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“Yellow Springs Ancient Road, open!”

“The ancient little brother, the empty brother, and the Old Ancestor Yellow Springs have important things, please forgive me to take a step first.”

Purple robe Old Ancestor saw the real body of Elvis Presley when he saw the fat tiger, which directly opened the Yellow Springs Ancient Road. The voice had not fallen yet, and the person was already slipping away.

Don’t run!

The old name of Old Ancestor this life is gone.

Rather than being shocked to death by the secret of the fat cat, he would rather not listen to the fat cat’s concert.

It ’s not just that the name is not guaranteed, it ’s simply that morality is good or not.

“Guttle brother, I’m sorry, I have to take a step first.”

“There will be opportunities to gather in the future!”


The complexion of the Master Kong has greatly changed, and the corners of his mouth are twitching violently, and no matter what his face is, he just does not look back into the void.

Elvis Presley!

Sure enough, it was the fat cat wanted by Divine Ability in Heaven and Earth, the first on the Great Qin Empire reward list, and the number one wanted criminal named by Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce.

However, until now the reward is very high, but there are very few people who actually hunt down. It is said that someone once failed to hunt, and the cause of death was unwilling.

Later, there are rumors that this fat cat’s innate talent will be transformed and will perform a concert for you.

More than a concert ah!

It is a magical sound that chases soul and lives, and is full of demonic essence, which is called terrifying existence.

The details are not enough for Human Dao!

In short, there is only Longyang Young Master in the Great Qin Empire, and it is said that the relationship between Fat Cat and Longyang Young Master is excellent.

After all, Longyang Young Master is known as Primal Chaos First Soul Musician.

The fat cat has a founder title of rock music!

As for the origin of this title, it is no longer exquisite. It is said that it came from the Small World of the last French era, where a rock king who led the World several decades was born.

“Elvis … heavy metal rock …”

Gu Huang’s pupil light is full of horror. He can fully feel the orange cat fat tiger’s dressing, its own background music, and even the combination of the stage. It is purely the early heavy metal rock on Earth.

To know that before crossing over, in addition to 1000 disciplines, his favorite is these early European and American rock, especially represented by Elvis, it is hardcore.

I just wanted to watch the orange cat’s 3rd innate talent skills, but absolutely didn’t expect to see the heavy metal rock concert, and the dress is exactly the same as the men who lead rock several decades on Earth.

This familiar BGM, a bloody heavy metal melody, is a stage full of demonic essence.

It is enough to prove one thing, this fat cat has been to Earth, and it is the only Earth in the origin.

“Gentlemen and ladies, the first song below, I want to pay tribute to a great being.”

“That was the pioneer who created great rock, let us remember with lofty respect!”

“let’s start!”

“The great Elvis, Primal Chaos’ greatest rock musician, will perform for you.”

“7 dye naughty little girl, prepare to accept baptism from the great rock king!”

On the huge stage of the void, countless flashes flashed and kept focusing on the fat tiger, bloated, the body of the fat cat was shaking with the accompaniment full of demonic essence, the microphone was caught by the fat cat, with a broken gong throat Roar rose, the terrifying and soul-stimulating magic sound.


Heavy metal accompaniment!


The dance pose of demonic essence!

A soul-stirring voice.

The sound of killing filled with mystery and horror instantly converged, vast, mysterious, full of unpredictable, moved towards all directions and diffused away.

Rolling killings, gathering Heaven and Earth, awakening the ultimate powerful existence in the midst of one thing, one after another The mysterious brilliance sprinkled down from the Vault of Heaven, seems to come from Supreme above the sky.

The poison insect from the previous summon was instantly annihilated into a powder by mysterious rock music, and simply did not exist.


7 Dyed hair is scattered, silhouette is back and forth, eyes, ears, nose and nose, all are bleeding from the mysterious unpredictable killing sound, like a wicked, sharp and sharp voice.

“The light of the oath!”

“Master, I am here!”

Ivrea, who has been sitting on the ground, opened her turquoise eyes, and the vast and endless coercion swept Heaven and Earth, directly from the 5th to 6th Peak, and was promoted to 22 Rank 1 Early Stage, and 1 seals of truth were suspended. .

The sword of oath came out of the shell, and immediately guarded itself with the 7 dyes, only to feel that the soul was stunned, full of killing demonic essence, and kept invading.


It turned out to be the wanted fat cat in the Heaven and Earth gods …

The light of the oath, I am afraid it will not be able to support for a long time, it is worthy of the mysterious side of the 7rd sequence of the 3 major sides.

“Knight Wang elder sister, I’m going to use that trick!”

“Otherwise we all have to die today!”

7 Stained look pale, coughing up blood constantly, but gently wiped the blood from the corner of the mouth, pupil light is full of determination …

“Master, no, that’s a taboo …”

“You will die …”

“I don’t allow you to die, you haven’t fulfilled your promise to me.”

Evréia’s body was trembling, her head was deeply lowered, and I didn’t know when 2 drops of tears fell, and instantly formed a crystal and fell in the palm of 7 dyed, slowly stood up and rolled up gold Long hair is scattered, the concentration of expression changes, majesty, stereotype, the body’s gold’s grudge is dazzling like the sun, one after another The seal of truth is enveloped on the body surface.

“I pledge to remove evil!”

“I pledge to sacrifice guard!”

“I promise to be fair and free!”

“I pledge honor and humility!”

“I pledge honesty and bravery!”

“The Europa continent of Antiquity, a silent source of magic, a place of last refuge that admires the light, the fire of hope for all living things.”

“I am summon in the name of Ivrea Kate Arthur, recovering from eternal sleep!”

“Knight’s creed, the origin of magic, the guardian of Europa!”

“Sword in the Stone!”

“Master, I am gone … live well in the future …”

Above the vast Heaven and Earth, Evréia ’s voice echoed, filled with the ultimate terrifying will, the void cracked a huge gap, I do n’t know how much the world, Xinghai, World layer, Heaven and Earth torn apart On an ancient and vast continent, a brilliant beam of light suddenly reappeared, directly projecting onto 36 continents.

“No … no … no ah!”

“Evrea, in the name of the lord, I order you to give up the summon sword in stone!”

7 Vibrated and stood upright, straight up his arms, and saw that the strange blood red above made the curse disappeared partly, and the vast endless power was forced into the body of Evrea, but it was summon and When the brilliance is out, it is directly eliminated …

“Master, summon cannot stop, please forgive my selfishness.”

“I can die, but you must not die!”

“The people of the European continent will be entrusted to you.”

“Actually, I also want to take a trip to want to walk to walk with you and talk about a vigorous love.”

“But … impossible now …”

Evréia above the void looked back at the 7 dye, the pupil light closed slightly, and the moment it opened again, it walked towards the glory without looking back …

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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