
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


“Monster monk, are you crazy? Take a good look at who I am?”

“Do you still have any humanity, even I want to eat it!”

The earth-jun girl was panicked and deeply exhaled one mouthful of impure air, indifferent expression, looking at the dust in front of her, not to believe that the holy monk who used to protect the empire and people is now completely crazy and ridiculous to this point.

Monster is crazy, really crazy, to the point where he is hopeless.

Fortunately, this place is the No. 9 small town. He didn’t dare to move after the dust.

It doesn’t matter if I die, it’s just blue silk…


“The landlord’s words are very different. The little monk dare not agree. The fruit of today is the cause of the past!”

“The empire owes the little monk, the emperor also owes the little monk, you also owe the little monk, and you all people owe the little monk.”

“Buddhism talks about cause and effect, and more about fate. It is a kind of fate to be able to meet the earthly king today, but it is not a good fate, but a bad fate!”

“Lord of the earth, you have fallen into the evil way, the little monk is getting acquainted with you. I wish you to go to bliss.”

“Don’t resist, it’s your destiny, otherwise don’t blame the monk for being rude!”

Put the dust together with palms together, and there was a deep Buddha horn. His face was still polite and modest to the extreme, but his words were extremely cold, like a ghost from hell.

Fate is fate.

We meet by fate today, and the little monk is willing to cross people to bliss.

Human heart, human nature!

The little monk is gone, because the little monk is no longer human.

Once upon a time!

The little monk is willing to do everything to protect Heaven and Earth, all living things, what can I get in return?

The world is not worth it!

It’s really not worth ah!

Di, you owe me, the little monk will eat your younger sister first, and then go to you for cause and effect.

“No…don’t…don’t eat the landlord…”

“Holy monk… if you want to eat, eat me!”

“I…I am willing to take the place of the landlord, and ask the holy monk to leave a way out. The empire cannot have the landlord, and all living things cannot be without the landlord.”

“Holy monk, please!”

The Guan Qingsi behind the girl of Dijun slowly walked out, her pure and refined face was full of panic and fear, but even she herself didn’t know the courage from there, and stood in front of Dijun…

She can die… but the landlord can’t die.

The doomsday invaded and the tribe died, and she was the only one who survived.

With the sacrifice of life and soul, there was a 49-day ceremonial dance. No one from Heaven and Earth powerhouse responded.

Only…Only the Lord answered her…helped her eliminate the doomsday.

How many years since then, I have been following Dijun.

Since the first glance, she has fallen in love with the Lord of Earth, but she has been showing her feelings, but the Lord of Earth has never responded. She watched the Lord of Earth and the Eldest Young Lady of the Star Empire…

I walked through the ten thousand zhang red dust, saw the prosperity of Heaven and Earth, and traveled to All Heavens World……

But the Eldest Young Lady disappeared… The Lord of the Land has been looking for her trace, and the heart of the Lord is very bitter…

She didn’t want to see the distress in such anguish, nor did she expect to get a response from the emperor, she just wanted to follow.

Today’s legendary Qixi Festival, under the twin tree, mutual agreement for life, sincerely praying for twin flowers to bloom, countless years of waiting, finally got a response.

Qingsi’s life I’m already satisfied!

Willing to die for the landlord in order to pay for everything in this world.

If there is an afterlife, continue the forefront!


“What a benefactress who loves the most, is infatuated and unloved. The word for love is intestinal poison and throat-sealing spirit…”

“Poor! Sigh! More pathetic! How many idiots in the world complain about their daughters, no complaints, no regrets!”

“Benefactress has a sincere heart, so that the little monk is even more moved!”

“Never mind, never mind, the little monk is satisfied with the benefactress today, and temporarily spares Dijun, and will be liquidated in the coming day.”

“benefactress, please tell me any last words!”

The white clothed monk put his palms together in dust, and his expression seemed to be quite emotional. It was exactly the posture of a master monk, but his words became colder and harsher.

Amitabha! mercy, my Buddha!

The Qixi Festival!

Such a fine moment and beautiful scene, a day full of festivals, when the monks are killing them!

benefactress, don’t blame the little monk, if you blame it, blame it on yourself.

After the little monk eats you, it won’t be too late to eat Dijun.

The most affectionate and sexual lovers naturally want to be neat and tidy together. The little monk is compassionate and will surely send you to Yellow Springs together.

“Monster monk, you mental illness, abnormal, lunatic, inhuman monster.”

“You didn’t dare to seek revenge from the big brother, but you came here to bully me, because this Sovereign respected you as much as you did.”

“Qingsi, why are you so stupid? You know my favorite…”

“Monster monk, eat me if you want to eat, and don’t involve innocent people. If there is a bit of humanity, please let go of Qingsi…”

The landlord girl was filled with righteous indignation, the fear and insecurity in her heart turned into a flame of anger, and she shouted at Chen on the spot.

Qingsi, sorry…

This life counts what I owe you, but I will never let you die.

If there is another life, I will repay you.

Monster monk, absolutely impossible will let me go, because no one knows him better than I…

“My lord, if you are alive, you must live, no matter how difficult it is, you must live.”

“When the doomsday struck, I killed my clansman, destroyed my tribe, the vast Heaven and Earth, I was the only one left.”

“I used my body as a sacrifice, and danced for 49 days, Heaven and Earth that many powerhouse, no one echoed me.”

“At the last moment of my life, you appeared by my side, and you saved me!”

“You said you came here unintentionally, not by my prayers, but I never believed…”

“Because Primal Chaos is so big, that many Heaven and Earth, so World, you will not come sooner or later, but you will come at the last moment of my life…”

“Please let me take it for you today, I will pay you back, if there is another life…”

“Would you like to accompany me to set foot in the morning light, travel through the ten thousand zhang red dust, and see the prosperity of the whole life?”

Guan Qingsi’s face shone with a smile, two rows of crystal tears slowly flowed down, pure hands like white jade trembling incomparably moved towards Dijun’s face caressed…


My lord, my lover!

In the next life, please let us continue the front line.



“Benefactress, love and sex, really moved the little monk?”

“Mercy, my Buddha! Good, good, good!”

“The little monk promises you that he will never eat the landlord today.”

The Chen Qingjun and elegant face wore a helpless sigh, and there was a loud noise behind him, and dozens of octopus-like tentacles filled out, and the delicate body of Guan Qingsi was swept away in a flash. …

benefactress, it is impossible not to eat Dijun.

Enter bliss!

The little monk will make you meet again in the next life. This is the only thing the little monk can do.

Cause and effect in this world, this world is here!

Don’t blame the little monk, blame good fortune for making people, fate is impermanent!

“Monster, this Sovereign has spelled it with you!”

The earth-jun girl trembled all over, her gnashing teeth looked at the dust, her eyes were almost bloody, full of deep resentment and killing intent, and she moved towards the dust as if she was mad…

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