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Old Xuan was startled all over, unconsciously peeping into the void, feeling a deep horror inexplicably…




Take the Wild Spirit Ruins as the final location, from the far side of the void, is it…

the thoughts got to this point, the old Xuan trembled all over, the blood flowed from the seven orifices, and the gray hair was scattered. If the whole person was crazy, but the bloody and muddy eyes were full of enthusiasm and Excited, the whole person immediately knelt on the ground, as if praying and repenting…

“Senior, what are you…”

Gu Huang is completely stunned. He doesn’t know what happened to the white hair. Why is such a powerful existence so terrifying.

Although the cultivation base of the old Xuan cannot be seen, but the Life Level is too high, even the light of the soul is difficult to peek, and you can only vaguely feel the level that is far suppressed from in the depth of one’s soul.

Unnamed Void, what exactly are the corpses on the half battleship?

Think carefully!

I’m really scared of thinking about it!

Is that the Senior of my Zhuxia?

“Our ancestors are still alive…Our ancestors are still alive…”

“That is our ancestor…”

“The taboo of our Divine State Human Race Supreme Supreme is also the person who was born in Divine State.”

“The people of Divine State are respected as ancestors!”

Old Xuan prostrated on the ground, and his deep voice resounded, full of endless excitement and enthusiasm, because the ancestor Senior was still alive and had disappeared for too long, too long, so long as the heavens collapsed and Divine State fell. , Fell into the 3,000 universe, and the ancestor, his Senior, did not show up. He did not expect that his Senior would return to his position after fifty long Eternal calamities.

Why return to the Wild Spirit Ruins, because the Wild Spirit Ruins are the source of the Divine State Human Race and the dojo of the ancestors. Only the Wild Spirit Ruins still preserve 70% of the origin of the Divine State and have the only rules of the real world.

Only the Wild Spirit Ruins can carry his Senior’s arrival!


“Human… Ren Zu… dare to ask the old man Xuan’s ancestor title…”

Gu Huang was also completely horrified. I didn’t expect that the image reflected by the Seed of the Universe was actually an ancestor… But who is he? You must know that the origin of Zhu Xia is in Dayu, and Dayu originated in Divine State. .

Looking back in this way, then the identity of the ancestor of Divine State…

“Old man doesn’t know what Renzuzun’s name is?”

“Because the human ancestor is not one, but this original human ancestor has really contributed a lot to our Human Race.”

“Let us Human Race from devour raw meat and fowl and darkness to obscurity, let us embark on light and warmth.”

“Because he led our Human Race to a fire!”

Old Xuan’s voice was full of calm, but he couldn’t hold back his excitement, he kept moving towards Void Worship…

“Make fire…”

“Could it be Sui Renshi!”

Gu Huang startedled in his heart, and didn’t even think about it, he would export the Suiren family, because according to Earth’s Myths and Legends, the one who made the fire was Suiren family, one of the earliest ancestors of Human Race, and the first emperor. .

It can be said that without the Flintlock, there would be no civilization after Human Race.

Drilling wood to make fire, it seems simple!

But in fact, it is of great significance. It is a process from ignorance to civilization.


“The Emperor…”

“Ancestors…Suirenshi…The Emperor…”

“I remember, I remember everything, God collapsed, Divine State fell, our ancestors fought in the unknown void…”

“Youngster, who are you? Why do you know the name of my ancestor.”

“Which market did you come from.”

The old Xuantou heard the name of Suiren, and the disappearing memories reappear like flowing water. The memories of scenes are all rise in the mind, but more of them are doubts about the identity of the person in front of them, which can be called The title of the ancestor, it can be said that he is a citizen of Divine State.

Because the heavens collapsed, Divine State fell, the real world fell, and it turned into a piece of market.

It’s a pity that the long years have passed, and contact has long since been broken.

Some ruins were captured by foreign enemies, some ruined in the Foreign Domain, and some ruins were gathered by the Wild Spirit Ruins and became part of it. Otherwise, how could the Wild Spirit Ruins be so powerful.

The only real world above God today, there is no Divine State anymore.

The entire Divine State fell and evolved into various ruins. In addition to the Wild Spirit Ruins, there is also a ruin.

Kunlun Qiu Xu!

And not far from the Wild Spirit Ruins, it is the evolution of the Kunlun mountain, the home of all gods, the origin of mythology.

The Wild Spirit Ruins were the first to fall, so they saved a lot of strength, but according to rumors, Kunlun Qiu Xu was the last to fall, and he has been fighting with powerful enemies. It seems that there are no survivors.

“I am from the Dead Market!”

“Death Market has another name, Kunlun Qiu Xu.”

“I wonder if Senior has heard of it!”

Gu Huang confided his origins in a straightforward manner, and vaguely felt that he was about to touch a great truth.

“Kunlun Qiu Xu, you are from Kunlun Qiu Xu…”

“No wonder, no wonder you can enter the Wild Spirit Ruins, it seems not by accident, but by necessity!”

“Since you are from Kunlun, then you are the emperor of Divine State!”

“youngster, only the emperor of Divine State can set foot on this barren Spirit Ruins, and only the emperor can be the beacon of the ancestors and bring him back to Senior.”

Old Xuan stared at Gu Huang with seriousness, and felt that the youngster in front of him was not simple, because it was really peace and security, and it was very similar to one of the emperors of Kunlun in my memory.

“Senior, I don’t know, because I have forgotten everything.”

“Senior is not to be concealed. In fact, Junior is desperate, and also inadvertently communicated with the ancestors.”

“Otherwise, I simply don’t know the existence of Huang Spirit Ruins, and it was his Senior who guided me to come here…”

“But I am indeed from Divine State, and may be one of the last survivors of the Dead Market…”

“Maybe only the return of Renzu Senior can really solve my doubts.”

Gu Huang really forgot everything. About his own history and memory, he can only use limited information. Of course, there is the last fusion of the spicy chicken system, which may be able to remember everything in the past.

But the time is not yet!

It’s really going to merge, who knows what will happen.

“Why did you forget, what happened to you?”

“As far as the old man knows, Kunlun gathered the strongest group of people in Divine State in the past. How could they even forget the past.”

“youngster, tell me what you have experienced over the years.”

Old Xuan moved towards Xukong three kneels and nine knocks, he got up and stood up. You must know that the Kunlun mountain in the past really gathered the most peak powerhouses in Divine State, but now he has forgotten his past. It’s really unimaginable. What kind of power can make them forget the past. Is it too long since they were born? The times are really different.

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