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Normal Space-Time, Nine Provinces and Heaven and Earth.

Yun Prefecture.

Owning the Jade Xuan God Xuan, Martial Venerable 2 people each have a dharma body sitting in the town. It has been 3 years since the advent of the Heaven and Earth empire, with 1000000 cities standing up, occupying the Yun Prefecture completely, showing the extremely terrifying financial power.

Now Nine Provinces clansman panic panic, everyone knows that the Heaven and Earth empire is ready, founding a country to become an emperor, unifying Nine Provinces, that is sooner or later.

Above, I will not talk about it.

Empire 4 3 Princess Miao Xiaoxi has fallen asleep since that day. It has been 3 years since then, and there has been no recovery. Killing Demon Lord You, Xuan, Martial Venerable 1 people personally sit and guard.

There are also Demon Ox Great Saint, Dragon Demon Great Saint, Peng Demon Great Saint 3 people, each of whom led at least 100 order veterans to patrol, which can be described as an iron plate, and no one can enter.

Three years later, on this day, once the imperial city of Rockwell, now the capital of the Heaven and Earth Empire, a silhouette of the world capital descended from the Vault of Heaven, the divine light in the sky was like rain, and the majestic power was majestic. From then on, the Emperor’s Dewey suppresses Eight Desolates Six Directions.

Inside and outside the country, all powerhouses above 12th Rank are suppressed by aura, and the whole body is unable to move even a little bit, whether it is Demon Ox Great Saint, Dragon Demon Great Saint, Peng Demon Great Saint.

Paladin Slydis, the strongest of the 3000 order veterans, could only watch the silhouettes pouring in.

“Who is the newcomer, come and announce your name!”

In the depths, Yuxuan God ’s body suddenly awakened, a terrifying aura burst, sounding like Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, mixed with majestic pressure.


The divine light disappears, Heaven and Earth is silent, the silhouette of the coming person is completely manifested, and it is the emperor Jinghong, one of the 3 Divine Swords of Zhuxia, the master of Divine Sword, and naturally the soulmate of the great emperor, from the first to the In the 2nd world, there are countless entanglements, but they have never come together.

“Emperor Jinghong, really you …”

“Didn’t expect, I can see you again in this day and age.”

“But I don’t know who you came for today.”

A silver-haired silhouette came out, even though he was the God of Yuxuan, from the top of Thirty Three Heavens, and the ruler of 1 Heavenly Layer. Have contempt.

Rule the Great!

Sure enough, he is well-known as the great emperor of several eras. Up to now, the era of incomplete laws can still embark on the great road of the emperor.

Worthy of the only Jinghong Sword Lord.

“I am me and do not represent anyone. I have nothing to do with Zhu Xia.”

“God Yuxuan, you have been in Nine Provinces for 3 years. Didn’t you feel it at all?”

King Jinghong converged aura, and the pupil light looked towards God in front of Yuxuan. In addition to restoring the cultivation base, he had been walking around Nine Provinces in recent years. Until a few days ago, he had a big change in Nine Provinces.

“Jinghong Great Emperor, this place is not a place to speak, please come in.” Xuan silver’s eyes developed a sense of consternation, and instead invited him to enter, Jinghong Emperor did not decline, and inside Martial Venerable, killing Demon Lord Quiet, killing the sword also manifested.

“Martial Venerable, kill the sword, kill the Demon Lord, you are just right.”


King Jinghong waved his sleeves, and an image emerged from the void. It was an original mountain range in the east of Qing State, countless dark and strange mists, mountain ranges, forests, and the earth disappeared in an inch, not by the mist. And disappeared, but disappeared fundamentally.

With the change of the picture, there are more than 100 areas reflected at a time, all of which are rare places of Nine Provinces, Heaven, Earth and Human, which can all be eroded by the fog of black clothes and disappear.

When 100 regional screens are connected, the map bans Nine Provinces Great Heaven and Earth …

“Hiss! What is this force?”

“Engulfed, he is devouring Nine Provinces, from energy and material level.”

“Nine Provinces will be destroyed in the long run!”

The Martial Venerable body can see the clue at a glance. Rao is also full of horror in his heart. This is a terrorist power that has never been known. It is swallowed from energy and matter to the fundamental level, that is to say, Nine Provinces are going to be destroyed.

Is it the legendary catastrophe?

The robbery started from Nine Provinces, why there is no sign.

“It’s time to come, after all, the extremely ancient prediction that Death Tribulation has come.”

The Old Master of the Killing Sword also sighed. In the face of such a strange power, they could not fight it.

Nine Provinces Heaven and Earth is so powerful that it is not much worse than Nine Heavens and the 18th Layer. Such a powerful Heaven and Earth will also be eroded.

I can imagine…

It’s a real disaster.

