The blame cat is angry.

Under the claws, the green light bursts, and the traps are declared dead.

Wei Mo Taohua glanced: "I have suffered so many injuries, I exchanged this result?"

The hot Wei Mo, it really has a character!

The blame cat also despised: "Is there a small skill in the area, can you resist me?"

Lu Yiqian laughed even more devilish. Is it a small skill to sculpt, but have to look at it again?

The blame cat takes an elegant step.

"Knock!" Another trap holder grips its right foot. The clips are also smooth and full of modernity.

The cat is angry, with claws and knees, hundreds of seconds, and the traps are scrapped.

"Kang", "Kang" and "Kang" have three sounds in succession. Three traps hold three paws, plus a tiger pliers to clip the cat's tail!

The cat was furious, his body was glowing, and he immediately broke several animal clips, his tail slammed, and the tiger pliers were also crushed.

But in the next moment, more traps flew around, clutching the cat's tail, cat catcher, cat hair, and cat ears.

Cats are angry!

"Are you still finished?!" The grotesque cat screamed at Lu.

At this time, Lu Hao was sitting in the tree steadily, very honest, and wiping his wand with great sorrow and saying: "What is urgent, the good play has just begun." Saying to the staff to sigh, continue to wipe and continue to wipe .

Silver-red-eyed Wei Mo's hands clasped his chest, staring at Lu Yuqian, saying: "Woman, I love you this bad tone!"

White flashed to the side of Lu Yiqian, circled the little fool into his arms, and kissed passionately. Hey, don't think that he is not jealous, the little fool's heart, only he is in the main position, others, stand by!

Wei Mo sees Lu Yiqian being held in his arms and kissing in his arms. His eyes are on fire. He points to the white saying: "I want to fight with you!"

Lu Hao is almost rushing, Wei Mo wants to fight against Bai? This is definitely the best joke of this century. However, watching him look firm, Lu Yiqian did not mean to hit him.

The white narrow eyes are very good, very good. He bounced his fingers and the two disappeared.

Departing from the place where they disappeared, they smiled and smiled and said: "It seems that I have to squeeze in and have to spend some energy." Pro-on the land, one thousand: "Do you say it?"

Lu Yiqian did not know what he was saying, but there was a bad feeling in his heart.

In a few minutes, Bai came back with Wei Mo. I didn't know what special means he had made. He even let the arrogant Wei ink converge a lot. At least he was looking at it, his eyes were more complicated. As long as you look at the white and the land, you kiss me, and he runs to the side and learns some special spells.

Lu Yiqian curious: "What did you do to him?"

Bai Wudao said: "I only taught him a little knowledge." Hotly palms touched Lu Yanqian's waist, the hand feels very good, the feeling of the little fool in the arms is better, white is addictive.

The embrace of white is always so reassuring.

Lu Yiqian has a harmonious atmosphere here, and the blame is another scene.

The more it moves, the more traps it surrounds it. If the ants are too much, they will still be annoyed, and the traps that are constantly appearing are more annoying. It’s just a trap for catching the beast. Now there’s a cylinder-like thing that aligns with it and fires it in one shot. Although this thing is not as good as acupuncture on it, it is always annoying to stab it, it is annoying!

The blame cat mobilized the power of the second tail to break free of the annoying clips, destroying the cylinder, flapping the wings and flying into the air, ready to hit the ground in the air.

Lu Yan said with a smile: "Do you think flying to the sky is a good thing?"

The grotesque cat was shocked and suddenly found thousands of dark holes on the ground aimed at it. I didn’t know where the cage was falling from the cage. The laser shot in the cage shot and shot it three wings. A hole, it was forced to fall. And thousands of cannons are also launched!

It took a few days to use the soul fire to make clips, rockets, cages and the like in large quantities, and to attract it at the expense of injury, not to abuse it, how to be worthy of yourself. These kilometers of cubic, but there are traps everywhere, a ring and a ring, the ring is deep, the more struggling, the less fruit to eat!

"You are shameless!" The cat gnashed his teeth.

Lu Yiqian said modestly: "Fortunately, it is normal."


The cat used the power of the third tail.

Its body is slightly deeper in green, and it is covered with green light. The extremely rich magical element is beating around it. It spit out a light ball and stalked it. It is going to smash the bad guys of Lu Qianqian!

Lu Yiqian shook his finger: "It's useless."

Eudemons will make a move, of course she thought that this is energy, the trap is responsible for attacking the enemy, but also responsible for collecting energy, and count it!

When the cat made a strong blow to Lu Yiqian, a box of items appeared in the air, catching the ball of light, and refining! The cat is shaking, she bullies the cat, she bullies the cat!

The cat used the power of the fourth tail.

The whole body condenses the light **** of large and small, and there are thousands of them. Can she block one, can it block thousands?

"Kitten, to believe in science, the power of science is huge." Sometimes, fighting does not have to rely on brute force, such as now.

The legacy of the **** of forging, combined with the world's technological edification and the creation of a fire that can be created infinitely, is amazing! When a robot catches a light ball and puts it into your chest, and when the bat is attacked as a raw material, it blames the cat!

The king who watched the battle in the forest and his men also stayed.

The white, extremely narrow eyes gave birth to a radiant glow and gave a kiss to their little idiot.

Lu Yiqian still has dissatisfaction: "The robot movement is a bit stiff. Looking at the robot, it is a sin to catch the light ball slower and waste energy."

Very good, Lu Yiqian, she will be metamorphosis, and go a little further.

The blame cat is inexplicably angry now, but it has no way, the trap makes it exhausted, and whenever it wants to step out of the trap circle, a certain blow comes along, calling it deeper and deeper.

And the abominable woman, the demon, now actually spreads a thick mat, takes out a bunch of strange things, and actually started to have lunch, the bad guy, don't you know that the cat's nose is very spiritual? Also deliberately made the dishes so fragrant!

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