
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


“Who dares to move and kill!”

A mysterious light curtain in the void descended in the center of the dust and earth prince girl. The terrifying power drove them back dozens of steps, and a thin old man silhouette descended from the sky, which is Guide No. 9 Obviously this is also a projection, but its own coercion is extremely out of the ordinary.


“The donor, the little monk has no intention of breaking the rules, and even more has no intention of going against the No. 9 town.”

“Guide donor, the little monk comes on behalf of the eternal abyss.”

When you put your palms together in the dust, the low Buddha horn resounds in the void, and the pupil light is filled with fierceness and coldness.

No. 9 Small town, are you sure that the eternal abyss is the offending?

The little monk descended as the messenger of the great will of the eternal abyss, and came here to discuss the coming calamity.

It is true that God has eyes, let the little monk see the earth monk, but the earth incarnation, countless worlds, countries, civilizations have different names, mother god of life, god of earth…

The key is that the emperor’s favorite younger sister is a delicious snack. If the emperor knew that Dijun was eaten by the little monk, would he be angry with Self-destruction?

“Eternal…the abyss…you are the envoy of the will of the abyss…”

“Even so, the rules cannot be broken, as long as they don’t leave the town and they don’t violate the town’s rules.”

“No. 9 town has an obligation to protect everyone who comes until the end of the stay.”

Guide No. 9 old man’s complexion has several points of surprise, completely didn’t expect this monk is actually the envoy of the eternal abyss, it seems that the abyss also feels from…

But rules are rules, and no one is allowed to break them.

Of course, that one is a special case, in order to protect Annie.

Any creature in the town can be sheltered by the town. This is the significance of the establishment of No. 9 town.


“The little monk agrees with what the donor said, but as far as the little monk knows, anyone who dares to have a conflict here will be wiped out.”

“I believe the donor has seen it. The little monk did do it just now, but she did it too. Even if it is not obliterated, then the little monk should be expelled from the town with the two of them!”

“Guide donor, this method is the best solution, otherwise, in the next few days, the little monk will still attack these two benefactresses, which may disturb the rest of the guests.”

“So, what do the donors think?”

The Master pupil light of the dust is full of calm, and his words seem extremely polite. If it weren’t for the dozen or so octopus-like tentacles behind him, anyone who saw it would have a good feeling, and only thought he was a good monk.

Two benefactresses, you can’t escape!

Today is destined to be the little monk’s belly lunch. If you blame it, you will have a bad life.

I didn’t meet the little monk a long time ago, but it happened at this time.

Furthermore, you have violated the laws of nature, Yin-Yang good fortune, this is a great evil!

The little monk is also for your good!

“Master makes sense!”

“Well, the rules are the rules. No one can break them.”

“You all have old grievances, please go out of the town and solve it yourself, so as not to disturb others.”

The thin old man thought for a moment, and then he made a decision. The golden scepter in his palm swiped into the void, forming a circular arch for one person to pass through. At the same time, he saw the crowd in the distance. Annie and Gu Huang in the middle, the subconsciously skinny old man was startled, deep in one’s heart, faintly feeling that a great terror was about to come.


That one was there, and he…he was laughing…

What is he laughing at? Could it be that the old man was not handling the matter properly, or that he was ready to intervene.

No way!

But it may be possible, but that one… and these two girls, all gorgeous peerless, exquisite beauty, are better than Annie.

Heaven Ah! What is to be done, the one who acts may be measured by common sense, if it is really shot…

It’s really big!

“Bah! What a No. 9 town, fair and reasonable, it is clearly a nest of snakes and rats, embarrassed and evil.”

“Monster, No. 9 town, this Sovereign remembers you.”

“This hatred, this hatred, sooner or later, I will both principle and interest, and return it to you millions of times.”

“One thought will not die, three lives and seven lives, swear to kill everyone and everyone.”

The word “killing intent” of the earth monarch girl, every word of resentment, the pupil light is full of the most primitive curses and haze, giving people a very terrifying aura, as if there is a will to swallow them alive and tear them apart. .

There has never been a moment, no moment is as helpless and hesitating as today.

This Sovereign is not afraid of death!

I just don’t want to hurt Qingsi, and there is still waiting for her return.

No matter how long, as long as there is a breath, you have to wait to the end.

It’s just today… I’m afraid it’s not possible today.

This Sovereign hates why not trying to cultivation, but now even Qingsi wants to die with her.

monster monk, No. 9 town, I will bury you one day.


Don’t want to live one!


“Lord of the earth, this is your destiny. Don’t struggle anymore. Everything is in vain.”

“Rather than living in pain and seeing the Heaven and Earth empire being destroyed by the little monk, it’s better to become the little monk’s belly lunch now.”

“The little monk will keep you a Remnant Soul reincarnation, but you owe the little monk in this life.”

“You must pay back this cause and effect!”

“Go out with the little monk, resolve grievances, and go to cause and effect!”

“Mercy, my Buddha! Good, good, good!”

The Master of Liachen highlighted the Buddha’s horn, solemn appearance, full of divine bright posture, like a great monk, full of compassionate aura.

“No… holy monk, you promised me not to kill the earth monk today, how can you go back on one’s word!”

“Please be merciful to the holy monk. The empire cannot live without the landlord, even if the landlord will eventually repay the cause and effect.”

“But today, the holy monk is asked to let go of the landlord, no matter what the request, I am willing to accept it for you!”

“Please leave a way out!”

Guan Qingsi once again stood in front of the Dijun girl. Although her body was trembling and her heart panicked to the extreme, she would rather die by herself than be hurt by her lover.

The landlord cannot die, nor can he die!

She still has too many things to complete…

Too much, too much!

This life is enough, nothing more!

No regrets!


“benefactress, you keep on saying took it on her behalf, but unfortunately you can’t afford it. Even if you have ten lives, it won’t be enough to be the cause and effect of the little monk.”

“The landlord owes the little monk, and the emperor owes the little monk. The entire Heaven and Earth empire owes the little monk.”

“Excuse me, benefactress, who can replace such a causal world, and who can pay it back!”

The dust and palms are put together, the pupil light is filled with fierceness and coldness, just like is a taboo existence from the depths of the eternal abyss, only filled with monstrous killing and destruction.

“hua la!”

“Her cause and effect…”

“I can do it, I will pay it back!”

Among the crowd, Gu Huang instantly unfolded its folding fans, the vast and magnificent sound like a drum in the morning and evening echoed in the void, and a mysterious and Immortal aura filled his body, moving towards the center step by step…

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