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The next moment, Space-Time ban, Heaven and Earth freeze, seems to have fallen into eternity.

Hao Heavenly Sword, Huanghuang sword intent, coercive Eternal era, seems to be able to penetrate Eternal Qingtian.

Wu Zuding, simple and desolate, Xinghai swaying in the world, annihilating the other side of the sky!

Yin-Yang Eight Trigrams Furnace, burn heaven and earth, burn all living things 10000, and destroy Immortal Heaven and Earth.

“Lying … grass!”

“You Boss … your masters … your ancestors … your big shots …”

“Little door know … know …”


The Lost Door is lying in the void, it’s shiver coldly, the ray of True Spirit is almost not scary the soul flew away and scattered, not even slag.

Hao Heavenly Sword, Yin-Yang Eight Trigrams Furnace, Wu Zuding …

That piece is not the prestigious Eight Desolates, suppressing 100000000 10000 Heaven and Earth, and the Supreme Treasure named Eternal.

Especially in the war before the 7th century, these decayed and broken Supreme Treasures, once again killed the Heweiwei name.

Each Supreme Treasure represents a through time inheritance and Immortal Heaven Art ah!

First, 2nd, 4th, and the inheritance of Yin-Yang Eight Trigrams Furnace …

The key is the recovery of Tama …

At least 30% of the power has been restored. Is it necessary to heaven defying this horse?

Not to mention Black Boss, Hao Heavenly Sword is a prestige from mythological era, sword of supreme ruler, sword of God, no one knows, no one knows.

Wu Zu Ding, the Wu Zu punched through the ancient Nine Heavens, laying the Martial Dao era today.

Yin-Yang Eight Trigrams Furnace, let alone, simply is the unspeakable, unthinkable, unthinkable, unthinkable, unmentioned existence.

Above heaven under earth, even Heaven and Earth outside the lost door …

Just go out one piece, and he can scatter it as scattered and ashes and dispersed smoke.

fuck, as for?

As for this?

Your dead ruins, disputes in the realm, control me a door.

I am a door, a door ah!

It ’s all mixed out, there are multiple friends and multiple paths, you ca n’t just sit back and pay the money?

Everything is negotiated ah!

don’t give face Even if Black Boss is enough, as for the three big shots?

I have seen bullies, but I have never seen such a bully.

The door thinks that it is more counseling than Miao Xiaoxi, and it is more meowing, and the meow Xiaoxi is still 30% vivid. Why is he not willing to let this door go.

Finished, finished, completely finished the calf.

This door is going to be cold today!

“Lord of the Lost Door, right?”

“No, no, no, it’s not you who is wrong, but our fault. How could you be wrong?”

“Sword Old Master, follow the rules!”

Gu Huang’s body stands on his hands, and the whole person is like a king of is a Immortal, his voice is full of indifference, but there is a mocking smile in the corner of his mouth.

Sword Old Master, Wu Zuding, and Laojun Furnace appeared together.

Tsk tsk !

Obviously, even the slag is about to be swallowed.

“hua la !”

Hao Heavenly Sword huanghuang sword intent broke out, the horrible sword light penetrated 100000000 10000 Heaven and Earth, almost torn open the system’s ban, a sword directly divided the door of loss into 4 and a half.

Big Black Brick, Wu Zuding, and Laojun Furnace are full of radiance. It seems that Supreme Dao Rhyme is circulating, and a series of terrifying Internal Qi suppression, each suppressing 1/4 of the lost door body.

“Pain! Pain! Pain!”

“You big shot, just stop …”

“Xiaomen wished … to lead the water of the born river … to help the big shots recover …”

“Handsome and handsome Young Master Wuhuang, Xiaomen is willing to surrender to Young Master, never dare to have 2 hearts. In the future, he will help Young Master get into the lost Heaven and Earth ……”

“Look for Wuhuang Young Master to let the wicket die!”

The main body of the Lost Door was suppressed. At this time, there was no more arrogance and stubbornness. It was completely Shiver coldly’s begging for mercy, and sold the lost Heaven and Earth for the sake of life.

