
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


“Better not let me grab your handle.”

“Otherwise you will look good.”

Looking at Gu Huang’s disappearing back, Vera, the light wizard, looked very resentful. In short, for this stranger, she was really full of ill feelings, and she couldn’t figure it out anyway.

“Vera…Hurry… Report to the leader…”

“The rift in the abyss opened…at least 30,000 lava demons descended…”

“Already assembled in the north…you can kill it in at most an hour.”

At this time, a blond elf man appeared with a long bow on his back, but he broke an arm, and braved the air of black clothes from time to time. Even Light Power could hardly stop the invasion of darkness.

“Digo…I will treat you first.”

Vera hurriedly walked out of the camp, but when she saw the blond elf’s wound in front of her, she was also in shock. Diego was about to be demonized. This is the most terrifying demonized curse in the abyss, thinking To demonize a Rank 7 light elf, at least an abyss wizard of the eighth peak can be the best, and it may even be a powerhouse of the Sacred Domain level.

“Vera, I am out of help, go and report to the leader of the situation, don’t waste time on me.”

“Able to persist to the camp, but also to die while retaining the identity of the Light Elf.”

“I’m already satisfied!”

“Vera, goodbye.”

The blond elf youth looked at Vera with a very happy smile, and finally drew out the dagger on his back and directly inserted it into his heart. The body fell softly, and finally a ball of Light Flame appeared on his body. , To burn it out.


Vera suppressed her tears, she didn’t have time to grieve, and flew towards the inside of the camp.

“Teacher, why did you stop me from helping, that light spirit can still be saved.”

“Do you think you hate the Light Elf because of Vera’s disrespect, teacher?”

“The light elves from the Pure Land did a lot for the empire. Without their help, the empire could not last for such a long time.”

“Teacher, I don’t understand.”

When Vera’s silhouette disappeared, the silhouettes of Vanessa and Gu Huang turned around, and Vanessa looked at Gu Huang with perplexity. This is a fighter who made contributions to the empire. I don’t know why the teacher would not save him. .

“Vanessa, there are too many people in the world, can you save it?”

“I did have a festival with the Light Elf Race. This festival can be traced back a long time ago. I treated the Light Elf Race as my best friend, but they betrayed me when my powerful enemy came.”

“I didn’t choose to kill them Race. It’s magnanimous and kind. Never believe in the hypocritical appearance of Light Elf Race. No matter how much they do for the empire, it is the empire that helps them stop the invasion of the devil.” [ 19459002]

“If the devil is defeated one day, when the world is restored to peace, the light elves will be the first to jump out and take credit.”

“Vanessa, you are a Human Race. Never believe Foreign Race. If you are not in my clan, your heart will be different.”

“You know how many years my brother there is a person guarding the Pure Land and how many powerful enemies I have repelled, but now my brother has been suppressed by the light spirit.”

“You should have heard his name, Human Demon Great Saint!”

Gu Huang stands with his hands, his face is full of extremely cold aura, now he has come here, and will settle the old accounts with the Pure Land race. The Pure Land can only be the Celtic Empire resource World, not any alliance and cooperation objects. .

“Teacher, what you said is true, is the Light Elf Race really so mean?”

Vanessa is dubious. After all, in her impression, the Light Elf Race is very peaceful and also very hospitable, just because the war has made them warlike.

“Vanesha, the truth is right in front of you, and you will be able to witness it soon.”

“This invasion from Abyss Demon, if the Light Elf Race can defend the Rogge camp to the death, instead of taking a step back.”

“Then I will revisit them, and I am willing to give them a chance.”

“But is this all possible?”

There was a sneer on the corner of Gu Huang’s mouth. No one knew better than him what the virtues of the Light Elf Race is. So far, Human Demon Great Saint has been suppressed in the Pure Land. For the time being, the core of World Initial Accomplishment is not stable yet. Over the years, World is stable enough, and it’s time to bring out Human Demon Great Saint.

No one in this world can owe me a debt.

I can tolerate your betrayal that day, but I cannot tolerate your suppression of Human Demon Great Saint.

I used to be busy and didn’t have time to settle with you.

But now that there is time in the future, I can settle the settlement with you slowly.


Vanessa is not sure, after all, on the one hand, she is the light elves she knows, and on the other hand, she is her own teacher. Just take a look! Since there is a teacher here, Rogge’s camp will not be in any danger.

Light Elf Race, your choice today will determine the life and death of your Race.

Only if the teacher is changed, you can survive.

At this moment, I saw a team of light elves walk out of Camp Rogge in an orderly manner. Each squad has a full 100 people, a total of fifteen squads, but when they walked out of the gate of Camp Rogge, they went But it was not the direction of the abyss crack, but the moved towards the east boundary line galloping away, apparently completely abandoning the Rogge camp.

Without notice, without subpoena, I just withdrew from Camp Rogge, and there are many ordinary soldiers of the Empire, Adventurers, mercenaries, and merchants. When they understood the light elves retreat, the lava evil Demon General is about to invade It’s already been half an hour.

“Fak squid! The despicable light spirit, once again abandoned us.”

“Assholes, a group of assholes, every time the demon strikes, the light elves are always the first to run away.”

“Let’s go! Stop yelling, it’s too late but it’s too late.”

One Adventurer after another, mercenary group, also rushed away from Camp Rogge, everyone is foul-mouthed, but it is difficult to change the result of Camp Rogge, but at least half of the people in Camp Rogge did not Leave.

The tavern opened by the dwarf is usually full of mercenaries, but now there are Gu Huang and Vanessa, as well as a lame bearded dwarf.

“Asshole, these light elves have really abandoned Camp Rogge.”

“How can this be? They are the direct descendants of the Empire’s 9th Legion, using the best equipment and supplies in the Empire, they escaped.”

“A bunch of fucking bastards…”

Vanessa was so angry that she almost vomited blood on the spot, and threw the rum in her hand angrily.

“Light Elf, it has always been like this.”

“It’s a pity the last chance.”

“Vanessa, do you believe what I said?”

Gu Huang picked up the rum and took a sip. The extremely dark eyes were full of fierceness and biting cold, giving people an extremely cold feeling.

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