
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Beyond the distant eternity, there is an endless sleeping place on the other side.

A chain runs through an unknown number of realms, Heaven and Earth, World, and the chain of Primal Chaos is torn out. If you look closely at the top of the chain, the silhouette of a person is broken and the heart is hung in it, like a human-shaped kite. Amazingly, it is the dying Magnolia Young Master.

“Who is you who dare to disturb my sleep.”



The sleeping place at the other end, one after another terrifying aura resurrection, for the penetration of the dark chain, this represents a provocation, the sleeping place powerhouses have emerged, and they want to destroy the chain.

“Stop it, all back!”

“Noble, Supreme, a great being, I don’t know what happened to come to the place of sleep.”

“Our sleeping place belongs to the domain of permanent neutrality. No one has ever arbitrarily…”

In the center of the Sleeping Place, a rickety illusory shadow emerged. Looking at the black chains in front of him, the silhouette looked extremely respectful, but the words hadn’t fallen yet, but they were pulled to pieces by the black chains on the spot.

“The local government does things, irrelevant people, etc. Get out!”

“Those who dare to obstruct, will enter the Eighteen Levels of Hell, forever unable to reincarnate.”

“Lord of miracles, where is Yunxi.”

The vastness, the stalwart, and the mysterious voice resounded through the place of silver slumber, demonstrating endless dominance and tyranny, giving people a kind of aloof and remote will to dominate Heaven and Earth.

“The underworld…Heaven Ah! Is the underworld born again…”

“shut up! Don’t say anything!”

“Yunxi, the lord of miracles, what did she do? Actually let the underworld come out to get people?”

“Quiet! Just watch it.”

The place of eternal sleep, where countless wills are permeated and communicate with each other, but no one dares to stand in the way. You must know that the place of eternal sleep is only eligible to enter the place of eternal sleep, and set foot in the place of eternal sleep , Is destined to be separated from Heaven and Earth and all living things, and will not be involved in any disputes. It belongs to the permanent neutrality recognized by Supreme.

For a long time, I don’t know how many creatures have taken refuge in this sleeping place to seek refuge.

The underworld is definitely an eternal nightmare for the creatures in the sleeping place. You must know how terrifying the underworld of Mythological Era is. Even if you are the eternal, Heavenly Venerate, as long as you violate the rule of heaven, no matter you hide No matter where you are, no matter who shelters you, as soon as the chains of the underworld ecstasy are released, they will be dragged into the Eighteen Levels of Hell every minute.

With the disappearance of Mythological Era, there has been no news of Ecstasy for a long, long time. Now Ecstasy appears in the place of sleep. The worst here are the eternal, and there is even the existence of the Heavenly Venerable Realm.

But the underworld is still strong and domineering, ignoring these people in front of him?

“I am here, who is you?”

He held a city in his hand and was in a great abyss. The silhouette of the woman covered by the silver light flame walked out, and the pupil light hidden under the silver light flame was also full of horror.

Netherworld Hook Soul Lock!

My mindful body…

How could it be possible that the underworld was wiped out a long time ago, and even the Big Six Roads of Samsara is incomplete.

The little Six Roads of Samsara still needs Kṣitigarbha’s power support, so the ecstasy directly appeared here, it is legend that there is still an old monster in the underworld.

Impossible, it should be dead. Supreme is absolutely impossible to allow the underworld and powerhouse to survive.

Kṣitigarbha is an example.


“You are also qualified to ask me!”

“Will you go with me, or I will tie it away.”

The pitch-black chain was instantly drawn on Yunxi’s body, and its silver light flame was blown up. The a gorgeous unique face showed clear chain marks, and the cold and biting aura made Yunxi’s body tremble…

“I was right, why should I go with you!”

Yunxi pupil light was extremely cold, and her body was full of violent biting chills. It was almost frozen her body. For the first time in his life, facing the ecstasy of the underworld, he felt horror and fear.

Supreme Treasure of the underworld!

Can’t fight, but who is it?

My thought body was killed, do I want the true body of summon Supreme?

