
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Unnamed Void, unknown Darkness Territory!

With the distortion of the void, a ship with only half of the old and decaying warship descended. On the deck of the bow lay a thin ancient corpse, floating alone in the cold Darkness Territory.

I don’t know how long it has passed, or how far it has wandered, the pitch-black and decaying warship is always fixed in one direction, even in the dim and endless unnamed realm, it seems that it will not get lost.


“It’s close!”

“Wild Spirit Ruins…My hometown…The last pure land of Divine State…”

“I am coming back!”

“Are there still clansman alive…?”

The cold dark realm, the pitch-black ancient warship, only the deep words of ancient corpse, full of emptiness and silence, but filled with a deep melancholy and longing, the way back home is the more Coming closer…

But I feel lonely and dead…

It’s been too long…it’s really too long…so long as he thought he wanted to bury the void forever.

But he felt the summon from his people.

Can you finally go home?


The cold and endless darkness of the unnamed realm suddenly erupted with a terrifying sound, no less than a Primal Chaos Divine Lightning that was torn through throughout time, and an arm with a length of 10,000 li penetrated Come.

The whole body is pitch black, covered with layers of scales, and weird red and green hairs grow. There are endless mist-like particles entwining the surface, weird and unknown, and some are full of evil substances.

Ancient, majestic, like a terrifying arm of a master, I don’t know how many cosmic voids have been torn apart, how many Primal Chaos dark realms have penetrated, and moved towards the pitch-black decayed warship in front of me is crushed.

“You really are not dead!”

At the head of the pitch-black battleship, the nameless mummy opened its hollow and dark eyes, and the extremely thin palm of his hand ran across the void, and instantly saw the Darkness Territory collapse and fall, the infinite darkness divine light shone out, as if it could shine The worlds traverse the end of eternity.

“You are not dead!”

“How dare I die first!”

With the unstoppable terrifying power, the arms covered with scales instantly shattered the giant hands that reflected the divine light of the world, and suspended this ancient dark peak, just like a terrifying Ruler.

“Get out of the way!”

Above the battleship, the ancient corpse silhouette stands, and the tiny body presents a sharp contrast with the giant empty hand. It seems to be able to shine in the world and permeate the eternity of Eternal Heaven and Earth, making people shiver unconsciously.

The road back to the hometown, without peace and security!

The Hand of Eternity!

It still exists, and it seems that it will be impossible to go back for a while.

Then fight again!


The ancient heavenly music filled the depths of the huge black arms, which made it clear that a faction would neither take action, but would not let it leave. Dozens of Eternals have been robbed, and even the gods have been broken. One after another passed away, even if it was an enemy, there were few people.

Go back!

The times are different!

What if I go back?

The existence of this first class is coming, and the whole world can be shattered with just a ray of aura.

Once… a long, long time ago… I am the only heaven in the real world…

It means that you would rather the only real world be broken, even if the Divine State falls, you have to turn against the sky.

I only had one arm left.

“Eternal Heaven!”

“Do you really want to be perish together?”

“If so, I will stay with you to the end!”

The head of the pitch-black warship, the ancient corpse indifferently raised his head and stared into the void, the dark and lonely eyes filled with a touch of terrifying will, and the condense of the brows faintly showed a flame imprint.

Eternal Heaven Ah! Eternal Heaven, with only one arm left, dare to make waves.

Forget me, Divine State Human Race held high the anti-sky banner back then.

The eternal clan that killed you is annihilated, do you have only one arm left in your Eternal Heaven?

Although we have paid an extremely painful price!

If you are not free, you would rather die ah!

“perish together!”

“With who you are now, can you do it?”

“I don’t need to fight you to death, I just need to drag you.”

“Anyway, your descendants are destined to die, and there will be no Divine State in the world.”

“Eternal lonely Heaven and Earth, the endless Darkness Territory, only your cold ancient corpse.”

The black giant hand ran across the sky. Simply did not come to trouble the ancient corpse. The end result was just to hold him back. As long as he couldn’t return to 3000 universe, everything was in vain.

Divine State Human Race, is destined to be a history?

Anti heaven!

No chance!

“Eternal Heaven!”

“Don’t be afraid of dying once.”

The ancient corpse on the battleship was calm on the surface, but was extremely urgent inside, because he didn’t know what happened to the descendants of Divine State. At least when the descendants were in Summon, the situation had reached a critical point.

The eternal race is about to resurrect again.

Fortunately, the spiritual seed was left in advance. If it is really a citizen of Divine State, the situation at this time should be able to be sensed.

Little fellow, it seems that I can’t go back for the time being. I hope the True Blood contained in the Seed of Spirit is useful to you.


Wild Spirit Ruins.

Gu Huang was about to narrate the situation of the death market, but there was a tingling pain in the soul. The spiritual seed from the ancient corpse senior appeared one after another fuzzy picture.

Not good!

Senior was blocked by someone…

Whose arm is that…

Eternal Heaven!

It turned out to be Eternal Heaven.

Damn, damn Eternal Heaven, you turned out to be the culprit.

“Spicy chicken system, Hong Ling, Black Boss, lend you the power and send me to this void.”

After saying this, Gu Huang conveyed the image of the seed of spirit directly in front of Black Boss, Hong Ling, and Spicy Chicken System. They were paying attention to all the situation throughout the process, and naturally they should know that they are facing now. Who is it?

The earliest ancestor of Divine State Human Race, the first emperor.

At this time, it is no longer the time to hide and tuck. If Human Ancestor can’t return, there is no chance to break the barrier and tear a blood path.

“Guye, this system can’t do it.”

“Huang big brother, little girl…I can do nothing?”

“Dirty Brat, this is not a situation where we can intervene.”

The spicy chicken system, Hong Ling, and Big Black Brick made their voices heard for a long time, and each and everyone was depressed to the extreme. Neither the human ancestor nor the arm of Eternal Heaven could resist them.

“Spicy chicken system, aren’t you omnipotent? Hong Ling, aren’t you the ultimate tool to surpass Innate universe? Black Boss, haven’t you killed Eternal Heaven?”

“At the critical moment, all the links are off, what do I want you to do?”

“I asked you the last time, will it help me?”

Gu Huang’s soul is roaring. For the first time in history, such despair and helplessness have occurred. The tools and objects that can be relied on are not counted on at the critical moment. Even they can’t be trusted. Who else can they count on?

At this moment, Huang Old Demon sank into the depths of True Spirit and imprint, staring directly at the Seed of the Universe in front of him. At present, he is the only hope that can be pinned on. If the ancestors cannot be recalled, this situation is difficult to break!

The cracked surface of the Seed of the Universe suddenly burst out with a soft light charm, which instantly bathed in the depths of Gu Huang’s mark of life. In an instant, the mark of life was touched, scenes of memories and dusty power Unlocked…

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