
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Outside Rogge’s camp.

More than 30,000 lava demons walked out of the crevices in the abyss, where they passed, the ground turned into a lava layer, scarlet red skin, first-born horns, up to 10 feet, and lava-spraying lava demon Legion descended.

The lowest level of each lava demon is Rank 6 level, which belongs to the relatively large number of Races in Abyss Demon. It comes from the lava abyss layer and is born to control the lava Battle Qi and fire magic.

Mixed with the smell of sulfur in the sky, the face demon Legion moved towards Roger’s camp. The speed is neither fast nor slow, and the actions are orderly and distinct. It is exactly the Legion that has been trained, not a dish of loose sand.

At the same time, the south-east direction, the location of seven hundred miles.

1000 The Five Hundred Light Elves retreat in an orderly manner. For the Light Elf Race, there is a natural privileged class in the Celtic Empire. After all, the resources of the empire are provided by them, and the Light Elves act as the imperial magic medical officer. , The masters of Bright Magic and Battle Qi have a natural restraint on Abyss Demon.

The same is the same as the arrogance of the Light Elf Race. The war that lasted for more than a hundred years has caused heavy casualties of all races. Only the Light Elf Race retains a large number of fresh forces.

They have the best supplies, the best equipment, and the highest privileges, but they take on the easiest job. Even though the various races of the empire are dissatisfied, they are pressed by the magic gods Merlin and Evreya Queen. What would anyone dare to say?

“Commander Sire, I have something to say.”

Vera left the marching team and rushed to the front of the light wizard commander. This is a ninth-order Sacred Domain light mage, a silver-haired male wizard who looks about thirty-five years old, but his face is a little melancholy, belonging to reserved ones. which type.

“Vera, return to your team, this is an order!”

“Don’t let me repeat it 2nd times, or military law will deal with it.”

The male elf commander spoke out indifferently, and did not give Vera a chance to disobey, because he knew what Vera wanted to say? The light elves retreat when encountering battles and run away when encountering enemies. This is already an open scandal of the empire, but this is an order from Sivir great veteran and Teresa Saintess. What can be done as the leader?

Is the Light Elf afraid of death?

Naturally not afraid!

I am not afraid of death, but who dares to really resist the orders from the clan.

“Commander Sire, even if it is military law disposal, please let me finish.”

“One hundred and twenty years, since Abyss Demon trampled on our pure land, it was the Celtic Empire that helped us repel the demons.”

“Our light elves have given a lot of assistance to the empire, but the empire has not treated us light elves, the best equipment, the highest priority supplies, the best treatment, and the easiest work.”

“But one hundred and twenty years, our light elf Race was mocked by the empire, saying that we are a group of cowards, a group of trash.”

“We are the first to retreat, we are the first to escape, and we are the ones who fail to save themselves.”

“Commander Sire, and fellow clan, don’t you feel ashamed?”

“Our light elf Race has the most elite archer, the strongest Swordsman, and the best magician. Why do we want to escape, why do we want to retreat, our courage?”

“Because of the orders of the great veteran and Saintess, but if a Celestial Emperor country can’t support it, and the entire World is occupied by demons and engulfed by the undead, what should we do in the Pure Land World?”

“Commander Sire, my words are over, Vera is willing to accept military sanctions.”

Vera kept her heart in her heart for a long time, all of which were said. She was never a person who was afraid of death, and she was never afraid of death, but she was tired of retreating time and time again, time and time again. Escape.

“Vera, return to your team!” The male elf leader is still expressionless, facing Vera’s heartfelt words, he can only express regret, because it is not his decision.

“Commanding Sir, there are dark fluctuations 400 meters in front of the left, suspected to be a crack in the abyss.”

“Commanding Sir, there are dark fluctuations 1000 meters behind, suspected to be a crack in the abyss.”

“Command Sir, True North…”

“Commander Sir…”

a Assassin, the light elves in charge of the inspection, said, everyone was full of deep horror, and they couldn’t believe their eyes. A total of eight abyss cracks were opened together, and the direction of blocking was precisely their light elves. It seems that there is a targeted layout plot against.

“Line up, prepare to meet the enemy!”

“Swordsman steps forward, archer prepares.”

“The mage arranges an Array!”

The male light elf commanded his gaze and he did not feel sucked in a cold breath. According to the size of the cracks, at least tens of thousands of demons would come out of each crack, and there were only 1,000 or 500 of them. Even the 100,000 deepest demon in the abyss was enough to drag them all to death, but as the commander, simply did not retreat.

“roar! “

“roar! “

“roar! “

A roar of The earth shook and the mountain quivered came out. From the cracks in all directions, one after another bull-headed devil with Dao Body shape over 30 feet, each and everyone carrying the giant axe, wolf fang club, scarlet red swooped down with his eyes moved towards the light elves. Every Ox-headed Demon is an abyss warrior with Rank 7 or higher, and the number exceeds 3000.


As the Sacred Domain Swordsman, the Light Elf leader, the Holy Light Battle Qi broke out and tore a dozen bullhead demons, but at the same time, from the last crack, a giant bullhead demon with a height of 50 feet was drilled out. , Carrying two zhang-long wolf-toothed heads, filled with the power of the dark abyss, can feel that it is a powerhouse of Sacred Domain Peak, and instantly meet the leader of the light elves.

The war is about to start, and the two sides are caught in a fierce fight. If nothing happens, the result of this war will be the destruction of the entire army of light elves.

A quarter of an hour!

Just a quarter of an hour.

The Warriors of the Light Elf Race have been strangled by the tauren almost clean, and there are at least five-six hundred people left on the Ox-headed Demon side, and the Light Elf Race can fight less than 50 people.

At this moment, on the battlefield, a young man with black hair and black eyes appeared out of thin air, and appeared in front of Vera in such a grand manner, with a cigar between his two fingertips, accompanied by a deep inhalation One mouthful is exposing a huge smoke ring, which only Vera can see, while the others have simply never seen it.

“A stranger…It’s you!”

Vera was covered in blood, Battle Qi was exhausted, and she fell into deep exhaustion, but the moment she saw Gu Huang was full of horror.

“Beautiful Lady Light Elf, do you like this gift I gave you?”

After saying that, Gu Huang showed a gentleman’s smile, and then went wrong. An Ox-headed Demon’s wolf fang club was smashed down, and Vera blew her head and body on the spot, turning them into one. Pile of minced meat.

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