"Muscle!" Silver hair and ink said uncomfortable. Hey, if he can't beat him, he will definitely kiss a little fool and kiss him, oh!

"Ink, are you jealous?" asked the demon stalker.

"Hey, dead old man, don't talk, be careful, I cut your tongue!" The violent Wei ink stinked and said.

"Sure enough, it is jealous."

"I killed you!" Wei Mo was angry!

The four people made a fuss and went inside the city.

The more you go, the hotter it is. Obviously going to the heights, why is it getting hotter? The wind is bursting, but the hot air is blowing.

Drinking a fresh water, Lu Yuqian poured ice water on his face, only to feel comfortable, although she is not afraid of the general hot and cold, such as sixty degrees to minus sixty degrees, but now the temperature can reach two Baidu, is the water are burning Is it blooming?

Lu Yiqian can absorb the elements of fire, but this is hot... The elements are too scattered, only resistant.

White is as usual, I believe that up to a thousand degrees of heat, he is as usual.

Lu Yiqian saw him cool, his body close to him, yes, he is warm in winter and cool in the air!

There is nothing to say about leaving the country.

Wei Mo grabbed the water bladder of Lu Yiqian, frozen the boiling water and drank a few mouthfuls.

Hot, really hot! Like being in a stove!

"I have heard a story. A monkey was burned by the forging furnace of Taishang Laojun for nine hundred and eighty-one days. It is estimated that it was this feeling at the time." Lu Yiqian said that Sun Wukong was thrown into the alchemy furnace in Journey to the West. Allusions, self-deprecating.

"Master, is the monkey a powerful Warcraft?" The flame lion asked, it wants to compare with Sun Wukong, who is more resistant. Anyway, it is not afraid!

“Why did it enter the forging furnace?” The kitten stared at the big eyes: “Is it wrong?”

Lu Yiqian was helpless, and there was nothing left to do. He told the Eudemons about "Journey to the West". She talked about Sun Wukong's unyielding arrogance and talked about his courage to resist the heavens. She spoke of his wisdom and wisdom.

Both the Eudemons in the space and the Eudemons outside are fascinated, and they are fascinated by the fascination. Especially when it comes to the screaming of the Heavenly Palace, the Eudemons are so excited that they immediately have the goal: to Sun Wukong. Learn!

It is said that the Emperor of Heaven only gave a horse officer to Sun Wukong. The little guys hated it.

Not only the Eudemons, but the departure of the defender, they also heard. White has been in that world, classical classics, he has read it all over, but at this time listening to Lu Yiqian with a soft voice, he is also soft, and also fascinated.

What a warm moment, but was interrupted by a sudden noise: "Drive the invaders and drive the invaders!"

The alarm is loud and can be heard in every corner.

"When you shoot an X, it’s not too late to ring at this time!" Silver yelled, it sounded interesting.

The illusionary beasts are as thoughtful as they are, and they are awful!

The searchlight illuminates only four people, making them nowhere to hide.

A burst of hot air blew, I don't know where to get out of the shadows, giving off the scorching heat. They rotate at high speed, making a squeaking sound, and they are surrounded by four people.

"Rescue the invaders and drive away the invaders." The electronic synthesis is just like this.

The king on the throne above the clouds laughed: "The squad is violent, how will you cope, I will wait and see!"

"Rescue the invaders and drive the invaders!" The sound of synthesis continued to come, and because they were running too fast, it seemed that the sound was a little bit floating.

Drive away... that is killing!

Lu Hao smashed a stone and smashed it. When he hit the shadow, he was shattered.

At this time, there are already hundreds of shadows surrounding the four people!

This thing obviously should be a part of the city, but it is the same as the gear monster, it also has a star rating, and the star rating is not low! An average of two hundred and sixty stars!

"Oh, a little bit interesting." White whispered a long tone, talking to himself, a bit of bad taste, **** charming.

The high-speed rotation of the storm screamed up.

Fast moving, the air becomes hotter and hotter in friction, getting hotter and hotter, and they also produce a hurricane in the movement. Although the hurricane moves with them, it affects the speed of movement of the close people. Degree, very tricky!

It’s definitely useless to use fire spells. Lu Yiqian and Wei Mo have a look at each other. Wei Mo makes the water dragon, Lu Yi thousand attaches ice effect, and an ice dragon comes out, and one of the storm monsters bites!

The storm whispered a little bit, and the sound of snoring sounded again, crushing the ice, and other storm monsters had surrounded the four.

The strange thing is that no matter whether it is a gear monster or a storm monster, it does not attack against white. They seem to only look for Lu Yiqian, Wei Mo, and departure. They move quickly one by one, rotate at high speed, stick stone and gravel, and they are invincible!

The hurricane affects the speed, the masters play, a little negligence can be fatal, not to mention the wind is comparable to the 12th level!

Gale, high temperature, really not suitable for combat!

These two points have great benefits for storm monsters, but instead make them more flexible and agile.

Lu Yuqian took out two magical weapons from the bracelet, and one of them, throwing it to Wei Mo, she could not bear the horrible monster of her own animal. The beasts are not stupid, they can understand the master's intentions. For a time, some emotions called moving and happiness spread among the beasts. It’s good to meet the host! Elsewhere, although the Eudemons are precious, although some can also get the owner's concern, but many times the Eudemons are treated as weapons, and their existence value is only equal to weapons. This is the sorrow of the Eudemons, and one of the reasons why Warcraft is not willing to obey humans. But Lu Qianqian, but treated them like a partner, this warm, never-ending relationship is the most important reason why the beast is willing to sell her life. Contracts can regulate their behavior, but they cannot be told to pay for it. Only when they are treated like partners can they get their hearts. Who doesn't want to be valued? Who doesn't want to be loved?

These two magic weapons are not ordinary goods, the level of magic, with more than ten attack attributes, the best!

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