There are three entrances to the auction. Each entrance is equipped with ten fifth-level masters and one sixth-level master.

Lu Yiqian walked over and made his own magic crystal card.

At the auction venue, there are no more than one million gold coins in the card. "Please check in when you enter the venue", the auction venue is marked as such.

The receptionist first looked at the card casually, but soon, his careless look turned into surprise, until he was shocked.

Lu Yiqian looked strange and asked Tiemu: "How much money do you have in it?" She never checked the account, she did not know how many gold coins there were.

Tiemu is kind and courteous, and he is not convinced.

Lu Yiqian and his party, the waiter was extremely politely led to the three-story ultra-luxury box, which was enough to overlook the audience.

At this time, the audience was full of people, and it was already packed.

Not much time, the auction began.

The auction was held by an auctioneer who was in his forties. As soon as he came up, he said in an infectious voice: "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the big auction house once in a hundred years, I will be honored to serve you in the next few days. This auction brings together all kinds of strange things. The gods, the management calls for a worthwhile trip." He waved his hand with white gloves: "The nonsense is less, the auction begins."

The first day auction material.

The staff cooperated with a plate on the ground, and there was a green grass lying on it.

"This grass is called dragongrass, it is said to be the strange grass growing next to the dragon's nest. It has a miraculous effect on the treatment of burns. It is the price that our warriors exchanged for life. The price of five thousand gold coins, each time a price increase of one hundred gold coins." A field break will not come up with good things, but the dragon's mustard is also rare.

"That thing, grab a lot in front of my cave." The Raptor is very disdainful.

The red light on the first floor of the field shines, and the gold coins are gradually added to 20,000 and will not be added. There is no competition at the third floor of the second floor. Obviously, they are waiting for good things to show up. The dragon mustard was taken away by a middle-aged woman.

The second to the tenth items are also some of the things that are not very useful for Lu Yiqian. However, Lu Yiqian is sleepy, lying in the arms of Wei, and listless. Things are not so good, but the price has soared all the way. After ten collections, some opal stones, celestial stones and moiré steel have been photographed, and the second floor people have also shot. But these things, Lu Yiqian casually pulled, is a bunch, not to mention the death of the treasure in the big treasures of the stock.

Si Kongyun saw it as a forgemaster. When he met the material, he would of course be fanatical, but he knew very clearly that these things Lu Yuqian had given him a big pile, and his brain was so funny. Money to shoot.

Is it not today?

"The following material, it is difficult to say its value, this will be the best day to auction, the organizer temporarily decided to give you a surprise." The auctioneer secretly took a branch.

This branch is brown, and there is nothing strange about it.

But when I left the branch to see the branch, the enchanting face was changed. Obviously, this branch had an extraordinary appeal to him.

A king of gods, there are countless treasures accumulated over a hundred thousand years, and what else has caught his eye?

But seeing his demon whistling around Lu Yiqian, holding her hand: "Can you take it for me, Xiaoqian." The word "Xiaoqian" was entangled by him. Mian Mian, led to Lu Yi Qian shook a goose bump.

Hey, he does have a lot of treasures on his departure, but he just has no money, no way. In order to see things, he must be prepared to make a living.

"Let's take pictures of it, tonight, what do you want me to do, I will let you do anything." A pair of water shovel looked at Lu Yuqian and looked straight at her.

Xiao Jun respected the departure of the owner and tempted his own master. He was not happy, but he couldn’t beat him. He had to squat and desperately scream, at least a certain man’s consciousness.

However, a man is unconscious, his eyes are seduce fascinatingly, and he leans down, and he will kiss him when he is not good.

Lu Yiqian helpless: "I will help you shoot, isn't it?"

Oh, her weakness, facing the people around her, she really can't go down.

Is the departure, has it been classified as a person around you? Lu Yiqian looked at the blushing face of Wei Mo, Xu is because he is so classified, Wei Mo's relatives, but also her relatives.

The departure was answered, and the enchanting can no longer be hidden and scattered. He smiled and bent his eyebrows like a promised child.

In fact, the strange branch, no one knows what it does, the knife cuts constantly, the fire can't burn, so there are very few people bidding. Let the auctioneer blow it up, say how many people lost, how much blood has flowed, and the rise and fall of the family that accompanied the tree, but people are very good, just don’t buy it, its price, in ten Thousands of gold coins.

The auctioneer is very depressed now, he does not want to take the last lot of the auction today.

"105,000 gold coins once, 105,000 gold coins twice, and no one bidding?" The auctioneer was disappointed, no one bidding at all.

"Fifty thousand!" Lu Yiqian shouted.

The auctioneer immediately cast the desired look in the direction of Lu Yiqian.

"200,000!" Lu Yuqian’s voice just fell, and a female voice came from another box on the third floor.

Lu Hao Qianhao does not back off: "250,000!"

The woman followed: "300,000!"

The auctioneer is excited, auctions and auctions, and it’s called auctions when they encounter this kind of mutual bidding!

That woman, it is Qi Wanru, her purpose is obvious, that is to challenge, she should look at, a civilian, what qualifications to grab her!

Lu Haoqian certainly knows who the owner of the sound is, and knows her purpose, and does not bend around: "One million!"

When she shouted, someone was surprised at the bottom. It was not that the price was high, but that she was surprised at the fact that something that was not of special value was photographed at a high price. It was like seeing people spend 10,000 yuan. Just buy a buns, you must know that the buns are delicious, and you can't afford the money. People have a word in their minds.

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