"Little fool, if you can, I hope you will always be protected by me and become the happiest princess in the world, but your enemy is too strong, you are only stronger, more powerful than the enemy... Little fool, sorry, hard work for you. ""

The next morning, Lu Haoqian woke up in confusion, feeling that yesterday was the most peaceful feeling she had come to sleep in this world.

Amount, something is wrong. When do you ride on a warm object, your legs are still wrapped around people's hands, and your hands are unruly stretched into people's clothes. No wonder you feel like silk and slippery.

Inadvertently hitting a pair of smiles like a smile, a diamond-like bright scorpion, Lu Yiqian quickly sat up and pressed against the other's waist. "I was yesterday...has there..." Playing Nanbei boxing, talking in a dream, drooling.

The white branch began, and the brilliance of the hair covered the entire bedding. He was light and sinking, and he looked at his waist with some meaning. Lu Yiqian is sitting on top of it. Thinking about yesterday, this little goblin, after falling asleep, did not know what to dream, punching and kicking, and of course, this is nothing, the little fists hit him like tickle. But she was so tossed, the clothes were loose, and the clothes were loose, and he was lucky and unfortunate to see some beautiful scenery, almost bleeding nose. In the middle of the night, this little thing squeezed into his arms again, squeezed and squeezed, his hands still restless, stuffed into his clothes and touched him on his chest, and felt that his fire was more powerful than a cluster...

Now she is wearing a flawless ride on his waist, oh, God! Really terrible!

No more polite, one dragged Lu Yuqian, his fingers pressed against her lips, and the silver-red lips spit out a sentence: "Little fool, you make me estrus!"

Lu Yiqian had not had time to think about the meaning of this sentence, he was stunned by a fiery lip, and the warm and stirring kiss really made her breathless. This passionate white is still the first time it appears.

Until the person in the arms kissed the cheeks, the whites let go of her, and the mood was rushing.

Lu Yiqian looked at the white back without words. This domineering and enchanting man, even his back is so charming, God seems to give him all the perfect things, so that every place is so flawless.

I accepted the two tents with conviction, and hey, this kind of thing can't make the beautiful man do it, but she has to come.

The lantern beast and the red-tailed leopard are head-on, and the vines are hung on the lanterns. Their goal is very clear, that is, the main person is looking for Warcraft!

"Master, in front of the three-headed snake, four-headed snake, the territory of the five-headed snake, these three brothers squatting on the beast and often bullying the weak." Lantern antelope played its strength, explained in detail.

"Yeah, master, they are bad!" The red-tailed leopard blended in and said that it was attacked several times by the snakes, remembering the hatred.

The beasts are heavy, bullying is weak, um, really, they should give them a lesson.

Three snake kings, four-headed snakes forty-five stars, four-headed snakes for fifty-five stars, and five-headed snakes for sixty-five stars. This is a high-potential, high-growth type of Warcraft, and hermaphrodite. At the time of its birth, there are twenty-five stars. The star will grow a head, until it grows into nine heads, it will evolve into nine Dess beasts, nine nine means, the attack power is greatly increased, very powerful! These three snake kings, I am afraid, are the only species in the entire magical dance continent and even the entire plane.

It’s a pity, unfortunately, they provoked the Lantern and provoked the red-tailed leopard. This is nothing. It’s a normal thing to mess with the death of the enemy. It’s a normal thing to do. The problem is that it’s both. He was recommended by the landlord and agreed to recommend three snake kings.

Ever since, the fun came.

Lantern gazelles jumped happily to the site of the Three Snakes, and occasionally raised their hooves, it was very arrogant.

The red-tailed leopard followed closely, snoring and screaming.

The three snake kings have some doubts, the red-tailed leopard and the lantern antelope, are not natural enemies, how do they get together?

No matter, since they want to teach the tricks of the next three brothers, where is the reason for not accompanying them? The three beasts climbed together.

It is worthy of being a different animal. The smallest of the three snake kings is more than four meters long. The largest one is 15 meters long. It is said to grow to nine heads. They can be as long as 100 meters. Their sapphire is sapphire and very beautiful. The head is diamond shaped and the eyes are blue. Overall, it is elegant and beautiful.

The three snakes recognized two beasts, one is the bad guy who often disturbs their hunting, and the other is a slick head that is hard to catch, and now just grab them to give them an unforgettable lesson.

The three snakes "smack" to spit, if they translate their snakes, they are: "You two cowards, come and die."

Lantern antelope lip **** on both sides, jumped up and ran to Lu Yiqian here, the red-tailed leopard stared at the three snakes scornfully, and then went back to Lu Haoqian. It is obvious that the two beasts are ridiculed. Their animal language, translated is: "As you, small P-like, Grandpa stepped on one!"

It is unbearable!

The three snakes decided to immediately give the two beasts a little bit of awkwardness, let them know the three eyes of Ma Wangye, and they will pay the price!

The most powerful tricks of the Three Snakes are death gaze. They can emit light in their eyes. Anyone who is in the middle of the stroke will be solidified and unable to move, and will not feel pain. Even if it is eaten, there will be no fear. This is the skill that the Three Snake Kings will use when they are born. So far, I don’t know how many World of Warcraft are buried under this trick!

At this point, they have seen four people standing in front of the chest. One of the four people has no magical fluctuations at all. The two strengths are too weak. One wearing a flower is quite strong, but it is not enough.

This battle, won, three dozen, that is not like playing! The Three Snake King thought with confidence.

The three snake kings are bullying the wishful thinking of the two beasts, and the two beasts do not count on them. Who wins and who loses, who will bully, is really not sure.

Lu Hao came out like a cloud, his face looked cool: "Give you two choices, surrender to me or die!"

The three snakes face each other, good guys, this human woman can be really arrogant and arrogant, and dare to say such things in their territory, is this unclear looking for death? But why are the two beasts so weird and so shameless?

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