
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Nine Provinces Great Heaven and Earth, at the junction of East Continent and North Continent, has spawned a whole new continent. If you look closely, you will find that this continent seems to have been put up by force, simply not the area of ​​Nine Provinces. .

This newly-born continent is really a fragment of the Great Plane of Eras. It was also forcibly cut out and flowed to the place of origin. Now it is spliced ​​by supreme almighty in the Great Heaven and Earth of Nine Provinces.

Although it is said to be a new continent, it is not large in size, and it is not as large as 1% of East China. Because Nine Provinces, Heaven and Earth, are growing all the time, and naturally this brand new area is also accompanied by it. It has grown and now has an area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles.

Now it has become a chaotic place. The most powerful force is the chaotic camp. After all, it used to be the nest of the chaotic camp. The 2nd force is the tester of the Great Eritrea, and the 3rd one belongs to The power of the Great Qin Empire.

The three forces have no idea how many battles have been fought. Because they are out of the control of the will of the big plane, all team battle trial members who fall will be reborn after a period of time, and the three forces are like this.

Killing and killing, until the end, the three forces are tired of killing. They have divided their respective territories. They are not fighting and targeting endlessly. Their respective developments are territories. They will explore outer planes, different spaces, and high latitudes. As the top priority.

Since leaving the great plane to the place of origin, and descending on Nine Provinces Heaven and Earth, the creatures in this area are only known to a few people.

The chaotic camp, the Great Evil Empire, the Great Qin Empire, the three forces are on guard against each other, and no one believes in each other? Anyway, there are not many big disputes, but frictions are frequent.

On this day, on the border between Dongzhou and Beizhou, a silhouette of an uninvited guest appeared. He was dressed in a black shirt with a handsome face, a Confucian crown on his head, a suspended sapphire belt, and a White handle in his hand. Folding Fan, like a personable Aristocratic Family Young Master.

He was right beside him, followed by a big black dog with a body shape of one meter five and one meter high. The whole body was pitch black and there was no trace of miscellaneous fur. A pair of black eyeballs turned up and down, and the dog’s mouth was stuck in his mouth. Holding a big cigar thick with a carrot, shaking his head and shaking his head for two steps is a slapstick posture with a puff of smoke.

“Young Master, where are we going ah!”

The big black dog stood upright, and the two pitch-black dogs held a big cigar in their paws and smoked wildly. The dog’s mouth spit out one big smoke ring after another, completely intoxicated.

“Dead dog, the place is here, there are fragments of the Great Plane of Eras in front of me, and now I don’t know what it looks like. It has been a long, long time since I was alone.”

“The Great Qin Empire has evacuated from the Dead Market. This is the last subject of the Great Qin Empire…”

“I don’t know if Fifth Senior Brother can still hold it?”

The young man is the trumpet of Gu Huang body possession. Now his identity is Yuan Yi from the son of the first wife named Yuan Clan in the life world, representing the identity of this generation Number One Person of Yuan Clan, ten Rank 6 The Taoist monarch, have the same origin with the cultivation side of the death ruins.

The trumpet body now has only a seed of power brought from the body, but it has been integrated into the body to grow from time to time. The purpose of coming here now is naturally to control this area.

But his identity is too special. In order to prevent accidents from happening, he reincarnated Goudite’s.

“Young Master, your Fifth Senior Brother looks like the younger one, that is the god of the sky, now you can’t reveal your identity, so let the younger one go for the contact matter!”

The big black dog fiercely finished his last cigar and walked to Gu Huang with his tongue stretched out. It was exactly like a pug, his small eyes were rolling around, and he had his own consideration in his heart.

Little beauty people!

Wuye, I’m here, don’t leave!

And my Fourth Brother flower chicks, they have all gotten into the chaotic camp.

Wu Ye has been thinking about the taste of Qizhen Babao Chicken for a long time.


“Dead dog, don’t think I don’t know what sly plan I played. If I dare to break the plan of this Young Master, I will give you to Wang Lu.”

Gu Huang slapped his hand and slapped the big black dog into the soil. He warned him on the spot. He didn’t give him a chance and cut off his thoughts.


“Young Master, even if you give the little ones the courage, the little ones dare not do it!”

“Master, you have to believe in the loyalty of the little one, and the little one has already changed his mistakes, and never dare to do those slanderous things.”

“The little one also joined Sect and heard the way of Saint. It’s not like a jerk like Hua Xiaoji.”

“Zhuxia’s dog who is born a little, is also Zhuxia’s ghost dog when he dies.”

The big black dog vomited a mouthful of mud, and then he remembered the famous murderer in front of him. He has been a little drifting these days, and he can’t offend his Big Boss, otherwise he really has come to Wang Lu. In front of…

“Okay, don’t be poor, I’ll go there myself!”

“Give you a task, go to the chaotic camp to explore the situation, remember not to disturb anyone.”

“In three days, I want to mess up the list of all core members of the camp.”

Gu Huang still didn’t plan to count on Gould. In case his identity is revealed, the entire Nine Provinces, Heaven and Earth, will come to kill him. All he has to do now is to contact the Fifth Senior Brother and sneak into the Great Qin camp and try again. .

The battle of Nine Provinces involved too many people and things, and it was a game between myself and the nine heads.

Now, fortunately, the nine heads do not know that they are out of the game.

No one can contact except Fifth Senior Brother.

This body itself is the core candidate to participate in the Battle of Nine Provinces.

“Young Master, don’t worry!”

“The small one can be done for you, so the small one will take a step ahead.”

The silhouette of the big black dog gleamed and turned into a rather ordinary middle age person silhouette, which instantly disappeared in front of Gu Huang.

“Sister Hong Ling, Sister Wolf, Li Chen, the location of Zi Qianliu.”

“Spicy chicken system, search for Yu’s location, and detect innocent things and strange creatures in this area.”

“Black Boss, show up, let’s get a vote first.”

Gu Huang stood on the spot, and the folding fan in his palm slowly unfolded, directly assigning the task of system and Hong Ling. The Big Black Brick emerged from the center of his eyebrows, turning into a pitch-black short stick, and escaped into Gu Huang. Deep in the sleeve.

“Huang big brother, Chen Chen, Zi Qianlu, Hong Ling is hiding in a mountain range in Zhong Prefecture.”

“Guye, after investigation, there are no evil things, but there are weird creatures, and there are still a lot of them. There is actually a glorious naughty little girl on the side of the Great Elena*Evran*.”

“Oh! It’s really interesting, let’s stay quiet, let’s go over and talk.”

Gu Huang hearing this, with a smile of harmless to human and animals on the corner of his mouth, but it is daunting…

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