Which one is tricky?

The snake is a cunning creature, suspicious and alert!

Lu Yiqian can be no matter how much, and after the soul of the red-tailed leopard fits, a purple raid suddenly hits the head of the three beasts. Since you want to fight, of course you have to start with it. It’s not a good word. Let’s start with it!

The three snakes did not expect that Lu Yiqian would be so shameless. It was against the light and the big reason to take a raid on them. The sixty-five-star five-headed snake king responded quite quickly. It lifted his head and blocked the blow for the two younger brothers. But I avoided the gun and couldn't hide the dark arrow. The Lantern was framed in a cage with trees, and the three snakes were locked into the cage.

The three snakes were extremely angry. The older brother blocked the purple thunder, and the second brother started the death gaze. A royal blue light hit the lantern antelope.

The Lantern eagle quickly drilled into the Eudemons space, escaped the death gaze, jumped out from the other side, and had two mouthfuls and was very happy.

Lu Yan thousand swiftly swept in the air like a swallow, and a rush of frost came out.

The three snakes knew that this was a great move, and they all spit out the fire and danced the sky, offsetting this trick! Among the three snakes, the five-headed snake is the most powerful, the most knowledgeable, the most extensive experience, it knows that this woman is the enemy in front of her, she can actually contract two Eudemons! Although she did not know where she was, she decided to cope with this woman. The long tail swiftly swept the wooden cage, and the five-headed snake commanded the two brothers to cooperate with the sniper.

Wei Mo looked worriedly at Lu Yiqian and was trying to help her, but was stopped by the departure: "If you want her not to be injured in the future, it is best to calm down and watch, or, according to the tips I have taught you, now I started to practice."

How does Wei Mo calm down to practice, the shadow of the figure, affecting his heart all the time.

"She is stronger than you think. You want to stay with her in the future. It is best to improve your faint ability. Otherwise, you are not worthy." The words of Bai said carelessly, but they were like a sharp blade. heart of.

But he is right, A Qian will have a lot of difficulties, if he does not make himself stronger, staying beside her is a burden! He looked at the white, perhaps thank him, taught him such an important reason, and thanked him, did not open his own.

Work hard to stay in Aqian!

Wei ink plate sat on the ground and suppressed all the love and fear, turning into the power of Pentium.

White slightly looked at Wei Mo's eyes, his eyes fixed on Lu Yiqian again. He was like a strict instructor, more like a caring couple, endless and gentle, believe with heart.

"Wangcai, silver bless me!" Lu Yiqian secretly ordered.

The aura of speed and strength immediately hit Lu Yiqian.

I quickly escaped the death gaze and danced through the fire and danced in the sky. Lu Yi’s fists slammed into the king of the three-headed snake, and he flew back to the four-headed snake king. It was really sharp and fruitful.

The brownish hair flutters, the brownish-eyed eyes are wild, and a pair of **** beauty pythons.

White is unfortunate and impulsive.

I really love her, black hair, silver hair, red hair... No matter which face, she is her little fool!

I really want to hold her in my arms and love it.

The five-headed snake Wang Wan did not expect Lu Haoqian to be so strong, the fifth head lifted up, and sent a phantom air raid to Lu Yiqian!

Strictly calculated, these three snake kings can be regarded as the power system of Warcraft. The more heads it has, the more weird it is. Like this phantom raid, it is a shadow, but it can move, you can catch things, not to dissipate for a few minutes. And this shadow can move freely in the air, on the ground, underwater! The five-headed snake king made five shadows!

"Red brocade, lantern, red tail, give me blessing!" Lu Yiqian secretly ordered.

The three-way blessing of the aura was hit by Lu Yiqian.

Lu Yiqian was as light as Yan, and he was so powerful that he broke away and grabbed her shadow. He slammed down and punched the neck of the snake king.

With a bang, the King of the Hydra fell to a depth of ten meters. This punch is very powerful!

The Hydra King has not recovered yet, and there is a bit of a groan, saying how she has five blessings, can she say that she has contracted five Eudemons?

The other two snake kings struggled to help their eldest brother, but they were stunned by the lantern antelope and the red-tailed leopard. One of them took a pointed hoof and stepped on it, and thunder and thunder in one mouth. In a word, it’s very tragic!

In the end, the sixty-five-star Warcraft can withstand the fight, except that the scales have dropped a few pieces, and the snake is still alive and kicking. It looked at the two younger brothers who had been bullied by their own homes, and they were so angry that they would send a death gaze to kill Lu Yiqian.

Lu Hao had already expected this point, and the little dagger slammed into the body of the four-headed snake king, stirring the scales. The four-headed snake screamed and twisted helplessly.

The five-headed snake is red-eyed and red-eyed. This human being is too mean and shameless, and actually threatens it with his younger brother! However, it is still threatened by her, and death gaze is hard to send out.

"How, think about it, surrender to me, or die." Lu Yiqian smiled demonicly: "Or, I will scrape the three snakes and grind the knife?"

The dagger was placed at the seven-inch position of the three-headed snake, shaking back and forth, so that the heart of the Hydra King shook up and down. In the end, it was really unbearable and he bowed his head in surrender.

This abominable woman, too mean and too shameless, this devil, is simply bullying the beast wow!

Lu Yiqian nodded with satisfaction and walked over to the head of the five-headed beast, putting his hand on its huge head!

The contract was concluded, and it also slammed six stars and rocketed seventy-one stars.

This result, as big as it expected, made it a god. The three snakes are rare species, and the promotion is also much slower than the ordinary beast. It is promoted to six stars, so that it immediately hopelessly depends on Lu Yiqian, especially when it knows that the master will advance with it, and now it is a stick. You can't beat it! An excited snake quickly rushed to the two younger brothers and joined the ranks of Lu Yiqian’s contract army.

The three-headed snake king advances to fifty stars, and the four-headed snake king advances to sixty-one stars.

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