
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The vastness and boundlessness, running through the other shore, the long river of time that does not know the beginning or the end, the Space-Time traversing hundreds of millions of Immortal, across the endless future.

Time, destiny, cause and effect three Grand Law itself embodies the retrograde Heaven and Earth, leading to the unknown and distant end, giving people a kind of ultimate terrifying will…

The past cannot be changed, but the future is reversible!

Three Grand Laws have been bystanders and witnesses since the vast and endless years, representing the continuation of the legacy lineage history, the development of the destiny of all living things, and the inevitable cause and effect of time and destiny.

But there has never been a moment when the three Grand Laws intervene in person. After all, it represents the real time, destiny, and cause and effect of the three Grand Laws. Although the death ruins are projected, the three Grand Laws directly interfere…

It is the first time Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart.

“That’s it. Once we shoot, there is no turning back. Are we really going to do it?”

“Heaven and Earth All Living Things, the vast Primal Chaos, this universal void owes that one, others can forget, and the three of us Grand Law cannot be forgotten.”

“At the beginning of the birth of our own creatures, we already existed. What we owe to that one, and even more to this race, the dark, bloody past is buried, Heaven and Earth and all living things All can be forgotten, but can we forget? No…can’t…come on! Even if Supreme wants to judge us…give this group a chance.”

Time, destiny, and cause and effect are three Grand Law illusory shadows pervading, because they will represent the consequences of today’s situation. They know better than anyone, but there is no choice, right?

How many times the seven-volume chapter of ancient history has resisted darkness, and how much has contributed to the death ruins.

How many times has his ethnic group been able to detach themselves, but how many times have they held up their dignity for this vast dead ruins, and for the solitary soul, unbound ghost of this dead ruins.

Ancient Tang Dynasty, Dayu Dynasty, Zhuxia Civilization, Great Qin Empire……

fiend in human form, the God of Vast Sky, the first place, Celestial Maiden, the emperor, the ancient female emperor, Liyang Paragon, Liluo Paragon…that each and everyone is in the seven volumes of ancient history, each epoch, Every era is a name that shines brightly.

Every cycle ups and downs, from source to destruction…

No one remembers how much they and their ethnic group have given. All living things are forgotten, and Heaven and Earth can’t remember either!

But they still remember?

Every volume of ancient history fights in a loop, and Supreme never takes action, just as a show?

“The moment in the future is coming, and the Wuyu Alliance Leader is about to return. I represent that time will never stop the years and this moment.”

“On behalf of destiny, I seal all living things here!”

“Wuyu Alliance Leader died, and the three major civilization tools returned to their place. On behalf of causality, I declare that causality is established at this moment.”

Time, destiny, cause and effect three Grand Law itself, directly used the Supreme forbidden law, this piece of Space-Time, destiny, cause and effect quietly changed, when the three glorious oneself three Grand Law emerged, moved towards time When the river emerged, it was blocked by a mysterious power at the moment it touched it……

“What? How is it possible? Who? Who is interfering with us!”

“Which Supreme came?”

“Come out!”

Time, destiny, and cause and effect three Grand Law speaks indifferently, just in this vast void, full of terrifying and cold will.

“Three, long time no see!”

At the top of the long river of gold, Gu Huang’s silhouette was lifted from the state of spiritualization, and slowly emerged in front of the Three Grand Laws. Moving towards the Three Grand Laws was a bow.

I didn’t intend to show up, but if the three Grand Laws were to do this, it would only ruin all his layout.

But the three Grand Laws as witnesses, being able to do this step is already a violation of Supreme itself.


“How is it possible…you have…even your two Great Dao bodies…destroyed…”


The condensed illusory shadow of the three Grand Laws is full of dead silence and horror. Who would have thought that he was really not dead… You know that Supreme made the shot himself, he could still survive, and how did he escape from the long river of real history? .

Moreover, I broke away from everyone’s prying eyes, a Demon King on the surface is not terrifying, and terrifying is a fiend in human form that broke free.

“Three people, thank you for still reading your old love in the past, and willing to help my ethnic group, but you really can’t do this?”

“Once you do this, it will only accelerate the demise of the Death Ruins.”

“The dead market is already full of holes, and can no longer withstand the backlash of such strength.”

“If you really want to help, there are many ways, but this is indeed the most stupid one. Right now there is a favor and three people need help. I don’t know if the three are willing.”

Gu Huang looked at the three Grand Laws in front of him. Their starting point was good intentions, but they were really too barbaric. If they are destined to perish Wuyu in this brief moment, once Wuyu does not die, then Will cause Supreme’s… peeping.

“Please speak under the crown!”

“If we can do it!”

“Never refuse!”

The three Grand Laws themselves are one, and it is also the same qi, connected branch. If it is not necessary, it is absolutely impossible to directly interfere, because every action is under Supreme’s prying eyes, but now the fiend in human form is not dead. Everything is different.

“Three people, this job is very simple. You brought me an old message, but now I also want you to bring a message back to that person.”

“The content of the message is only one sentence, reincarnation!”

“Three, please do you anyway? Take this sentence with you and it will be considered a great help to me.”


Gu Huang uttered two words directly, which directly reflected the will center of the three Grand Laws. When they left, they would forget everything, and before the beginning of the throughput time, when the rebel left a message to them , Will automatically awaken this picture of the future.


For the stupid, gluttonous, lazy, dead lily rebel, these two words are enough.

Wuyu’s death is already doomed, but this matter is not unchangeable, but it depends on how it changes.

Everything changes from the moment I set foot in No. 9 town.

From that moment on, Death Ruins and any Heaven and Earth will not have their own existence. As long as they come back to the moment when they disappear, then naturally they can continue.

But there is still a key person needed, that is, I don’t know if the rebel can be completely understood.


“Under the crown, we must bring it.”

“We will never let you down. We will not remember your existence after we leave.”

The three Grand Laws are also at a loss. I don’t know what Gu Huang meant by these two words? But since it was brought to the beginning… it must be delivered.


“Everything will end in this chapter, but the bigger enemy is waiting.”

“There are many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future?”


Gu Huang moved towards the Three Grand Laws once again gave a salute, and the Three Grand Laws also hurriedly returned the gift, which turned into brilliance and disappeared, and in this long river of silence, only Gu Huang stood alone.


Being a teacher’s game, can it be used to great advantage…

But it’s all up to you!

It’s not time, it’s not time, really not when the time comes ah!

Primal Chaos Goddess, this thing is the crystallization of the true highest technological civilization since the birth of the technology side, and it is also the biggest trump card that we can turn over in the future.

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