
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The vast and endless Primal Chaos, deep in the dark void of eternal silence, the endless faint yellow mist flows, I don’t know if it is the beginning of all epochs, or the dormant domain of Immortal, only one side of the infinite earth is silent. .

However, just around this ancient continent, there are two long circular rivers of gold and silver flowing, as if two Immortal colored exercises surround the ancient boss land, mysterious, vast, without a trace of waves.

An ancient faint yellow, full of mist, and with the endless turbidity of the continent, it is faintly visible that there are nine huge creations revealed, full of technology, magic, strangeness, cultivation and other big side winds, full of endless out of the ordinary.

I saw the silhouette of a petite girl with a pair of cat ears on her head, with a pair of cat ears on her head, who was petite and covered in mist. She waved her hands and swept across, until she forcibly cut the plate that contained the creation of the nine sides from the mainland, and made a new pancake A whole new continent.

“From now on, you will be called Nine Provinces!”

“Sorry, Master big brother, Haotian big brother, Emperor big brother, Liluo big brother, Qijue elder sister, Liyang elder sister, Xiaoxi disappointed you, but I must do this!”

“Go! Nine Provinces…”

“Time, Destiny, Karma Three Grand Law, Now!”

The endless mist is shrouded, and the girl with cat ears above her head waved this new piece of Nine Provinces into the source of time, and waved her hand to summon three illusory shadows from the depths of the two long rivers.

“Sir, you…”


“Sir, are you afraid of immutable consequences if you do this?”

Time, destiny, cause and effect three Grand Law is full of sighs, as a witness, knows too many buried past, and also knows too many secrets, and the background of this one is really Boundless, only one after another survived the existence of seven volumes of ancient history.

Immemorial is old, too mysterious, too stalwart!

“No need to persuade, I have decided.”

“I have a message here that I want to send to the future fiend in human form, at the end of the chapter.”

“In the long years, what has my clan really done? The three know better than anyone else. We have never asked for your help. Today I faithfully beg the three to help me with this!”

The mist of the cat-eared girl disappeared, revealing a pair of different-colored eyes and god-like facial features, 40% like Xiaoxi, 30% like Qiran, and 30% like Dijun, but all over her body But there is a touch of infinite grandeur and vastness.

“Sir, I’m serious!”

“We can’t interfere, but send you a message…”

“It can still be done.”

Time, destiny, cause and effect three Grand Law sighed, naturally willing to help this Supreme Sir.

“The future is infinitely variable! I don’t know if I can pass the past perfectly!”

“Therefore, the message is 30%. Only when my future Master fulfills that condition or name can it be triggered!”

“This is to protect you and to prevent leaks!”


The cat-eared girl runs through time, destiny, and cause and effect in the three Grand Law itself, directly converging the infinite mystery seal, only the moment in the future can even trigger that condition.

However, when the seal was completed, the three Grand Laws themselves stopped abruptly, and an astonishing change took place. Three divine lights erupted from the three Grand Laws, which instantly turned into a cat-eared girl. Two words…


It’s fast coming and going fast, less than a ten-thousandth of a second at all, but the simple words make the cat-eared girl’s pair of cat-eared girls dead, cold, and without any shiny pupil light suddenly becomes brighter.

“Master big brother…is…you?”

I don’t know when, the girl with cat ears murmured, two tears moistened her face, and the pupil light became full of energy.


Master big brother, the discipline understands.

My message is the cause, and the future reversal is the result.

Has time, destiny, cause and effect formed a perfect cycle?

so that’s how it is, so that’s how it is, seven-volume ancient history chapter, you have turned the three Grand Laws into a perfect closed loop with your own strength, and the past seven-volume ancient history has been completely solidified .

You are in the layout from the very beginning, even Haotian big brother, Liyang elder sister, female emperor elder sister, Emperor big brother, Qijue elder sister, Liluo big brother, everyone is your perfect cycle, forming a solidification , The last part of breaking free.

Disciple seven-volume ancient history chapter, never really got involved, and even sealed my seven-volume ancient history, even if all the small plots of the discipline are in your big plan?

What a Master big brother, worthy of being the first Great Demon above heaven under earth.

It’s amazing, my Master big brother, but no matter what, the big show is still going to be staged, and there is no one who doesn’t continue the show after half of it.


I can finally participate in the war, and I can finally help you. I am no longer the younger sister protected by all of you.

The final chapter, I will play!

But now…

Master big brother, I will go to the dead market to find you.


Death Ruins, Canggutian, 36 continents.

Heaven and Earth are the same sorrow, all things weep together, the blood rain will continue for seven days…

Daganzhou, Qiran City, Sword Emperor Xiyue, Withered Wood Master, Emperor Qianlong, Time Lord Chami… Everyone is full of sorrow and anger, but everyone has this Sadness and anger are hidden.

Only Qiran, never sleep or eat, not say a word, I knelt in the courtyard for 7 days and 7 nights in a row, looking in a trance, face withered, Both eyes are spiritless, only deep self-blame and resentment.

The night is already, Vault of Heaven has no stars and moons, and you can’t see your fingers.

Awesome, deadly and godless, the divine light suddenly appeared in Qiran’s eyes, which were almost exhausted, and looked up at the vast ancient void. The two eyes were full of infinite mysteries, as if they could see through eternity, staring at the vast Supreme .

“My body in this world is really wasteful. It’s really hard for the Master big brother.”

“Master big brother, here I am!”

“Where are you again?”

Qiran slowly got up, full of mysterious pupil light, staring at Heaven and Earth, as if looking for something?


“I have been waiting for you for a long time as a teacher!”

A dull voice filled out, and the silhouette of the old demon appeared in front of Qiran. Since asking the three Grand Law to inform the past rebels, he has returned to 36 continents alone, that is, fiend in On the 7th day of the disappearance of the human form, Gu Huang saw everyone sad and angry, but he could not show up and had been waiting for the past rebels.

“hehe! disciple, meet the Master!”

“Congratulations to Master big brother, congratulations to Master big brother, I finally broke free perfectly.”

Qiran leaned in front of Old Demon Huang, with a sunny smile on his face, full of endless warmth.

Master big brother, finally see you again, this time you won’t be driving me away!

This time, I will finally not hold you back.

The discipline is very strong!


“Adversary! Poor mouth!”

“Master big brother, you beat me again! Believing or not, I’ll go to Qijue elder sister to complain, hmph! But for a long, long time I haven’t seen you, the discipline will forgive you, but you must treat me to the curious Zhen Babao Chicken Meat!”

“Rebel! I know how to eat, but it’s okay. I just remember that there is still a rare eight treasure chicken, but let’s come out of Qiran within the body! This is something I specially tailored for you. World is perfect. The second fleshy body.”

“Master big brother! Where is it? Where is it?”

“Rebel! Look ah!”

“Ah this! No…I don’t want…”

“Rebel! You have no choice. From now on, your name is Fat Miao, which is Fat Tiger’s cousin!”

After speaking, I saw Gu Huang waved divine light for a photo. In the sky, something appeared, fat and lazy. The whole body was orange and yellow. I saw that there were at least ten catties of super big orange cats. The old demon Huang took a photo with his bare hands, and took out the aura of Qiran within the body, and instantly merged it into the within the body of the big orange cat……

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