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“Why? I’m thinking of you as brothers, but you have to count me.”

“I did not turn to the strange and unknown, and I did not fall, why not believe me ah!”

“I could have looked back or didn’t have to go. It was you 3 who knew each other well and acted reasonably, and I set foot on that unknown place.”

“After the 30,000 epoch and another 30,000 epoch, every time you say that the time is not up, every time you let me continue to undercover, …”

“I am polluted by unknown and strange, but I have not fallen, I still have light, order, freedom, why don’t you believe me!”

“You did this, right from the dead comrades, right from those robes, right from those who once believed and followed you?”

“Black robe, green robe, you two are so shameless, so ugly ah!”

“Wait for me, on the day of the Great Civilization, my 2 swords will be born again …”

Broken, decaying, covered with green fur monster knife burst out of anger, but unfortunately can not break the seal of the body, too unwilling, too stubborn, did not die in the ominous place, but was most believed by the brothers plot against .


The sacrifice was given to the City of Miracles!

How can this hatred be hated.

“2 Brother Sword, you have fallen and violated the oath. We are saving your soul, lest you poison all living things, why cannot understand our pains.”

Green robe Old Ancestor sighed, completely like a hate iron for not becoming steel, but unfortunately 2 knives have really fallen, and they fell long long ago, even he did not know.

Rather than poison all living things, it is better to play the last point of surplus value.

2 Sword, don’t need to wait for the civilization festival, we will come with you right away.

“2 knives, you don’t need to feel wronged, my black robe wants to kill, I don’t need evidence, just doubt is enough, just because you are my brothers, since endless years, I have carefully screened, fearing to kill the wrong person.

“Once how proud of a group of us, the heaven heaven under earth killed, Myriad Races kneel down.”

“I’ve lived long enough, but for those who passed away to be comrades, brothers, and robes, I had to survive.”

“For the sake of Heaven Ah!”

“The Spirit of Miracle, let’s get started!”

The black robe Old Ancestor pupil light is full of death, ruthlessness, and coldness. Today, not only came to sacrifice 2 knives, but even sacrificed with them.

2 Knife, I never thought I was a good person, ruthless enough, mean enough, and poisonous enough!

But I still have a conscience, a trace of the bottom line!

Quit strange and unknown, kill without mercy!

“Not enough, a blade alone is not enough!”

“At least the same realm as him …”

“Two are still needed, whether it is a person or an implement, an object …”

“Of course according to the agreement, as long as you join the city of miracles, forever’s life, I can break the bar once.”

In the silver white glory, Yunxi is like a Supreme Holy Spirit. Looking at the black robe Old Ancestor and the Old Ancestor below, although there has been an agreement, the sacrifice is not enough.

Miracles are not born out of thin air, but also require strength and origin as a medium.

“Ha ha ha!”

“Black robe, green robe, retribution ah!”

“Do not believe me, believe this little girl, the so-called miracle is equivalent exchange.”

“What if I betrayed? You still can’t achieve the miracle you want in your heart.”

“Yes, I am not concealing things until now. I just turned to the ominous land.”

“You pretend to be tall and want to fight that area again, but unfortunately you can’t do it, you can never do it.”

“Want to start a miracle, there is a kind of sacrifice to yourself, can you do it?”

2 The sword exploded with a rage of sarcasm, and the words were full of carefreeness, and it seemed that the vent was found, and the strikes were like a bead.

2 mean villains, extremely shameless.

If you sell your brothers, you will not die well. On the day of the civilized festival, I will be born again, and 3000 Primal Chaos will be slaughtered.

“It’s okay, okay, betray the brothers, not to die, the spirit of miracles, the sacrifice is counted as a green robe.”

“Spirit of Miracles, it’s my black robe!”

Green robe Old Ancestor and black robe Old Ancestor smiled at each other. The two had already made a decision. While offering 2 knives, if the sacrifices were not enough, they would take their own.

I have lived too long, I really lived enough!

Comrades, brothers, robes, all dies, all dies.

I hope a miracle can be exchanged for some people, even if there is only one …

Also enough!

“Why do you … why? When you enter my city of miracles, you can protect Eternal Undying.”

“A miracle can also come, why not willing to join the city of miracles.”

“My miracle city has everything you need.”

“Are you really not thinking about it?”

Miracle Spirit Cloud Creek came from the Vault of Heaven, looked at the black robe and the green robe in front of them. I have never seen such a person. I had an agreement a long time ago, but I waited until today.

What is more important than living, and what is more perfect than the miracle.

I would rather sacrifice myself than join.

“You are not Human Race, you don’t understand, and need no explanation!”

“No need to talk, let’s get started!”

The green robe and the black robe spoke out, and their words were extremely silent. How could they bow their heads ah!

Although defeated, their pride does not allow them to bow their heads because they are Human Race.

Because it was once extremely brilliant and extremely brilliant.

Although they were defeated, their arrogance was still there, the spine was not broken, and blood qi remained.

“That’s all, as you wish!”

“Wuyunxi guards the spirit in the city of miracles. According to the Antiquity covenant, I will accept your sacrifice and come to a miracle.”

“Please name the miracle!”

Yunxi, the spirit of miracles, is also touched, but as the rule maker, there is no mercy to exist, how much sacrifice, how much.

“Nameless, random, please come 7 miracles …”

“Ha ha ha! Good, good, good ah! Senior Senior Brother, I saw … really seen … Human Dao Immortal, the golden age of the era of Yongchang … our efforts … no wasted … no … “

“Junior Brother … I also saw … they are returning … we used to chase away the times … we are returning … no regrets … no regrets ah!”

“Ha ha ha! Heaven and Earth Myriad Races, endless all living things … you wait … wash your dog heads and wait … sooner or later one day … there will be someone step by step cut to the highest … cut everything The head of a person … happy … happy … no regrets in this life … no regrets! “

black robe Old Ancestor and green robe Old Ancestor 2 The body is shrouded in silver white, gradually becoming transparent and transparent, but the 2 people are through the light of miracle … It seems to see through the endless distant future … Saw They always wanted to fight for it …

“Why? Why? Black robe, green robe, you answer me … why did you do this step …”

“What’s wrong, what’s strange, is it not good to live?”

“Damn, why are you so calm, and you can laugh …”

“answer me!”

2 The body of the knife was also shrouded in silver light, and it gradually became unclear, but the 2 knife seemed very scared and did not want to face such death and ending …

“Despite our disastrous defeat, the spine remains unbroken, the blood is still there, and pride remains.”

“I was despicable and shameless all my life, for the purpose, by fair means or foul, I dare to do anything, but I dare not be a traitor …”

The voice is not falling, the silhouette of black robe and green robe, and the two knives disappeared at the same time. Only the silver fog power from the city of miracles penetrates Space-Time and Heaven and Earth, and penetrates into the unknown closed Space-Time.

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