Qi Wan shouted: "Two million!"

Leaving the distance, the higher the price of the lot, the more happy he is. He does not worry that his fancy items are taken by others.

Lu Hao took a look at the departure: "10 million!"

People are even more shocked, it really is a defeated family!

Qi Wanru waited for the price, Qi Tianxiong stopped his sister: "At this price, you can stop playing."

Ten million, that is not a small number, it is the royal family, and it is not possible to take out 10 million casually, let alone they have important tasks.

Qi Wan was not reconciled, but there was no way to stare at Lu’s box in the box, not shouting.

The auctioneer was very excited. The last piece of the auction really did not expect to take the highest price today: "10 million once, 10 million times, 10 million times, deal!" He sent someone to personally send it. The root branches, at this moment, can’t wait for a big hug with Lu Hao.

The departure was very happy. I picked up the branches and quickly kissed Lu Qian. I deliberately said to the bidding microphone: "Xiao Qianer, you are awesome, I am yours tonight!"

When the words came out, the audience was silent, it was a ruin, not only defeated the family, but also ****, for the beautiful man to laugh and throw a thousand dollars! People look at the eyes of Lu Yiqian’s box, which is extremely contemptuous.

Lu Yan’s mouth is awkward, she can be sure, the following people will see her, but she does not mind, how others see her does not matter, she is her, this is the fact that no one can change, so the behavior of departure, She is not angry either.

She is not angry, but she is as mad. She has also seen the departure, a man who is enchanting to danger! She is really reluctant, a handsome but pure man is the ugly woman, forget it, even the man who is charming and charming is her, really can't stand it! I want her to be a princess, and the temperament of a male pet is not as good as one of the others. It is awful!

However, the abominable woman could not be seen for a few days. Today, someone wants her life!

Qi Tianxiong unfolded his body and gracefully held a beautiful woman, and the lower body was rhythm in her body. "Do things clean." My sister's idea, how can he not know what his brother is? As for the woman, if she can survive, then he will consider pursuing it. A rich lady who is a big buck, he is interested in using it.

"Brother, how can you do this kind of thing in front of your sister?" Qi Wan looked at Qi Tianxiong with a strange look.

As soon as she finished, she put a double man's hand behind her.

Qi Tianxiong raised his eyebrows: "My good sister, you are not bad."

At that time, Lu Yi walked out of the auction house and drove the car to the hotel.

The car was halfway, and suddenly the sound of the explosion came, but the car was only slightly bumped.

Lu Yiqian's RV, earthquake-resistant, anti-explosive, anti-fire, anti-water and anti-thunder, can not break the defense.

In the dark, several people sneaked into the eye and saw that they couldn’t make a single blow. Once again, they must make a big move.

At this moment, the sky suddenly dimmed, the clouds swayed, and a burst of black lightning ran down, and the endless end of the air cracked a large slit, and a black figure floated out.

"Hey ants, how dare you attack the master!" Like the sound of Sen Han from the nine secluded hell, he was afraid of the nerves of the sneak attacker.

The person who sneaked Lu Yiqian was not a leisurely figure.

Qi has a long history, and the talents that are borrowed are not comparable to any one country. Therefore, the six people who attacked this are the assassins that the royal family was shocked to carry out the assassination mission. Officials who are disobedient, or enemies who are not good at it, will send them to assassinate.

However, they did not look at the Huang Li who went out today, did not notice the unfavorable travel today, the most fierce!

A few black lightnings were laid down, and a few poor ghosts hadn't figured out what was going on, and they were attacked by lightning and there was no residue left.

Black cloak, black sickle, black hair flying with the wind, black lightning shining around, black space cracks diffuse, black aura highlights the foot!

Death, do you want to be more exaggerated and more gorgeous? !

The powerful pressure filled the whole country, people felt that the cold was suddenly blown up, the back was cold, and the close people even fainted. Lu Hao was promoted twice, and the strength of the **** of death rose several steps. Forgive him for seeing Lu Yiqian excited, and the power showed a hint.

The death converges to leak the power, and the world is once again restored to calm.

Dealing with the things of the dead world, those three-level deaths that are endless are no longer ink, and he is able to return to his master.

Mood, can't wait!

At this time, the hundred and three death gods in the world of death are silently facing each other. Their heads are really not awkward! Dissatisfied with those monsters always tearing open the space to disturb, actually ran to put people in the nest? The gap, the gap is not generally big!

Of course, the **** of death will not care how his subordinates look at him. At this moment, there is a burst of happy current in his body, firmly and persistently, step by step toward Lu Qianqian.

"Master, I am back."

Lu Haoqian felt a sudden, but the surprise brought by the return of death has made her unable to take care of her. She got out of the car. For more than a year, she has tried hard not to think about death. Perhaps she is greedy. The people around her are gone. She always thinks that they will come back. Since it will come back, then there is no need to think more.

"Welcome to your return." Lu Yiqian took the hand of death.

Death looked deeply at Lu Yiqian, letting the current from his hand swallow him, and the cloak covered his face. No one could see his expression. For a year, he missed the disaster and met again. He could not bear it. Lively and seriously asked Lu Yiqian: "Master, do you have experience now?"

Lu Yiqian immediately became gorgeous and petrified!

Death is very persistent: "Master, now you have experience?"

Lu Yiqian's old face was red, he felt the gaze of departure, the eyes of Wei Mo, the curiosity of Si Kongyun, and the direct and strong gaze of death, some embarrassed: "This thing... slightly experience……"

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