after the rain, or the calmness of the mountains, or the charm of the butterfly, if the night is rampant, or the sun is shining... or the extreme beauty, or the extreme beauty of life, always That is so touching.

Sure enough, because death is too lonely, did it produce such a stunning color?

And she Lu Hao thousand He De He can, see this color three times and five times? ! At this time, even she herself felt that God was treating her with her.

Two people, lying quietly...

The **** of death slightly draped the thick eyelashes, and the light cast a charming silhouette on his face.

He grabbed Lu’s hand, very meticulous, extremely focused... groaning.

Take a look, take a look, look again, and take another look.

He grabbed Lu’s fingers and put them in his mouth to suck.

The hand was uploaded with a hemp, wet feeling, Lu Yiqian thought, death, many times, like a child who did not grow up.

Otherwise, who is sucking fingers like this?

I don't mind too much, my eyelids are getting darker and my head is sleeping.

When the **** of death saw Lu Yan, he slept, and his work on his fingers was almost done, and he raised his body to look at her face.

Looking at it, bowed her head and rubbed her face. Forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, then plug her lips and bite slowly.

Lu Haoqian slept heavily, and she could be exhausted these days. In her sleep, she felt that a puppy was licking her face, laughing, turning around and falling asleep.

The eyes of the **** of death are dark and dull, and there is a slight flash of gold. He suddenly feels a little unbearable and needs to do something to be better.

He clung to the back of Lu Yiqian and put her body on the inside of his body.

Just lying down, my heart fluttered after a while and the two were close together, raging strong currents.

Ah, so holding it, I feel satisfied with the warmth, and the gully that I miss is filled.

From the ignorant death god, so lyrical!

He moved and found the most suitable position, and Lu Hao was in his arms.

At the beginning of the two big hands, I don’t know where to put them. It’s the best for the towering ones.

The powerful current is so much that he has to pick it up, but this time, he endured it and endured the current over and over again, calling him a slap in the face...

The next day, Lu Haoqian got up, but he was rarely refreshed.

After washing, lead everyone to the auction floor, today's equipment auction, there will be a frenzy on the auction floor.

Lu Yiqian does not lack equipment. What she wants now is to send a gift to the **** of death, but the death is so strong, what gift should be given, it is a headache.

When I was thinking about it, I heard someone knocking at the door outside the box: "Miss me, can I come in?"

Listening to the voice, it is Qi Qixiong, the king of Qi.

For the Qiguo prince, everyone does not seem to have much affection.

Death only pays attention to Lu Qianqian. As for the ants in his eyes, he will not spend any energy to pay attention. He left his beautiful nails on his departure, and he occasionally blew his lips with red lips. Jun Zun looked at the top of the box and did not hear anything. Si Kongyun stared at the stage and frowned at the auction item. Temuhe smiled, it was both gratifying and bitter, and then smiled lightly. It was enough to be with the owner. The prince or something, he did not break.

Don't talk about people, that is, the beasts are not buying.

The silver slammed heavily, lying on the chair and snoring, the red brocade eating the fruit, the kitten nesting in the arms of Lu Qianqian, and the tail shaking, shaking and shaking.

At that time, Qi Tianxiong had stood outside the door for nearly fifteen minutes.

Or Wei Mo is the most kind, pulling Lu Qianqian's hand: "A thousand..." He squinted slightly, his long eyelashes covered his eyes, and his skin was white.

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