
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Lucifer Sire, no need to courteous, the same faction, help each other.”

“A group of despicable villains, the commander-in-chief Sir has long known that the chaotic camp is uneasy and kind. Didn’t expect has cooperated with Great Qin.”

“Non-male or female, dead monster, cooperating with you Great Qin Empire will make these unpretentious tricks.”

“Walk through the battlefield, don’t be embarrassed here.”

The last life holds the book of cards in the palm of his palms, his head is full of black hair fluttering, and his words are filled with endless fighting intents. Since they were cut out on the big plane of Eras, the two sides have fought dead for countless times.

Three Great Influences can be said to be dead and alive. After death, everyone will be resurrected with full blood.

Whether it is the chaotic camp or the Great Qin Empire, the various methods of the three parties have already been figured out.

In countless death fights, both sides have grown up, and the weakest one is at the Daoist level.

“Heh! Who am I? It turns out to be our henchman ah from Paragon!”

“I heard that you have licked the dog for endless years, and finally you have nothing, fly into a rage out of humiliation and want to eat Liyang Paragon.”

“You probably forgot to be beaten into shit by the Great Qin.”

“If I had huddled up a long time ago, I would dare to run here to go wild, not ashamed of it!”

Monster Young Master sneered contemptuously, and sneered on the spot, directly exposing the last-life old bottom, anyway, both sides are indestructible, but it is even more happy that they did not come to expose each other.

Especially the last life, in short, once you meet, you must reveal it once.

Slaps people in the face, and swears at them.

This is the most famous saying of my empire.

“Death to the street, I found a helper, are you bullying me by myself?”

“Brother Shui, come out and take care of this group of deaths.”

“Sixty-two, highlight your treasure.”

The cigarette in Abbei’s mouth was lit at the muzzle of the revolver, and he took a deep cigarette, and the sky was filled with smoke rings. The whole person exploded with an extremely cold will and a face full of ruffian gestures.

“Brother North, I’m sorry, my agreement with you is limited to killing Marcus.”

“The life and death of Lucifer is not within our agreement.”

“I always pay attention to the spirit of contract.”

Sixty-two took off the top hat and bowed deeply, with an extremely gloomy smile on his face.

The chaotic camp, the Great Ecuadorian Empire, not everyone has played like this over the years.

You plot against me, and I will slap you against you.

You can’t kill anyway, it depends on who is more yin and heartier.

“Deadly pounce on the street, you dare to use my bei master, believing or not bei master puppet to kill you.” Abei hearing this suddenly burst, with a watermelon knife in one hand and a revolver in one hand, wishing to cut 602 Broken.

Flying on the street, I knew you were not at ease for a long time, but fortunately, Lord Bei had left his hand earlier.

It’s a mess. If I don’t call Brother Shui today, I’m afraid I’ll take it.

Life and death are small, but face is big.

When you come out, don’t you just talk about the same face?

“Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world.”

On the wall of the city-state of Saxe, a sound full of magnetism resounded, and there was a young man wearing a snow-white suit and short hair standing on the city wall. Looking at the crowd, the masculine faces, with a gentle smile, seemed to enjoy the feeling of this moment.

“Brother Shui, why are you turning your back to me!”

“Hurry up and do this group of deaths!”

“If you don’t kill them, brothers won’t be able to mix in the road in the future.”

When Abe saw the silhouette of the white suit, “unable to bear” was a slap on the forehead, and he seemed helpless to the extreme. It was really too sand-sculpted. I don’t know when he likes to turn his back to people.

“Abei, you don’t understand!”

“The powerhouse in Kulai is lonely, I am destined to be lonely.”

“Only by carrying the common people, can I show my temperament.”

The words of the youth in white suits are full of loneliness and coldness. They are like pioneers at the forefront of the truth. No one in the world understands me. They are destined to live with darkness and loneliness. All living things can only witness me moving forward.

There are a few people in the world who can understand my mind, understand my hesitation and loneliness.

I am destined to be like a bright moon in the sky, hanging above Nine Heavens, reflecting the lonely darkness, and leading a ray of light for the world.

Although I am in chaos, my heart yearns for light and freedom.

The way forward is destined to be lonely.

“Brother Shui, Lord Shui, can we be normal?”

“Didn’t you see that these gangsters are laughing at you? The face of our chaotic camp can make you lost.”

“I will give you three seconds to get back to normal, otherwise don’t blame me for asking Lord Buddha to come.”

Abei helped his forehead. It was almost autistic. Brother Shui has been riding a horse too abnormally recently. This was not the case before. Recently, he has become addicted to the technology side of things, and he has reached the point where he can’t extricate himself from it.

You are the second master of the chaotic camp, the famous water master on this land.

You shameless, we still have to face the chaotic camp!

Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world. If you dare to say this, are you really afraid of being beaten to death?

Father did not dare to put this on his lips.

It’s shameful, it’s shameful.

“Abei, Lord Buddha is very busy. Don’t go and ask Lord Buddha at every turn.”

“Everything in the world, one thought is eternal.”

“Flick the fingers, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, a group of clay chickens and pottery dogs.”

The white suit silhouette sounded with a faint sadness, but in the blink of an eye it had already descended on the court, but the back was still facing the people, and he was never given a chance to see his face.

“monster Young Master, let’s go!”

“en! It’s time to go back and return to Boss.”

Sixty-two and the monster Young Master ignored the young man in white suit throughout the whole process. For his various middle two words, they have already heard their ears. At the beginning, they wanted to kill him, but the ability of this guy Very peculiar, almost immune to all Magical Techniques and Divine Ability, only Soul Power can have an effect on him, but this one is the best at Soul Magic.

Later I learned that this product was born on the soul side and had already played the soul side art to the extreme.

If you can’t kill or kill, the best way is to ignore him.

“Lucifer Sire, let’s go too.”

The last life and Lucifer looked at each other, there is such a two-handed force, today is doomed to be no result, although the three parties are fighting endlessly, the common enemy is the ghost of Purgatory Great Demon, the monsters on the side of the void……

As for this second force, he is naturally ignored, who wants to pester him ah!

Speaking some sorrowful things all day long, if it weren’t for the death, it would have been crushed long ago.

“Invincible is so lonely!”

“Sure enough, ordinary people, only worth looking up at my stalwart silhouette.”

“A lonely walker in the dark, who can appreciate my lonely state of mind.”

“No one, I am destined to be the only one.”

The young man in white suit heard that everyone was about to leave, and immediately changed the emphasis. It seemed to be bragging, but in fact it was full of provocations…

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