She knows the meaning of white, this bracelet can only help her grow up, although the things inside are good, but not the best, the space is big enough, but it is just a small bracelet.

Soon, the mountain launched a third round of injections, this time more than the previous two, they spread to the air against the protective cover of the air, but unfortunately all blocked. Falling to the ground, about tens of thousands, and half a fist size.

The beasts are crazy, the cockroaches, the inclusions, the swallowing, and the joy. Especially the three snakes, holding their heads more than others, just stuffed each mouth full. Other beasts have seen, and I can't wait to give birth to a few mouths and claws to grab the magic stone.

Lu Yiqian did not act, she had a crazy plan.

The shaking of the mountain is actually an unprecedented explosion. After the intermittent injection, it enters the continuous jet. A large piece of magic stone is sprayed onto the shield, rubbing, hitting, then falling down and scattering the forest. All over the place, of course, the hole is the most concentrated.

A very small amount of magic stone breaks the shield under the influence of nature and scatters it, becoming a rare resource that people are competing for. This is probably why the magic stone on the ground. It’s just that after passing through the shield, the magic power is consumed, and the quality of the magic stone that is sprayed out is not so good.

The vibration of the mountain, the magic stone spray, naturally caused the attention of the powerful World of Warcraft, and with the experience of previous years, they rushed to the jet.

"Master, let's go quickly, or the magic stone we got will be taken away." The King of the Hydra is still aware of the distribution of the power of death. The previous year, the mountain sprayed the magic stone, and the three brothers only dared to grab a few outside. A magic stone that was missed by the beasts. After a year of crouching, it seems that their strength is only in the middle of the dead forest, and they can only catch up with the benefits.

Lu Yuqian looked at the magic stone in the ground and calmly asked: "Do you mean that these will be stolen?" How many Warcraft did you have?

But what, better!

Staying with the white, she also became overbearing, is this affected by him?

The forest roared, and countless World of Warcraft madly ran in this direction, the scene, called a spectacular! Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of people, gathered together into a terrible torrent, gathered together! There are hundreds of thousands of unique and rare World of Warcraft!

From this point of view, the death of Mori, really want a treasure trove of life, gathered too many life species, so amazing!

The torrents gathered together, and there were more than a thousand first tie heads. At first, there was no dispute of interests, and each of them got along harmoniously. As soon as they reached the mountain pass, World of Warcraft competed for the advantageous position of the mountain pass. It is clear that whoever takes up the land of Yamaguchi will occupy most of the magic stone resources.

Lu Hao thousand cold eyes watching the beasts toss, only waiting for them to kill and kill, and they have a chance!

It may be cruel, but it is also necessary, and it belongs to the survival rule of the strong.

Whoever can win the biggest success with the least loss will have the upper hand.

Although white can shock them, they can't rely on him.

Warcraft rushed to snatch, they rioted!

Inside the forest, the shadows asked the king: "Adult, are you going to pick a few slaves this year?"

The throne uploaded the elegant and magnetic voice of the king: "First look at how things develop, and there are a few great guests in the forest."

Every year, the slaves who serve the king are selected from the rioting World of Warcraft, and they have been selected from the beastmasters who have succeeded in winning the Stone. For many years, this has been the case. Therefore, Warcraft is so impulsive, not only to get the magic stone, but also to enter the forest. Only victory can make it go!

In the World of Warcraft, the birds in the sky are represented by phoenix birds and water eagle. The beasts on the ground are represented by Raptor and Flame Lions, and the plants are represented by Dawanghua. The colorful elk is a rising star, stealing the dark horse of the magic stone, and is leading a vegan World of Warcraft to kill a world!

These World of Warcraft are all above and under one hundred and fifty stars, that is, those who are squatting, and most of them are thirty or forty stars. If they are slightly stronger, they will have seventy or eighty stars.

The phoenix bird and the water eagle temporarily cooperated against other ethnic groups. The phoenix belongs to the treatment department of Warcraft, while the water eagle is heavily defensive, the two birds cooperate, one concentrates on treatment, one holds up the defensive barrier, and the other birds will desperately release the skills, playing the sound and the color, seeing Lu Hao's heart and flowers, nodded.

The Flame Lion and the Raptor are the kings who dominate the party. They usually compete with each other. At this time, there is no reason for cooperation. They are all attack-oriented World of Warcraft, strong body, fierce skills, are the magic weapon to win.

The plant's ability to evade Warcraft is quite powerful. They can save strength in complex tears, or grab other World of Warcraft to seek refuge, or expand the fluffy hair into the air... They step by step toward the mountain pass.

The multicolored elk plays the most different way. As we all know, the vegan World of Warcraft attack power is not very strong, they are elegant gait, cute looks, it seems more suitable for viewing, if on the battlefield, then the road to work is unparalleled. They are small and easy to provoke other Warcraft. Going to the world is definitely a good citizen. Such Warcraft often has some strange abilities, such as the control of all the things in the Lanterns. Take the 30-star long-eared rabbit, it can send out interference waves to confuse the enemy.

As one of the best, the colorful elk has a very great skill, which can triple the four-fold increase in the strength of the companions, so that a long-eared rabbit can be on the top of a demon wolf, so that the vegetarian class of Warcraft can be eaten and eaten. Meat World of Warcraft hit a tie.

The battle is getting more and more intense!

Lu Yiqian has been thinking about some problems. Seventy-seven Beastmasters once said that they were the masters of the majestic side in the era of great magic. Compared with these few World of Warcraft, they are still slightly inferior. Why is this? The magical power of the forest is several times stronger than the outside, but it can't make such a strong World of Warcraft? It should be noted that in the era of great magic, powerful Warcraft is not too much? What is the reason?

Is it related to the annual injection of this magic stone? Is there any other factor?

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