
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“No, I’m here to borrow something from you today.”

Gu Huang saw the other party’s almost kneeling and licking attitude, and he unconsciously felt a little disgusted in his heart. He knew what the Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce was. He used Primal Chaos Gold Coin to collect the Primordial Crystal in the area of ​​Death Ruins, except Thirty Three Heavens and Ninety-Nine Lands, Great Qin Empire are outside the sphere of influence, almost all of them are monopolized, resulting in the same price of goods at least three times higher than the original.

But in the living world, it’s the opposite attitude. Using the crystal of the origin as the unified currency, I would rather sell the goods of the living world into the burial ground, the soul river, the eternal abyss, rather than flow into the death ruins, almost Take an economic blockade.

If it weren’t for Great Qin to be self-sufficient, and to trade in Thirty Three Heavens, the ninety-nine lands, the ten lands of ancient Nine Heavens, I’m afraid it would forcibly block Great Qin to death.

There is no burden in robbing them. Anyway, there is a Yuan clan’s back. The vest is really useless, so the battle of Nine Provinces is almost over.

“Young Master, what’s the need, but please state clearly.”

The old man of the three-headed tribe is extremely courteous, and he is totally responsive to the children of the Great Family in the realm of life.

Of course, it was also ordered by the above. The battle of the Nine Provinces is extremely critical. Every child of the living family has the hope of becoming the Nine Provinces Human Sovereign, and the worst is the position of the lord.

This has already been agreed upon by the giants of the world. As for the competition, it is natural to rely on its own means, and there is no complaint about life or death.

“All the resources of your Chamber of Commerce, without a piece of Origin Crystal, I will peel you off your cramps.”

Gu Huang flicked his sleeves, his brows were filled with unpleasantness, and no one sat on the chair inside. The sound of neither salt nor mild sound resounded throughout the hall, giving people a kind of incomparable arrogance.

“Yuan Young Master, what do you mean by this?”

“With your permission in Chamber of Commerce, you can have 1 billion Origin Crystals, or resources of the same value.”

“But if you ask for all the resources, isn’t it just grabbing?”

The old man of the three-eye clan is very surprised, but facing the Young Master of the Yuan clan, he really doesn’t dare to neglect him at all, but Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce may not be afraid of him. After all, this place is Nine Provinces. Back to the dusty Heaven and Earth.

“You can think so too?”

“I only give you a quarter of an hour. I will do it myself when it is out of date.”

“What are the consequences, you bear it yourself.”

Gu Huang closed the folding fan in his palm in an instant, and then slowly closed his eyes. He came to grab it. There was no mistake at all. It was the Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce.

“Yuan Young Master, please bring me a little while I can ask for your instructions.”

The old man of the three-eye clan startedled in his heart, and secretly thought that things were difficult to handle. The young master of the Yuan clan was afraid that he did not come to ask for resources, but wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble. The battle has started.

If it is beheaded by the Young Master of the same biosphere family, then it can only be inferior to humans.

But if you are killed by the creatures of the Nine Provinces, especially on the site of the Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce, this matter will make the Chamber of Commerce passive.

the thoughts got to this point, the old man of the trinocular tribe did not dare to hesitate, and quickly moved towards the Inner Hall, shuttled through the strange curse of the core area, the old man of the trinocular tribe descended to a strange In the depths of the mist, the silhouette has disappeared in an instant.

When the old man silhouette appeared, he had already arrived in an incomparably peculiar realm, and saw his trinocular old man half-kneeling, moving towards the strange realm with a series of weird syllables.

“What’s the matter?”

An icy blue long-haired youth silhouette emerges, a face like an eternal glacier, full of endless coldness, and a sense of indifference that is not beyond a thousand li.

“The subordinates have seen Vice President, and today there is the Young Master Yuan Yi of Yuan Clan coming to Nine Provinces.”

“With his authority, he can mobilize the resources of Chamber of Commerce worth 1 billion Yuanzhijing, but Yuanta Young Master asks for all the resources from the junior.”

“And threatened that if a piece of Origin Crystal is missing, let the younger one take responsibility for the consequences.”

“Dare to ask President, what should the villain do?”

The old man of the tri-eye tribe knelt on the ground, facing the ice blue long-haired young man, he didn’t even dare to lift his head. The whole person was full of a deep sense of awe.

“Yuan Yi has arrived, and the curtain has been opened.”

“Withdraw from Sox City State and give him all the resources.”

“Nine Provinces candidates in the mortal world, Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce will do everything to help.”

Bingblue’s long-haired youth said, his voice was as cold and ruthless as his appearance, giving people a shuddering aura.

“Subordinates do it!”

The silhouette of the old man of the tri-eye clan has disappeared, and the whole person seems to have never appeared.

“It doesn’t matter, you can’t get out of Nine Provinces anyway. This is your Land of Burial.”

“My Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce, but I bet on the control of the Heaven and Earth Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. I bet that you will all be buried in Nine Provinces. If you let you go out alive.”

“Chamber of Commerce is going to lose money, it is the Chamber of Commerce to give you funeral expenses.”

Bingblue’s long-haired youth’s face shone with a gloomy smile. The Heaven and Earth Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce in Nine Provinces must be occupied a place, because this is one-fifth of the Divine State continent.

Zhuxia Human Race will take it back at all costs, even if it is the endless era in the future.

If you don’t give up, you must fight every inch. Zhuxia Human Race will never give up your own territory…

“What’s the matter? You need to go there yourself. The battle of Nine Provinces involves a lot. Don’t get too deep into the Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce.”

“Except for evil things, this is our bottom line. Don’t directly conflict with any force.”

“Just received a reliable information, fiend in human form is coming.”

At this time, another girl with white hair and red eyes descended. After all, the battle of Nine Provinces has involved all camps, even Thirty Three Heavens and Ninety-Nine Lands, who were not involved, were silently paying attention.

It is about the ancestral land of Zhuxia Human Race, no one will give up easily.

No one can occupy the land of the ancestors of the Xia grandiosely, but can be stable and eternal.

“Fiend in human form, he finally showed up, but I don’t know if he can escape this killing?”

“This vast Nine Provinces is the battlefield. I really don’t know who arranged it and for whom?”

“Ning Yun, we don’t want to get involved, I’m afraid it won’t work.”

“The times are different, and we must also learn to change.”

“But there is one thing, we still have to stay away from fiend in human form. The origin, background, and feet of this person are still a mystery.”

The long-haired youth of Bingblue sighed, because once in the Nine Provinces of Space-Time Secret Realm, I have seen how fiend in human form is so ruthless. In such a desperate situation, I can still come back. How many people are there? Can do it.

“The one that should come will come after all, it’s no use trying to avoid it.”

“The causality between our Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce and fiend in human form will ultimately be broken.”

“Even if you stay away, but you think he can spare us lightly.”

“The only way is to kill him in Nine Provinces, and never give him a chance to get ahead.”

“I have arranged everything, and I will wait for the fiend in human form to show up.”

Ning Yun’s bloody eyes are filled with killing intent, fiend in human form will never make them feel better, and naturally will not let them go, so she can only die first.

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