The beasts and beasts gathered around Lu Yiqian and they couldn’t see it. Everyone stayed in the aperture released by the white man, and the group of Warcraft could not see them.

Fight for the heat!

The Raptor is very angry now, thinking of its noble dragon, born with a strong ability, in the death of the surrounding, is also the master of the famous party. This magic stone jet is of great importance. As long as it grabs the best position and gets a lot of magic stones, it can be promoted to one star and reach one hundred and fifty-two stars. You can go to the forest to serve around the adult. Now! It brought more than 100,000 warriors to fight for this honor. But now, not to mention those hateful birds to add to it, even the flame lion and the multicolored elk are on it, their minds can no longer understand, and join hands to get rid of this strongest and most competitive and then **** each other.

Hey, will it give them this opportunity?

The raptors screamed and prepared for the trick!

The beasts of the hands are all together, shaking the forest. They quickly gathered together, headed by the Raptor, listening to their orders, and brewing tricks.

Flame lions, phoenix birds, etc. are not good, hard to resist, surely the death and injury are heavy, lose the opportunity to compete, dodge, and even more, once the position is given, other Warcraft will definitely squeeze to occupy the current favorable position, do everything Efforts will be lost.

The mountain body is shaking violently, and the magic stone is sprayed one after another, which is more violent than any other year!

The mountain is shaken, and the booming sound also spurs the Warcraft to rob more.

The Raptor is 20 meters long and nine meters high. The back is blue and black. The trick is Long Yanbo. This is a large-scale strike skill. With other animal blessings, this power is even more remarkable.

The news of the Raptors this move out, the other Warcraft followed, the light and shadow mottled, the Warcraft encountered is not dead or hurt. Phoenix birds, water eagle, flame lions, multicolored elks withstand the dead, turn to attack for defense, two phases to contend! The plant system Warcraft led by Dawanghua has made the fascinating life-saving stunts and confused the sight.

The rumor is completely desperate, but does not want to catch up!

In the end, the beasts were heavy, and the Raptor’s tricks were quickly suppressed, and the casualties were heavy, but the other side was also uncomfortable, and countless serious injuries were minor. In this way, the strength of the five parties is basically average. In the next few hours, whoever is acting strong will be subject to joint pressure from other parties to go back and forth several times, and the battle will be deadlocked.

At that time, the disabled and disabled of Warcraft, in addition to the leader of the Warcraft and its backbone, are basically hanging.

The fierce battle also caused the heads of the heads to be badly hurt.

The timing is good, not to be missed!

Lu Yiqian took out the thorn flower pattern, and seventy-seven green light groups danced with her. Jumping out of the aperture, the pressure of seventy-seven hundred star beasts came out.

In the white eyes, he asked where the beastmasters came from. The little fool told him about the underground palace in Qin. Death...?

Seventy-seven Beastmasters are under pressure, so that the death of the people of Warcraft is vigilant. This force is too sudden. Although the star rating is slightly lower, it is important in quantity, especially if they are full of energy and tired, they will naturally get easy. many!

Against this strange force, the Raptors decided to cooperate against the enemy.

Lu Hao is like a goddess, floating in the air, fingers and beasts, extremely arrogant: "Do you choose to surrender to me or choose to die?"

The Warcraft faces each other, they have seen them in madness, and they are so ugly that they are unheard of. After the surprise, Warcraft also disdain, a small human, dare to call the residents of the free and proud death of the surrender?

The beasts sneered.

"I don't accept it, that's good." Lu Yiqian pointed to the front and said, "Go!"

Seventy-seven light groups fell to the ground and turned into a beastmaster, like a hill!

The two-headed black tiger looked at the opponents of millions of people across the street and was excited: "It seems that there is a good fight!"

Black Dragon is also excited: "I am enough to practice my skills!"

To see other Beastmasters, it is also an impulse, and the molars are eager to try. This group of more than 100,000-year-old Warcraft is very hot!

Warcraft has a hundred stars, can speak.

The raptors of the Deathly King of the Beasts screamed: "Where did you come from?" It was suffocating today, and the tone was naturally poor.

Black Dragon head went up: "Do not worry about my grandfather came from, Grandpa just wanted to hit you."

The two-headed black tiger is on the flame lion!

Other World of Warcraft have been on the phoenix bird, water eagle, king flower and other high-star Warcraft, do not care less bully, as long as the effect is achieved!

Lu Yiqian has a colorful elk!

Seventy-seven Beastmasters bless each other, and Lu Yiqian has at least seventy-seven auras, including themselves, the same. The higher the star rating, the stronger the blessing, and the blessing of the blessing is magnificent.

Can bless the blessing, this is also the great advantage of the seventy-seven Beastmaster!

The death of the death of the World of Warcraft mutual defense, of course, can not be assured of the other party blessing, this point is also in the calculation of Lu Yiqian!

Otherwise, she will not make such a crazy thing with seventy-seven beasts against millions of Warcraft!

The multicolored elk is very beautiful, just like its name. Multicolored is the halo that lingers on it. It is a transparent white, with a beautiful pattern and a halo pattern. Its corner is very beautiful, like a coral, a color. Its eyes are black, with the warmth of the popular World of Warcraft. This colorful elk is as beautiful as it is from the painting.

Lu Yiqian looked at it, and it also looked at Lu Qianqian.

No one has started first!

The Black Dragon and the Raptors are inseparable. The Black Dragon is much bigger than the other, bigger and more flexible! The two faucets hit the head, claws to the claws, and occasionally sprayed the dragon's breath, making a big move. When fighting on the ground, there are no other Warcraft nearby! After all, no one wants to fall under the claws of the two beasts! Although the Raptors are 20 stars higher than the Black Dragon star, it is still a bit tired of the struggle for the magic stone, and the morale is of course lower. It spread its wings and flew into the air.

"You will fly, grandpa will not?" Black Dragon also spread its wings and continue to fight with Raptor!

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