
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Deadly on the street, Bei Ye has been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Justice within range!”

“Lucifer, accept the justice!”

“Cannon of Justice!”

At the same time, Abei broke free from the suppression of the space, a cigarette was instantly dangling from his mouth, and a white card flashing with Shenghui in his palm was suspended, and it was instantly integrated into the super-caliber revolver.

The horrible shaft of the revolver made a rumbling sound, and the snow-white brilliance flowed through it, reflecting countless mysterious auras. The super-caliber revolver instantly soared to a length of 15 meters, and the muzzle diameter became a full There is a one-meter terror barrel.

The harsh sonic boom resounded through the void, and the space within a radius of several 100,000 was shattered. Numerous unhindered interlaced black cracks extended, and a white and divine light bomb moved towards Lucifer.

The sky tears and the earth collapses!

Lucifer’s eyes were extremely dark, like an abyss-like pitch-black nothingness. The 12 pairs of lacquered Hei Yu wings were wrapped in layers, and countless strange dark patterns permeated, forming a defensive shield composed entirely of authority.

“Marcus, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

“The Judgment Blade!”

Sixty-two silhouettes soared into the sky, and the invisible space road burst out, instantly sealing the Great Demon ghost Marcus’s spiritual projection The evolution of the lava domain, an incomparably ancient weapon engraved with countless strange patterns Emerged in the palm of his hand, a mysterious and unmatched power penetrated through it, and immediately moved towards Marcus’ projection and smashed it away.

“Traitor, dare to provoke the great lord Marcus Sir, your soul should be silent forever by the lava fire.”

“In the name of Marcus, my purgatory lord, I grant you death.”

In the boundless lava world, the flame giant roars fiercely, the endless smell of sulfur is permeated, and the Great Demon ghost Marcus utters the most ancient syllables, which seems to be full of irresistible mysteries.

“I said your death is invalid!”

“I said you will be judged by holy light!”

“I said dirty and ugly devil, go back to your purgatory.”

“Great Saint Words!”

A handsome young man wearing a sapphire blue dress and a slender silhouette came, especially the face 30% softer than a woman, which is enough to make the handsome man of World fall in love with it, and make the jealous and jealous of the female man made Crazy.

The spirit technique performed by the Great Demon Ghost Marcus was instantly broken by the Holy Words performed by this young man, and it was obviously a powerhouse on the mysterious side.


The ruling blade in the palm of 602 revealed a misty holy light, the spiritual realm of Marcus’s projection that was torn in an instant, and the terrifying divine aura diffused out, like a torrent of fierce, straight Extinguished the fire of purgatory that was hiding the sky and covering the earth, the final judgment blade fell on Marcus’ body.

“ah! Damn traitor, the great lord Marcus Sir will not spare you.”

“When I come next time, it will be your death date.”

“The great lord Marcus Sir will definitely take away your soul.”

Marcus let out a harsh scream, the terrifying blade forcibly tore his body, shattered his spiritual realm, and expelled his projection to purgatory again.

“many thanks monster Young Master!”

Sixty-two took off the top hat, and the handsome young man moved towards in the sky was a gift. He appeared to be extremely elegant, completely like a gentleman, but his melancholy eyes were full of desire, even faint Strong love.

Monster Young Master, one of the four Young Masters of the Empire, is so elegant and charming, this is someone I will never get.

If we can have a spring night with the monster Young Master, what if we do?

“No thanks!”

“Sixty-two, warn you for the last time, dare to look at this Young Master with this look.”

“Even if Longyang Young Master is here, I will kill you myself.”

Monster Young Master waved his sleeves, and the coquettish face was filled with incomparable Sen Leng Aura, wishing to tear 602 to pieces.

Two gays, cut sleeve and this Young Master are not as good as Long Yang.

Although this Young Master likes Chen, this Young Master has only the purest love with him.


But this Young Master put on a wedding gown for him, but he put on a robes, and the promise of endless years of eternal abyss has long been forgotten.

“No cards!”



“trap! ”

When the cannon of justice was about to hit Lucifer’s body, a black-clothed youth silhouette appeared in the depths of the sky, and a heavy and old book appeared in the palm of the sky, which was suspended in the depths of the sky. , A dark-green emerald card was dropped from it, and the fabulous rays of light bloomed, directly dragging a party of void into the card World.

Bright, in the world of jade green, the cannon of justice is set in it, and you can see countless emerald lights circulating, and the cannonballs are completely broken down and disappeared. In the entire world, only black-clothed youth holds books in one hand and bears them in the other. Behind him, he stood quietly beside Lucifer.

“Sire, the last life, many thanks!”

Lucifer is a heroic spirit. Facing the coming of the last life, it is not surprising at all. It must be his lord Yi Ling who asks for him. This last life Sire is a card master, The book is the Supreme inheritance on the card side, with a complete set of inheritance cards, which can be ranked in the top three among the trialists in the camp of the Great Evil Empire.

“Lucifer Sire, no need to courteous, the same faction, help each other.”

“A group of despicable villains, Commander Sir has long known that the chaotic camp is uneasy and kind. Didn’t expect has cooperated with Great Qin.”

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