
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


“Knight King elder sister, Meilin Master, 36 continents are about to disappear.”

“I will send you…back to Canggu Continent…”

“Tell Ancestral Dragon elder sister…Qiran lives up to the name of Young Master…”


Qiran’s exquisite face was pale, with red blood flowing slowly at the corners of her mouth, Siwon’s heavenly blade behind her cut open the void, forming a passage, and a bit of biting cold aura permeated with heterochromatic eyes, the whole body It also gradually became transparent and dimmed, as if to dissipate at any time.

Master big brother, Ancestral Dragon elder sister ……

Emperor big brother, your younger sister is not a waste, I didn’t shame you!

You have blessed me for a long time, and it is time for me to give back to you. Since everyone is a pawn, even the Master himself is a pawn, why should I be afraid of death.

Are you really unwilling?

Although I am only transformed by a single thought of the body, I am not afraid of death. If I did not waste these three Eternal epochs… Maybe the situation is different…

Master big brother, in fact, you have always been right…


“Your Majesty, let’s go!”

Evreya’s face was full of unwillingness and despair, but she was forcibly held back by Merlin Master. The matter had progressed to a step, and it had surpassed everyone’s imagination, let alone they could not resist.

Seven dye Young Master has a determination to die, leaving it will only increase troubles.

Great Qin Empire, everyone fierce and unafraid of death.

Such Great Qin, sooner or later, it will sweep Heaven and Earth and move toward a multi-dimensional Supreme.

The silhouettes of Evreya and Merlin Master disappeared, and Qiran finally couldn’t hold on, coughing up blood, the silhouette became more and more transparent, almost always collapsed, stumbled Grasping the Heavenly Blade of the Origin Source behind him, one after another the pure and incomparable power of Origin penetrates through the body, allowing Qiran’s body to return from the illusory shadow to the physical existence.

“Come out!”

“When are you going to hide.”

“All of this is your plot against, fighting strength at the top of Liudao and Soul River, you are a fisherman.”

“Am I right? Magnolia Young Master.”

Qiran’s eyes stared at the void, as if the brilliance penetrated through the void, and then a blade glow cut out the void, full of unparalleled horror.

“It seems you are not too dumb.”

“Qiran, no matter how you struggle, everything is in vain.”

“The Six Ways, Soul River, will be destroyed today.”

“The origins of the six realms and the soul river are destined for me. I will open up a new Land of Samsara and hand over the origins of the six realms. I can spare your life.”

On the top of the void, above the sky, a silhouette of a menswear woman wearing pure black clothes walks out, her facial features are full of heroic aura, even the generous attire can hardly conceal her lithe and graceful figure.

Poor bug!

It’s not too stupid, but it’s all in vain.

Because you no longer have any chances, what if you are all paying attention to above heaven under earth?

Today’s six origins are destined to be mine.

“Magnolia Young Master, everyone in the empire knows that the four Young Masters belong to you the most stable and normal, and the remaining three are sick.”

“As soon as I see you today, you also only this, besides plot against behind, what else can you do?”

“I also know that you are very strong. Of the four Young Masters, you are the one who hides the deepest, regardless of Longyang or monster Young Master. Even I rely on the background.”

“But we are different from you, because you dare to fight with one goal, one thing, or even one person.”

“Just like now!”

“Siwon heavenly blade, cut!”

Qiran is in the void, her black hair dances in the void, her eyes of different colors overlap and she reveals a faint smile, the origin of the palm of her palm, the heavenly blade, stirs the void, cold, and the dazzling intent of the knife penetrates through, and the dazzling divine light penetrates Heaven and Earth.

Awesomely saw another long silver river emerging from Qiran’s feet, and six colors of brilliance appeared behind it, forming six huge holes, faintly intertwining the power of Life and Death Reincarnation.




Fusing into One, the three powers converge into a dazzling blade light, covering the vast and endless sky, seeming to turn the entire Heaven and Earth into the other side of Immortal.

Destiny is frozen, years are stagnant, life and death are disillusioned, endless cycles, like everything is in reincarnation.

With a single sword, I do my best. It seems that transcendence is the Great Dao, destroying the Supreme ultimate.

“The miracle is reversed!”

boundless void, outside of the endless universe, like the eternal end of Immortal, a silhouette resembling a Supreme mansion and resurrected from slumber. It is dressed in silver armor, holding an ancient giant city in his left hand, and is entangled with 9 chains , There seemed to be an ancient abyss on his back, and throughout time Immortal filled his body, like an eternal aura.

When the eyes opened for a moment, the endless silver divine light penetrated Eternal reincarnation. I don’t know how many Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth have been shuttled through, and how many layers of World have been peeped through, staring at the end of eternity.

One finger destroys the void, spans thousands of Primal Chaos, the vast world, and the Grand Law, descends on the top of 36 continents.

Under the intent of the gold sword, a giant silver finger, which is shining and entwined with the light of infinite mystery, propped up the sky, blocked the front of Magnolia Young Master, and even withstood the shattered Heaven and Earth’s knife.


“The power of miracles…who are you?”

The gold blade light shattered, and Qiran’s body was filled with wisps of knife marks. Even Siyuan’s heavenly blade was shaking lightly. It was obviously reversed by the power of miracle and suffered a violent backlash.

Is it finally here?

The last miracle master Yunxi.

Cause and effect are done!


Ontology…My mission is completed…

“Qiran, since you recognize the power of miracles, don’t you know who I am?”

“Why do we need to resist, and why do we have to hold on?”

“The Great Qin Empire has no hope. Isn’t it good to hand over the six sources earlier? I have to be killed.”

“Same as your brainless Master.”

“They are all incurable diehards.”

The Magnolia Young Master is above the sky, and the pure black clothes is full of hunting and hunting sounds. The beautiful features are filled with incomparable arrogance, which is completely filled with contempt from in the bones.

Why bother?

It’s better to die than to live, why resist.

Did you resist?

“ha ha ha!”


Qiran’s silhouette gradually became transparent, but at this time, there was a very happy smile. Although it was a violent coughing up of blood, it was full of unspeakable confidence.

“What are you laughing at? What’s so funny.”

“They are all dying, still laughing wildly here.”

“You think you are very tragic, do you think you are guarding?”

“What a poor bug!”

“You never know what you are facing?”

Magnolia Young Master’s complexion was a little gloomy. Looking at Qiran’s smile, she felt a little flustered inexplicably, making her sarcastically unavailable to bear.

“Magnolia Young Master…you are the real poor bug…”

“I laughed at your ignorance… I really don’t know what you are facing?”

“Because you are not the only one in this world who knows how to open a trumpet and drag the corpse all the way…”

“Everything is ready, I will leave you…”

“Now the cause and effect has been achieved, this Young Master, thank you ah!”

The silhouette of Qiran turned into a transparent disappearance in the void, and in an instant there was a violent vibration from 36 continents. The whole Heaven and Earth was filled with a dazzling light, and a terrifying aura gradually recovered. Suddenly, a terrifying chain appeared in the dazzling light, spreading the void, tearing the Primal Chaos, breaking the top of the dead ruins, and penetrating into the vast and eternal depths…

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