The aroma of cooking immediately attracts a large number of illusionists who have never been far away.

The Raptor is twisting and squeezing, but the slobber is turbulent, but it still tries to slap the dragon face and disdain, while secretly watching Lu Haoqian's barbecue, small stir-fry! God, they eat raw food on weekdays, and have seen such delicious food.

The phoenix bird squatted on her own cute and beautiful, and squeezed into Lu Yiqian's side. The round eyes kept staring at Lu Qianqian's dishes. He saw that Lu Hao had not been able to go and gave it a small piece. The phoenix bird smashed very quickly, and it was a happy face.

The water eagle and the flame lion rushed to ask: "Is it delicious?"

The phoenix bird did not answer, and rushed to Lu Yiqian, the small head rubbed her face, the meaning is very obvious.

The beasts understand, and they are definitely very delicious. Otherwise, how can the phoenix birds, which are always more proud than the top, put down their bodies and dress them cute?

The flame lion is not compliant, cute, who won't!

Reduce the body, become a furry little lion-like, and go to Lu Haoqian, and eat.

Lu Yiqian lost a piece of barbecue to it.

Good guy, I saw it cherished and cherished into the arms, and looked around with vigilance, seeing no beast threatened it, it was satisfied to smell, squat, slowly eaten in the belly .

The water eagle and the king flower have become good and beautiful, and they have returned to the food.

But food, such things, has always been more and more addictive.

So, a funny scene appeared.

The beastmasters of the Forest of Death changed their appearance, squinting one by one, dressing cute, innocent, and pure. Those who have suffered from them are very skeptical. Those who are cute and explosive are the beasts of the forests and **** colds. !

The lunch was very lively, Lu Qianqian and others, Lu Xiaoqian's little fox, silver, and the beastmasters in the forest were very satisfied, except for the awkward Raptor and the grotesque cats still struggling.

The red flame lion squinted at the Raptor, deliberately put the barbecue in front of it, bursting with a strong fragrance, tempting the Raptor, this is a punishment, absolutely. Poor raptor, seeing delicious but can't talk, that grievance, that oh, that trouble! The Raptor's blue face is very tangled, the saliva is smashed, and the mouth can't eat the small appearance of the mouth. It is really pitiful to die.

Lu Hao was so upset that he picked up a piece of barbecue and threw it at it.

The raptor's eyes are shining, flying over and picking up the flesh. I think that my huge body shape will swallow it when I eat it. It changes with the flies and changes into a little cute blue-backed black-bellied dragon. Small shredded wings, very cute!

The World of Warcraft eyelids jumped straight, the Raptors are the most popular temper in the beasts of the beasts, the strongest beast king, the innocent strong in the death of the forest, one hundred and sixty stars, hard pressure other beast king. Who is going to say that it is cute, it must step on the neck of the beast! But now, it is only sixty centimeters tall, so cute!

White look at the sky, the sun is shining, he gently said to Lu Yiqian: "Little fools, first contract them." Bai said it is extremely easy, just like, baby, come for a cup of tea. When he finished the business as early as possible, he and the little idiots were warm and warm.

Lu Yiqian thought of one place, and immediately smiled, and said to the beasts: "Now, who is willing to contract with me, willing to stand to my right!"

The beasts did not hesitate, and stood up to the right, and the temptation to advance was unstoppable.

The phoenix bird and the water eagle stood on the shoulders of Lu Hao early, indicating their attitude early in the morning!

In addition to the promotion temptation, Lu Yiqian has an amazing performance and has already convinced the beasts.

The king flower shook the corolla and stood up. The red flame lion proudly took its chubby leg and walked over.

The Raptor rushed up, and it was hard to hit the Red Flame Lion aside and stand up one step ahead. The joy of the lead spurred it to pat the small shredded wings, laughing at the backwardness of the Red Lion. Red Flame Lion looked at it with hatred and knew that it was taking revenge.

"Do you surrender to me?" Lu Yiqian asked the strange cat!

The blame cat is entangled in anger, listen to Lu Yiqian asked, and immediately replied: "Do not surrender, do not surrender, you are a despicable villain!"

Lu Haoqian spread his hands, the opportunity gave it, it does not cherish, no way!

It looked at the millions of eager eyes, took a deep breath, and started!

First contract several beastmasters, then divergence consciousness, a huge contract pattern is displayed at the foot of the beasts, purple light, extremely complicated patterns, gorgeous visual effects, as long as the Warcraft surrender, the contract will disperse a small contract aperture A pair, a point-to-point contract.

Warcraft of Death's Forest, concentrated here, at least 30 stars or more, can be different from the original 500,500 stars of Warcraft, their power is greater, the blood is more pure, the contract is open, the scene is more gorgeous!

Originally, millions of Warcraft gathered together, is a very spectacular scene, different forms of Warcraft, different races, just visually, it shows exciting effects!

Think about it, dozens of kilometers of Warcraft, dense and dense, next to the mountains, the sky is full of white clouds, wrapped in all the Warcraft's contract lines, purple, flashing mysterious brilliance!

This is a miracle!

This miracle is called the beasts excited!

The contract was concluded and the promotion began. Anything in the sky, the glory of the sky, can not stop the glory of the promotion!

Thirty stars are extremely below, even Jin and Samsung are around 30 to 70, and even Jinxing is about five stars. Seventy to one hundred stars are even about ten stars. The hundred stars of World of Warcraft are twenty stars and one hundred and sixty. The star's rising twenty-six stars, the source of the elves and old trees also have large energy fluctuations. The most exaggerated is the source of white and death. In order to avoid scaring the Eudemons, Bai Jizhi suppressed his promotion aperture and his own breath, but the blood red promotion circle that stretched for several kilometers was still called the beasts.

After the Eudemons were promoted, Lu Yiqian also began to advance, the power of contract, the millions of Eudemons, the Beastmasters, and the feedback of White and Death, which made Lu Yuqian’s magical powers connect with the violent power, making Lu Qianqian like in the ocean. In the middle of the bumps, surrounded by turbulent sea water, the meridians spread, the cells seem to be unable to withstand the power of the gallop. White hugged her, the silver-red lips covered, and an unusually rich breath poured in, helping her to straighten out the amount of violent violence. His breath blends with her breath, you come and go, after a few times, the power of feedback is filled with one hundred, and the momentum is still continually sprinting, filling one hundred magical powers again, Lu Yiqianjin two levels, Now she is a sixth-level mages.

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