Die Fellow Daoist, never die Poor Daoist!

Lost Heaven and Earth, this door can’t be right, you cut off the river of life and death in front of you.

Since isolating the dead market from the living world, you should have thought that there will be Heaven Ah!

A group of solitary souls, unbound ghosts are not ruins, but how many civilizations, secrets, powerhouses are buried in this dead ruin …

Are you not afraid that the powerhouse in the ruins of the dead will recover, and will the Soul Refining of the river of the living river affect the balance of the living world again?

“En! The attitude is not good, it seems that there is a sense of repentance, answer me a few questions first, I am thinking about whether to let you go.”

“There is no shortage of Young Master, Xiaomen knows everything, and speaks endlessly, and dare not hide anything.”

“Fakong Master said that there are still alive sky, blue sky, blue sky, Heaven in Lost Heaven and Earth, which day is it.”

“Wuhuang Young Master, non-blue sky, blue sky, any of Heaven, these 3 powerful days have already fallen into Eternal, including the strongest of the mythic era. Now the sky in Heaven and Earth on the other end has been named Huang Tian. . “

“What? Huang Tian, ​​Heaven is dead, Huang Tian is standing, no wonder, no wonder the strongest sky of myth falls, it is Heaven, then the blue sky, then the blue sky, it turns out that Huang Tian has run away, this is the match , What kind of cultivation system is Heaven and Earth on the other end, what is the realm of powerhouse? “

“Back to Young Master, the detailed speaking of which is too much trouble. Even if it is 3 days and 3 nights, I ca n’t talk about it. The small door still uses the memory to transmit the report of Heaven and Earth on the other end.”

“Alright! You better not play tricks with me, otherwise you will die.”

“Dare not dare, dare not dare.”

The old demon came to its front, Black Boss, Hao Heavenly Sword, Wu Zuding, and Laojun furnace also lifted the ban, but the four and a half doors merged together, and a ray of dark rays of light diffused out, which directly integrated into Gu Huang Eyebrows.

Endless, the information of vast as the open sea emerged, and Gu Huang closed his eyes in the void, and began to merge the information of the lost door.

The other end of the Lost Door is Heaven and Earth, called Divine State.

That is a big Heaven and Earth with complete Heaven and Earth, order, and reincarnation. There is Huang Tianding order in the middle, there are people in the world, and there are 9 Youding reincarnations.

Human Dao flourishing, Myriad Races all respect, only Human Sovereign!

Divine State Great Heaven and Earth, endless races, technology, magic, cards, cultivation, mysterious, destiny, strangeness. In addition to the 7 sides, there is nothingness, soul, space, time …

Waiting for the new side, it has many professions, countless civilizations, and more gods, the Holy Spirit hangs Nine Heavens …

Its Human Race is all over Heaven and Earth, with 100000000 million 10000 planes, opening up one sea after another, conquering one civilization after another, all under the rule of Divine State.

In addition to Human Sovereign, Human Race still has 8 big lords, and each big lord can truly break through time, reverse the past and the future, and swim in the River of Destiny.

Even ordinary people who are not cultivation can live to 300 years old without any disaster or disease.

Human Dao golden Prosperous age, the people are like dragons.

“What a Divine State great Heaven and Earth, what a living world, what a Human Dao prosperity, what a dragon like everyone!”

“Nine heads of famine, stand on your stand, that’s right, I might do the same if I change it.”

“Spicy chicken system, do it according to the rules!”

The old demon has integrated complete information, and has a preliminary understanding of the Divine State Great Heaven and Earth, the piece of Heaven and Earth is really strong …

It is so powerful that it is so much stronger than Heaven and Earth, which is extremely chaotic.

Huang Tian, ​​9 heads of famine!

Divine State Great Heaven and Earth, wait for my ancestors to fully recover, the return of the strongest myth is your death!


The system turned out a gold gigantic hand covered with countless ancient symbols, and dragged its lost door into the depth of System Space …

Ask for monthly tickets! In the future, to 14th only 2 more! There is no way, 15 words will erupt on the 100,000th! Manuscript must be saved!

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