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Heaven and Earth oscillates, the void roars, and the square number of 10,000 li directly shows an irregular twist. It seems that there is a touch of unclear, untouchable, and mysterious power is blessed.

one after another A huge crack and gap broke out, full of extreme terrifying will, as if from the end of Immortal.

The evolved heavenly blade of “Zhu” has risen from 3000 meters in length to 30,000 meters in an instant, as if it were a blade of judgment from God, and a killing blade of Yellow Springs.

Righteousness is magnificent and immensely magnificent, implying the supremacy, supremacy, and great coercion.

Seems to be able to roll Heaven and Earth and annihilate mountains and rivers!

“Lying trough! This is unscientific … Cat Lord’s words and spirits blessings succeeded …”

“It has always been an anti-effect, how could it improve the formidable power.”

“Father! Help! Help ah!”

The orange cat’s fat tiger’s brown vertical pupil opened his eyes, and his mouth opened to put an egg. His orange hair was all swelled, and it was trembling violently. His internal Qi has been locked, and simply cannot run.

When this blade comes down, there will be no slag left.

Spiritual blessings have never been tested by spirits, but why are they tested now.

Cat Master, I think it ’s the little girl in the pit.

“Mysterious side of the art of words and spirits, this cat actually understands words and spirits, could it be that the cat is always wanted by Heaven and Earth …”

“Brother Kong Ming, born to know the spirit technique, except the Race in Heaven and Earth, ask Primal Chaos 100000000 10000 Heaven and Earth, who else?”

“Hi! Brother Zi, the Heaven and Earth gods in didn’t expect also missed. It is said that this cat has a big secret …”

“Brother Kong Ming, as an overcoming person, this Old Ancestor gave you a sentence, less curiosity, in order to live longer.”

As soon as the spirit technique came out, the origin of the fat tiger has been clearly understood. The gods in Heaven and Earth have all missed. It is conceivable that the orange cat fat tiger is not as simple as the surface. On the contrary, the cat lives very easily.

In the face of the warning from the Purple Ancestor Old Ancestor, the Master’s heart is also clear. Some people, things, and things cannot be peeped, because it is a taboo.

The secret of the fat cat, who claimed to be the one who smelled and died, is only wanted in the Heaven and Earth gods.

But the thing that surprised him the most was fiend in human form Gu Huang. He deliberately encouraged fat cats to watch 7 dyed girl, and 7 dyed innate talent was there.

It is clear that the potential of 7 dyeing is intentionally stimulated, and the fat cat is also a blessing to express his spirit.

What is the purpose of his move?

“It is worthy of being from the mysterious side, and it is indeed the ranked under second only to cultivation and strangeness in the 7 major sides.”

“Blessings from the Spirit, really out of the ordinary!”

“Fat cat, since you can show it, you must be able to lift it.”

Gu Huang’s palm fan fluttered gently, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth, but no one found the depth of his pupil light, and the strange symbol in the gold’s brilliance flickered …

Mysterious side, 7rd side in the sequence 3rd, really has something unique.

The spirit technique actually contains the law of cause and effect.

99% points 9 9 will have an inverse effect, but 100/1/1 has a positive effect.

Things must be reversed!

Extremely bad!

This is the law of multiple Heaven and Earth, and it is also the Supreme rule.

The mysterious side actually involved the theory in the multi-dimensional Heaven and Earth …

There are not many examples, and the analysis level is too shallow. Only a part can be analyzed temporarily. The fat blessings of fat cats belong to innate talent and are uncontrollable.

Now that I have parsed it out, then this is the Magical Technique of Controllable Causality.

“Pu tong!”

“Father, your son knelt for you, please pray for help ah!”

“My Race is dead, I belong to the last one, otherwise our Race will be extinct.”

“Father, help ah!”

The orange cat fat tiger kneels on its hind legs, and its two front paws are cup one fist in the other hand. The brown vertical pupil is full of panic and anxiety, and has never felt that death is so near.

This cat has too many regrets, too many ideals have not been completed.

Finally, I had a golden thigh, but I never thought it was a sham!

Smell the secret while Undead!

The father is the person that the cat has been looking for.

It’s a pity that father’s heart is too ruthless, no matter what my life is, now I can only use that trick.

“Fat cat, this Highness wants you to die, who dares to let you live!”

7 dyed pupil light is full of coldness, it seems to have completely changed a person, seemingly unnamed will recovery, the coldness and killing from in the bones is not like 7 dyed personality.


“7 Dye naughty little girl, cat cat doesn’t flutter. Are you paper cat?”

“No tricks today, to make you naughty little girl underestimate, no matter what happens, it will force you.”

“You bear all the consequences!”

“The real body of Elvis!”

The orange cat fat tiger stood upright, and the deep brown pupils seemed to be filled with ancient brilliance, and a terrifying coercion swept through. The orange brilliance intertwined throughout the body.

Heaven and Earth concussion, void roar!

In the endless orange brilliance, the body of the fat tiger suddenly rose, and I saw 9 yokes wrapped around the body surface, each of which contained mysterious lines, as if it were the evolution of 10000 light.

“ka cha !”

The fat tiger ripped off the shackles, and his body almost skyrocketed!

The first shackle breaks and the body soars directly from half a meter to hundred zhang.

The 2nd yoke was broken, and his body skyrocketed from 3 to 1000 feet.

The 3rd yoke was broken and went from 3 1000 feet to 9 ten thousand zhang directly.

Ferocious, tyrannical, terrifying, horror, like the power of the giant beast in the wild Immemorial era, the real body of the orange cat of 9 ten thousand zhang is so horrible, it is no less than the real body of the big witch in Xingtian.

“ka cha !”

When the 4th shackles were torn off, the brilliance of the body of the orange cat fat tiger went directly into the depths of Primal Chaos, and his body was directly transformed from 9 ten thousand zhang to 99 feet, just like the giant between Heaven and Earth, without the terrifying oppressive will Diffuse out.

The bloated, fat orange cat fat tiger shook his body and issued a Heaven Collapse rumbling sound. The huge panda claw took out a huge sunglasses from the back of the butt, and it was instantly carried on his face. The remaining five shackles have also changed, directly transformed into a jacket denim jacket, jeans, and a pair of black clothes big leather boots, a pair of black clothes fingerless leather gloves.

Above the vast void, it is appear out of thin air. A large stage is enough to carry the body of the fat tiger. I do n’t know how many flashes are focused, setting off the body of the orange cat fat tiger, and the fat tiger appears in front of it. One stood with a huge microphone, and a huge guitar appeared on his body.

“Boom! Just peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ ……”

“Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the concert.”

“Scream! Roar! Move with me!”

“From BGM!”

“Please dance with Ben Elvis and sing together, or you will die!”

The orange cat fat tiger twisted the fat and bloated body, and the sharp grappling hook slid the guitar, sending out the roar of the shocking Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth, and the sound of heavy metal rock in all directions …

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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