Then, the gears are combined quickly, big or small, to form a red-eyed gear monster. What is even more ridiculous is that there are stars and more than two hundred stars! They fall down one by one, big or small, fiercely staring at a few thousand people, but there are so many!

The construction principle of this thing is a bit like Wang Cai, but they belong to simple metal life, and listen to the command.

Lu Yiqian mourned in a heart, hell! This thing is not afraid of not being afraid of being embarrassed, more difficult than Warcraft.

"Kill the invaders and kill the invaders!" The gear team's idea of ​​synthesizing sounds only conveys a message, the invaders, killing innocents!

Who is the aggressor, of course, is a thousand people who are undoubtedly!

Lu Yi thought that they would find out what kind of laser gun cannon to shoot them, but those gear monsters did not do this, they only projected the gears of the sky, small as a plate, big can cover a football field, they frantically chase !

Lu Yiqian and Bai looked at each other. Lu Yiqian’s meaning is that I want to fight or want me to run? White means, little fools, you can't beat them, I don't want to shoot, of course run! Don't say anything, run, don't run at this time, when will you wait?

Recovering a few beasts, Lu Yiqian turned into a boots with a raptor, and ran fast.

The departure and Weimo reacted and ran.

Four people ran in front, tens of thousands of gears blame behind, and the gears hovering in the sky flew down to the ground, the scene, it is quite ecstasy!

Departing from this person, the enchanting enchanting, while running, also used his gorgeous costume to lure the gear, tempted it, and pushed it to Lu Qianqian.

White does not have to worry, but he, even running is also a domineering look, the state of the gear, no one dare to approach him, it seems that they also know that persimmons should be soft!

Departing into the gods, the strength is soaring, can avoid the flywheels.

Lu Haoqian has the Raptor's acceleration boots, naturally running fast, and the flash is also flexible, but can't resist leaving the country and smashing the eggs, the vast majority of the wheels are cut towards her.

Lu Hao thousand speed jumps, the connection between the movements is round, almost no movement is superfluous, the more you hide, the more refined the movement, the faster!

Four people shuttled through the city and jumped more than ten meters.

Every roll, Dangdang local dozens of flywheels, cut into the stone in the city.

Every jump, also dropped dozens of flywheels.

At the corner of the city, on the threshold, on the gate, on the wall, the four feet come and go like electricity, as fast as a blast, a sticky walk.

Tens of thousands of gears are in the shadows, and the flywheels are thrown out one by one. Wherever they go, the thunder is heard.

Hiding to the extreme, Lu Hao’s heart suddenly has a fascination, and he recalls those areas that left her to see her, and her brain is turning fast.

Several people ran around, and the city behind them also turned, and soon blocked the four-person road.

Thousands of gears rotate and spray directly.

Lu Yiqian was chased, suddenly laughing and laughing, his heart was happy, such a scene, there was no such thing as a funny thing, even forced to desperate, there is no ridiculous place, Lu Yiqian has a clear mind, flashing confidence in the voice.

She is like a phantom in the gears, she seems to be able to understand the angle of each gear down, can know their speed trajectory, the sky gear, even one did not hit her.

She smiled and raised her hand with a five-meter radius of light around her.

Flame lion sword, Lu Yiqian rebelled toward the gear blame!

Departure from the United States: "Leading the field?"

The war is riddled with strength, and the strength is soaring. Under the protection of the light ball, Lu Yiqian rushes into the gear group, and in the sea of ​​gears, he moves the swordsman! From a distance, in the dense gears, there are a bunch of gears from time to time, and the scene is very spectacular.

The gears have been bounced off by the light ball, and the Lu Yi Qian Jian is like a rainbow!

A qi, the more the more the war, the more isolated, the injury, the field of Lu Yiqian: the field of war!

"I really took you." The departure once again smiled charmingly.

The use of the field at the sixth level is the era, you are also a one! Speaking out, it will definitely scare people, haha!

The white mouth is slightly upturned, the little fool, you are getting more and more cute.

Yinfa Weimo looked at the laughter of these two men. The more they looked, the more uncomfortable they were, the more they started the red lotus, the red dragon fit, and it was on. Although he can't compare with Lu Yi's one-hundred-and-a-half sword, he is a stranger. Although it is difficult, he must persist. The sword that Bai gave him, seems to have some, well, very useful!

His strength is improving day by day.

Lu Yiqian has become more and more smooth, and the more he plays, the more effective it is. Maintaining the field requires magic power, but isn't she the one who doesn't need to worry about magic power?

"The wind stops the rain!" Lu Yiqian inserted the sword with the sword, the light blue aperture is like the waves, a layer of layers, tens of thousands of gears are pushed down, their red eyes are also dimmed, the offensive signal is interrupted.

The heavenly gears also fell one by one.

The fifth style of shocking the world, Lu Yiqian successfully comprehend!

Lu Yiqian was a black-haired man. She stood up and smiled confidently at the three people and made a gesture of victory.

The gears that fell to the ground shook and combined again.

Lu Yiqian jumped five meters: "No, come?"

That being said, she is in a state of preparation for the attack and is dealing with the attack that will be reached.

Those gears were combined in one place, but they did not manage the four people, broke the ground and drilled in.

"Through the customs?" Lu Yiqian said to himself. These gears probably won’t attack them anymore.

This group of gear monsters, is the primary guardian of the city, the transmission system in the city. Even a mechanical component is consciously star-rated. I don't know if there are any strange monsters waiting for them.

Also, they can't even see a World of Warcraft.

White fishing over Lu Qian, eager to kiss a kiss, her growth is faster than he imagined. Her hard work has captured his heart. Hey, a gentle and pure woman is a good heart, but a woman who struggles and wins can take away his heart.

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