The **** of death shook the waist of Lu Yiqian: "Why is it thinner here?"

Lu Yiqian once again smoked: "When a woman grows up, her waist will be fine."

Death is stroking the lips of Lu Yiqian: "Why is it so soft and delicious?"

Lu Yiqian is indifferent: "It’s like this is old."

Death touched her eyebrows: "The eyebrows are long, bent, eyes, look good..."

Lu Yiqian: "..."

"Master, I want to sleep with you tonight."

Lu Yiqian: "Hey?"

"Oh." Just at this time, the waiter knocked on the door and temporarily saved Lu Qianqian.

The **** of death was extremely sullen, and the absolutely deadly frozen light locked the waiter who knocked at the door, and told him to tremble inexplicably, cold and sweaty, even the words were interrupted, incoherent: "guest, guest, person, have a place, Respect, honor, and the guests, find, find you." After that, the ghosts also rushed into the sun downstairs, it was terrible, just feeling.

Lu Yiqian sighed a little and walked downstairs.

The **** of death stood up and followed closely behind the owner. If he could see the expression under his cloak, it must be extremely wronged.

Lu Yuqian took his left hand and told him to rejoice again. The idea of ​​peeling off the soul of a waiter was immediately dispelled.

There was a gentleman standing downstairs. There were several six-level mages standing around him. He was in his twenties and had a deep outline. Perhaps it was difficult to see the color from him at first sight, but it would be natural for him to get along with him for a long time. A good heart.

This man Lu Qianqian once saw it. It was the silver-blue adventure squad leader who was met by Qianxi County when she first came to the magic dance world a year ago.

At that time, the evening wind was more noble than that day.

Just don't know, what is he doing here?

The evening breeze holds a delicate box, and there is a silky look on the face, a scornful look, and more of a toughness from the inside out.

"Mr. My dear, hello. I have a request, I hope you can leave Qi." He handed the box: "This is compensation for you."

Lu Yiqian opened the box, with more than 30 four-star and five-star magic cores, worth about five million gold coins.

“Why?” Lu Yiqian said faintly.

The evening wind was a little surprised by the calmness of Lu Yiqian. The contempt for her captive beauty was less: "You offended my sister, she will not let you go, let's leave as soon as possible."

Lu Yan smiled and said: "I don't know, you are actually a king." Still a kind guy, because he is worried that the innocent person will die in his sister's hand, he still doesn't know, he was before he returned to the hotel. I have been assassinated.

The evening brow is slightly wrinkled. Does she know him?

Lu Yiqian said indifferently: "The head of the third largest mercenary group, the Lord of the Wind, is the King of Qi, and it is really an accident."

As soon as the voice fell, the mage around the evening wind surrounded Lu Yu and entered the state of preparation. It can be seen that the evening breeze is very subordinate to the heart, and if there is a situation that is not conducive to His Royal Highness, they are ready to obliterate it.

In fact, the evening wind is indeed more supported by the nationals and ministers.

The evening wind is full of the name of the evening, it is a somewhat legendary prince. When he was born, his mother was framed and he was thrown into the river to fend for himself. Originally, he should have died. Who knows that a five-star land bear who drinks water is picked up and sent to the bear's nest to feed with his own bears. It can be said that he grew up eating bear milk. At the age of seven or eight, he and the bear went hunting, and was caught by a hunter trap, which joined the human society. The small evening wind is raised in the upright and industrious hunters, eating 100 parents to the age of twelve, born and close to the people at the bottom of society. After the king of Qi Qi took him back, he diligently learned all kinds of knowledge and gradually showed light.

However, the evening wind is the thing of the silver and blue heads, and it is absolutely rare to know, and it is all confidants.

How did the maiden who spent a lot of money on the auction floor know the story?

Lu Yan saw them wondering and took out the amethyst brand that the evening wind sent.

As soon as this card came out, the look of the evening wind suddenly changed. It seemed to be an excitement, or something else. His mouth opened a few sheets and finally spit out a word: "You...".

This brand is the girl he gave to the unrestrained girl. When it is fashionable and can't tell what is the reason for what reason, now I want to come, that kind of feeling may be called admiration.

Later, he also inquired about the woman who called Lu Yiqian, a miracle that was repeatedly created.

Later, when I heard about her death, he did not understand what the blunt pain in his heart was. He thought at that time, maybe she would never see her again in this life. But today, when I saw this amethyst brand, his heart followed suit. He really didn't understand where the woman got the brand.

Amethyst brand, royal token, belongs to the pattern drawn on his brand, yes, it is his elephant emblem.

"Sometimes, changing the appearance, but it does not mean changing the mind. Are you saying that?" Lu Yan’s eyes were as bright as stars.

Qi Qifeng thoughtfully, nodded.

"In short, thank you for your kindness. You see that I am already a seven-level law guide. Your sister is looking for me trouble, but it is still a little worse." The difference is much, the distance from the world!

The power of this woman is always convincing, and before she was a year ago, her look seemed more dazzling and more mysterious.

Mysterious, he seems to have no difficulty touching his world anymore...

No, he never entered her world!

Qi Qifeng did not insist on it. He only said: "You are careful." He left with his master.

"The competition is too fierce, and the deity must work hard." Jun Zun did not know where to come out, look at the **** of death and look at the distant evening wind, the little devil said.

Lu Yiqian knocked down the head of Jun Zun and walked into the hotel.

At this moment, in the Qi Palace, Qi Wanru received a secret report, and all the assassins she sent to intercept Lu Yiqian were killed inexplicably.

Qi Wanru immediately trembled, and what she sent was all carefully trained, and it was completely destroyed. What happened?

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