“No, it’s not devouring, it’s invasion of reality at low latitudes.”

“Damn, someone has communicated the hidden existence of low latitudes and wants to pull Nine Provinces into low latitudes.”

“Only the hidden existence at low latitudes can affect reality and thus invade …”

“This group of Zhuxia clans corrupted in the bones should really be killed.”

Xuan Duan Ni with the power of the picture, the face suddenly changed greatly, to know that the hidden existence of low latitudes represents the invasion of reality, has a very strong corrosiveness, even if the powerhouse of the tenth or fourth order is drawn into it, it will also be assimilated .

The hidden existence of low latitudes used to invade reality in these ways a long time ago to gather countless believers. The most famous ones are Shadow and God of Slaughter.

Although it is called God, it is a lord from a low latitude secret.

The Assassin Association was established by its believers.

“God of Yuxuan, if he really has a lot of knowledge, but if it is a low-latitude invasion, then it will be easy to handle.”

“You continue to look down …”

Emperor Jinghong was full of melancholy. She was a Human Race emperor. She had been working Heaven and Earth for the rest of her life, and she was right for Human Race.

In the battle of Daganzhou, Gu Huang’s younger brother did not take his suspicions into consideration, and let him wake up.

Until one time, it has been 4 years, she has been walking Nine Provinces.

In addition to discovering the secret of low latitude …

The void picture didn’t stop, and when everyone looked closely, it was faintly found that in the depths of the dark mist, there was a giant tentacle extending like an octopus extending across a few thousand 1000 li …

Everyone’s heart is full of horror. Have one’s hair stand on end from the depth of one’s soul is full of extreme fear …

There are creatures in the mist, what is that?

Void monster?

Unlike, the terrifying creatures that have never been seen and never heard of, high-rank lords in low-latitude secrets?

What exactly is it?

“Martial Venerable, Yuxuan God, killing Demon Lord, this is what I recorded 6 months ago.”

“Not to mention what its body is?”

“On this tentacle, it is enough to crush the powerhouse of Tier 4 or even Tier 5.”

“Divine Ability, Magical Technique, Martial Skill … all have no effect …”

“I also went to the secret technique association, but I didn’t find any record about it.”

“Not only Nine Provinces, but Heaven and Earth on either side will be immune.”

“No one knows what this thing is?”

Jinghong said with a sigh, he was not afraid of life and death, and had fought against countless powerhouses, but that was a known existence, and really felt powerless for the unknown existence.

“In the name of our local monarch, summon Heaven and Earth remains, start the highest combat readiness sequence!”

“3 Uncle, 4 Uncle, You aunt, Jinghong Great Emperor, Grandfather … I’m sorry … This thing must be done …”

“Master big brother, the discipline is here.”

Miao Xiaoxi’s voice was heard deep in the imperial city. I saw the next moment Nine Provinces trembling violently. An Ancient Vestige of unknown age drilled out of the ground.

The remaining 8 continents also each exhibited a horrible ruin, obviously in the same era style, full of vicissitudes and ancient times.

“The ruins are on and the highest combat readiness sequence is on!”

“Nine Provinces Seal is opening …”

“Prepare Space-Time shuttle …”

“Space-Time anchor proofreading …”

“Personal teleportation, Martial Venerable, Xuan, Demon Lord, Golden Lion, 9 Li, Aaron, Aote … Teleport coordinates, Great Flame Prefecture … The teleport is complete …”

“Unrelated personnel killing …”

“After the erasure is complete, the highest sequence starts, 2nd authority commander Di Jun Sire, please name this sequence task …”

“Nine Provinces Heaven and Earth is moving …”

The vast Nine Provinces Great Heaven and Earth, covered by the glory of 9 ruins, completely formed an arc, the void forcibly torn apart, faintly moved towards the time and the deep river melted away, and Nine Provinces subjects except the Heaven and Earth Empire , 3000 order veterans, Martial Venerable, 9 Li people, Xuan and others related to Gu Huang, all were sent to the ancient days …

The remaining Nine Provinces clansman clansman, without exception, are completely wiped out by the power of 9 relics, completely skeleton doesn’t exist …

“The name of the mission, Nine Provinces!”

“Master big brother …… Emperor big brother …… I think of it all …”

“Monster, this Highness will kill you at the source.”

In the big Nine Provinces, the subjects of the Heaven and Earth empire were sealed up. Only Miao Xiaoxi sat in the center of the ruins, with deep eyes of different colors, overlapping ghost images, filled with cold and Immortal’s killing intent.

“Dijun … you finally recovered … find yourself back … but it’s too late …”

“The little monk waits for you to come!”

The Seal of Heaven and Earth, Nine Provinces, disappeared in the long river of Space-Time, deep in endless void, a voice filled with cold and merciless echoes …

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