No, no, if Supreme really comes…


“Why do you need to explain to you when the government does things.”

“To have no shame!”

The pitch-black chain was instantly tied to Yunxi’s throat, and the overbearing voice had not yet fallen, and it dragged Yunxi out of the place of eternal sleep, and I don’t know how many Primal Chaos, Heaven and Earth, World, and finally Arrived at the top of the dead market……

“Boss, just let the underworld take Yunxi away.”

“Boss, the underworld has already died out of the absolutely era, so dare to be so arrogant and obviously ignore our sleeping place.”

“Boss, I can’t bear it!”

Seeing Yunxi being dragged away by Ecstasy, but no one dared to stop all around. After all, no one wanted to try the prestige of Ecstasy, but each and everyone felt unwilling.

“Shut up! Today’s things have never happened.”

“Whoever dares to spread it will drive out the place of sleep.”

“Made! It’s going to change ah!”

The illusory shadow chuckled, and the last sentence was silent in my heart. The mythical underworld dared to be born in grandeur, and went to the place of eternal sleep to take people.

I took the Supreme’s incarnation……

The world is about to change, and the lost myth will return to its place.

The war is about to begin.

Top of the Dead Market!

“Death Market…No…I don’t want to go to Death Market!”

“Sire, I am willing to pay any price, but I beg you to let me go once.”

“Wuyunxi is willing to promise that I will never fight Great Qin anymore.”

“Thousands of mistakes are the fault of my own body. I am just an incarnation. Everything has nothing to do with me.”

“The fiend in human form was not killed by me, it was killed by my own body. I hid in the sleeping place to escape the control of the body.”

“I am the lord of miracles and the last person on the side of miracles. The source of my miraculous power is fiend in human form. The Supreme body always thinks you can kill me, and captures the last 30% of the miracle origin.”

Yunxi looked at the dark and endless tomb in front of him. It was completely filled with fear from deep in one’s heart. The Death Ruins were a place that even Supreme’s real body would not dare to set foot in. He was a real body of rank 20. Stepping into the death market will be swallowed clean, that is a price worse than death.

“50% miraculous power, I can let you go.”

A sound resounded on the pitch-black chain, which is obviously also the power of miracles. After all, although miracles are not invincible, they represent omnipotence.


Yunxi not even think, the light of silver miraculous appeared in the palm of her hand, and she instantly melted into the dark chains, and her whole person fell directly from the twentieth Heavenly Venerable Realm to the eighteenth Heavenly Dao realm, but lost half of it The power of miracles is better than being eaten up by the death market.

“Very well, Yunxi, you are very trustworthy.”

“Good luck, then!”

The pitch black chain gained the power of miraculous authority, and slowly disappeared from Yunxi’s neck, and finally turned into a black light and disappeared into the death ruins, the vast and dark void of death, only Yunxi sat down weakly and cold. Incomparably, only violently gasping for breath, the pupil light is full of horror and death.

At the same time, a silhouette appeared silently behind Yunxi. It can be seen that is a is wearing an azure robe, holding a silhouette of a beautiful girl with a fan, and a smile of harmless to human and animals appears at the corner of her mouth, with her left hand The black light faintly condensed into a thick glove, seemingly silent, but a heavy and unmatched punch fiercely hit the back of Yunxi’s head.



Yunxi’s head was hit hard, dazed, a mouthful of silver blood spurted out, instinctively looking back, but before turning around, he was hit in the back of the head with a punch, and saw its skull cracked, silver blood splashed , Yunxi finally passed out…

“The horseman, this naughty little girl has a hard head, and the semi-Supreme device has to be smashed twice.”

“Don’t take advantage of it, it’s too bad. It’s not as good as Big Black Brick. It seems that you have to get Black Brick back.”

“Otherwise it would be too unprofessional!”

“naughty little girl, you are in the hands of this Young Master.”


The person who took the sneak attack was not someone else, but it was the old Demon, who directly sealed Yunxi’s body. The big sleeve rolled it into Heaven and Earth, and then the silhouette moved towards the dead market.

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