
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Dilapidated tavern.

I saw Gu Huang’s silhouette walking out of the Space Gate, with a huge sword in his hand that was as clean as new, with a strange shape. The whole body was silver, with countless mysterious runes enveloped in it, filled with incomparable holy light.


“How could it be…Divine Artifact actually recovered…”

“You actually really…”

“The Lord of the Last Order!”

The silhouette of the priest’s robe was terrified. The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and broke into eighty-half pieces, but no one thought that Divine Artifact would actually recover. You must know that Divine Artifact has no possibility of recovery.

The last monarch of order!

The legend is true.

Order faction also really exists, so the secret of Divine Artifact guarded by until now can really be said.

“Of course I am the Lord of Order, so why lie to you.”

“Your World has fallen to this point, do you think I can do anything for you.”

“As soon as Diablo wakes up, there is only one end of the Dark Continent.”

“Divine Artifact has recovered, you should save the World.”

Gu Huang instantly threw the divine ruling blade into the opponent’s hands, knowing that this matter is really important, after all, not everyone can control Divine Artifact, and not everyone can bear the responsibility.

“The Lord of Order!”

“Ludwig Aishan, the last survivor of the Holy Mountain monastery, would like to follow the monarch Sire.”

“Sovereign, please help our World, help our people.”

Ludwig Aishan took the Divine Judgment Blade and moved towards Gu Huang one-knee kneels, because this piece of World has been completely penetrated by darkness, and there is no hope at all.

At first thought he was just a liar, but he really revived Divine Artifact.

Divine Artifact has been eroded by darkness, and it has been a long time.

So far no one can unblock it, only the existence of light, justice, sacrifice and guard…

“I’m sorry, I haven’t been a monarch for many years, I really can’t do anything.”

“Let’s find Lady Evelyn in Divine Hall!”

“She is the main force against Diablo, and now I am a traveling mage.”

“But I can tell you the 2nd Divine Artifact divine Dragon Soul Staff, which is located in a valley north of the icy plateau. It is about a few thousand miles deep!”

“You can sense where you are with your divine ruling blade.”

Gu Huang poured himself a glass of rum. Facing Ludwig’s request, he refused on the spot. At this time, he hit the gun. Is it really a fool’s talent?

“No, Lord Sire, this matter also has something to do with you?”

“I am the last survivor of the Holy Mountain monastery, responsible for guarding the divine ruling blade, and this secret is about the origin of the three Divine Artifacts and the empire that governs countless magical worlds in history.”

“Because they are still waiting for you to save, Holy Mountain is the only way to that Magic Empire.”

“But Holy Mountain has been occupied by the dark forces. The last ruler of order, the powerful and brilliant Magic Empire, no longer exists in history. You are the only hope to save them.”

“Because you created that empire…”

Ludwig Aishan knelt down, full of incomparable expectations, because in the infinite world there is a powerful and brilliant Magic Empire, which is a powerful one above the gods The kingdom, which governs countless powerful Heaven and Earth and World, is the ultimate place of all magic, but that piece of Magic Empire has disappeared…

“Magic Empire ……”

“Ludwig Aishan, I think you are crazy! If Heaven and Earth on the magic side really has an empire that dominates countless worlds, would I not know?”

“Who assigned you to come to deceive me again.”

“The World I walked through, the history I witnessed, and the relics I searched for are more than the bread you eat. I have never heard of the existence of a Magic Empire.”

Gu Huang was a little stunned, because even he didn’t know whether it was true or false. In the long past, Heaven and Earth on the magic side never had such a legend.

“Monarch, Holy Mountain!”

“If you and I go to Holy Mountain, we will understood.”

“The Three Divine Artifact is the key to open Holy Mountain and go to the ancient Magic Empire.”

“Only those who possess the three Divine Artifacts can know all the secrets.”

Ludwig Aishan knelt down and begged for mercy. He was really full of deep despair, because things had really reached an unspeakable level.

“It’s Holy Mountain again. When you came to fool me, please can you make a better excuse.”

“It’s Holy Mountain every time, doesn’t it seem too obscene?”

“It’s really boring, it’s almost the end of the world, you don’t want to save yourself, but put your hope on others.”

Gu Huang wouldn’t have a good face. He almost wiped out all hope. He simply didn’t trust him a little bit. If there was such an empire powerful enough to dominate countless magical worlds, he would have no reason to be ignorant. , There has never been a civilization or race that can do this, with the exception of Divine State.

“Wuhuang Sire, Ludwig Aishan did not lie to you, there is indeed such a powerful Magic Empire, a powerful civilization that has developed to Peak, and one that is above all living things and gods.” [ 19459002]

“A brilliant and brilliant Magic Empire that has reached the ultimate.”

“I’m sorry, Wuhuang Sire, I haven’t dared to tell you the key to the secret before, because I’m not sure if you are the real Lord of Order. You unblocked this Divine Artifact, and now I can be sure that you are. “

“Holy Mountain monastery Divine Artifact Guardian lineage died. Ludwig was the last survivor and was saved by our glorious Divine Hall.”

“The powerful Magic Empire has disappeared, but I always believe that it will not be completely destroyed. There should always be some traces left, and Holy Mountain is the only way to the strong Great Empire.”

“Three Divine Artifacts are not just three Divine Artifacts, but Heaven and Earth from the magic side of time, fate, and causality. The three Divine Artifacts also have a name, the only pass to true history.”

“Wuhuang Sire, whether it is saving the World, searching for Magic Empire, or for your World, it is of great help, I think you will not refuse.”

Evelyn’s silhouette emerged, and she had already sensed from the resuscitation of Divine Artifact that no one could eliminate the erosion of Power of Darkness at the beginning, except for the monarch of the last order, Wuhuang.

There is only this monster, which can make people unable to speak, and has to adopt a circuitous strategy.

But he refuses to cooperate, which is really a big deal.

They are all ghosts of history. If they want to reappear on Europa, the only thing they can do is to release the biggest bait.

Of course there is a powerful Magic Empire.

That was the continent of Europa, a dazzling magical civilization, Celtic Magic Empire…

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