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“hua la !”

“Ms. Evelyn, I am suddenly interested now.”

“You can speak, and I can listen, but I don’t guarantee that I will promise you.”

“Of course, you can choose not to say it.”

Gu Huang sat down at the table, poured himself a glass of rum, casually looked at Evelyn in front of him, a long time passed, no matter what her origin, one thing just happened to be unchanged , Do not push the naughty little girl to a certain level, she is always impossible to reveal the truth…

“Wuhuang Sire, this empire is called Celtic!”

“Multiple One of the Overlords, dominate countless Heaven and Earth and World.”

“It used to be the strongest twelve overlords in the 3000 universe, and also a representative of the magic side.”

“How? Are you interested?”

Evelyn also sat in front of Gu Huang. She knew that if she didn’t tell some real secrets, the monarch of order in front of her would never cooperate easily, even if he had a great deal of this secret. Interest, but as long as it does not involve his own interests, he will not easily agree.

“Go on!”

Gu Huang drank the rum in one sip, and unconsciously felt a tremor in his heart. Celtic Magic Empire turned out to be One of the Overlords, the representative of the magic side.

You can imagine what a glorious and resplendent civilization…

Are you in the set again?

Heavenly Realm unknown existence Senior said that no matter where you go, there are things that are difficult to break free, and they will always be accompanied.

The source of the magic side turned out to be the Celtic Empire.

A disappearing era of magic?

“Wuhuang Sire, you want to witness more secrets and know more things, then please go to Holy Mountain with us.”

“Now I can only tell you that the brilliant Magic Empire, in fact, has not completely disappeared, but has been erased.”

“It does not exist in time, destiny, cause and effect, but there are always exceptions to everything. There is an unmentioned existence that left the Celtic Empire a glimmer of survival.”

“Someone must pass through the fogs of history to truly reach the Celtic Empire, and wherever the unmentioned existence sets foot, it will be solidified into history.”

“Even the historical ghosts who have become ghosts will have a chance to be reborn.”

“Wuhuang Sire, do you want me to continue?”

Evelyn has already clarified some of the secrets, but there are still some core secrets that have not been said, because this will be the last bargaining chip to cooperate with him, and easily tell her, who knows that this guy who doesn’t make money will do it. What happened.

“Ms. Evelyn, what do you want me to do?”

Gu Huang tapped the desktop lightly and looked at Evelyn calmly. This naughty little girl has revealed part of her purpose. She wants to find the Celtic Empire by herself, and then draw on her own uniqueness. Certainty, so that World, Heaven and Earth transformed into reality step by step, and when you pass through the barriers of historical ghosts, you return to the brilliant Magic Empire.

Then the Celtic Empire on the newly born Europa continent will be completely integrated with the past, and will become a terrifying civilization not weaker than the Great Qin Empire.

These historical ghosts that have disappeared will also become real.

But the historical shadow of Heaven and Earth on the magic side hides too much unknown and darkness.

“It’s very simple, join the Saint Hall Expeditionary Force, and work with me to smooth the forest of the moon and open the road to Holy Mountain.”

“Looking for traces of existence from Holy Mountain to the Celtic Empire…”

“Of course you can disagree, but you will lose this opportunity forever.”

“Lord of the Last Order, don’t you want to know what happened?”

Evelyn gold’s pupils echoed with strange light patterns. She was already restricted by a certain rule, and she had revealed too many secrets, but she had to do so without telling the absolute secrets. Impossible agreed to cooperate.


“What benefits can I get by joining you? How can you guarantee that you are not deceiving me.”

“The more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful it is.”

“Ms. Evelyn, if you want to threaten me with a secret, I am afraid you are doomed to be disappointed. If there is no real interest, you want me to promise you.”

“It’s too simple to think about.”

Gu Huang poured another glass of rum. I really didn’t expect Evelyn, a naughty little girl, to be so difficult. Although she seemed to have said a lot, she actually didn’t tell the truth at all, at least she didn’t reveal it. Out the core secret.

“Wuhuang Sire, I’m sorry, I can’t continue talking, because I have revealed enough secrets.”

“Whatever you want? Obviously as long as you join, you can get it.”

“But that is on the premise of your cooperation, don’t refuse me, because I am not a patient person.”

“Because you represent order, I will tolerate you again and again.”

Evelyn has almost made the ultimatum, because it is related to whether they are ghosts or whether they are human again, which is really crucial.

“Ms. Evelyn, then the last question is, what exactly do you exist? Where do you come from? What is your purpose?”

“If you are willing to answer my question, maybe I will join?”

“And I also want to advise you, don’t try to irritate me, maybe you still have an Archangel body, but I also know that there is a fallen Archangel hidden there.”

“If you dare to talk to me like this, believing or not, I will unblock the fallen Archangel.”

Gu Huang drank dry rum in one sip, and then looked at Evelyn very seriously. Now both sides have their own plans, and each holds a trump card that will make the other side jealous, so this transaction is naturally good. Watched the play.

“Wuhuang Sire, you won’t.”

“You let him out, if I fall, it will not do you any good?”

“At least I, Evelyn, came from a glorious camp. No matter how bad your impression of us is, at least we still have a bottom line.”

“But that fallen Archangel, do you expect them to have any bottom line?”

“So, Sire, please put away your real thoughts that day.”

“My real name is impossible to tell you, and I come from Sacred Domain. As for my purpose, naturally, I want to live. I don’t want to be a ghost.”

“About Sacred Domain, you should not be overly inquisitive, because you are not qualified to know Sacred Domain.”

Evelyn finally revealed his true origin, but it was impossible to tell him his true identity. A Sacred Domain alone is already the real limit…

“Sacred Domain? Sure enough, I should have guessed it.”

“Then I have another question. Since you have said that you are dead, then I know three people.”

“One is called Yunxi, the lord of the last miracle.”

“A Twelve Supreme named Elena *Evelyn *Glory, Eternal Realm.”

“One is called Shui Jun, who is not only the ruler of the doomsday, but also one of the four kings of creation.”

“Madam, which one is the real you.”

Gu Huang slowly got up, and stood with his hand holding his hand looking at Evelyn in front of him, with an indifferent smile on the corner of his mouth.

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