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The Vault of Heaven shattered, the void collapsed, and the rolling dead river fell into a short-term closure. Under this dead river, there was a void of unknown years, and layers of it slowly shattered.

It even extends to the edge of Primal Chaos. As if it were a chain reaction, even Primal Chaos collapsed. Layers of Heaven and Earth, World layer, plane, latitude, all were crushed.

Loss of life, 10000 things die, everything falls into endless darkness and dead silence, exists in the infinite starry sea of ​​the universe, and directly turns into a splendid fireworks, Star Domain is even a blast of explosion.

Primal Chaos collapsed, Heaven and Earth shattered, the world was destroyed, all living things died!

At this moment, the sky above the ancient Great Heaven and Earth on the side of Primal Chaos is all cracked, and the endless terrifying aura is diffused.

The natural phenomenon of ancient and terrifying is reflected, and only exists in the legendary dead river of some ancient creatures, and there is a tendency to reverse the All Heavens land.

“Heaven and Earth, what’s going on?”

“There is a powerhouse in the depths of the blood-dead river. Does Paragon really level the river?”

“Heaven and Earth bleeds blood, the great world collapses, and the dead river changes dramatically.”

“Dead River is really going to be flattened …”

Inside and outside Primal Chaos, 100000000 10000 Heaven and Earth, countless ancient creatures were awakened one after another, the Dead River reflected Heaven and Earth, All Heavens collapsed, this is the supreme powerhouse fighting.

But can it really kill the dead in one fell swoop?

Hard, too hard!

Dead river is not good ah!

All Heavens, 100000000 10000 souls, all living things have sensed the changes at this moment. Cultivation base realm is less than that level, but you can also feel the unknown end aura.

“Sir, the Dead River shines in Heaven and Earth, there seems to be signs of collapse, do they really reach the deepest point?”

“What a terrifying power, this is by no means Paragon’s aura.”

“Can it be the other end …”

In the depths of a void, the counterfeit Wang Lun and the blue light and shadow people feel Heaven and Earth aura, even though they are stronger than the counterfeit Wang Lun this stage, they are also terrified by the unknown aura.

Who is it?

The sign of the collapsing dead river must have been made by the creatures of Heaven and Earth at the other end.

Li Li and his party, it was really so fierce, did they go directly to the deepest part of the dead river?

Sir is really wise, and chooses to make friends with Wuhuang.

As long as there is no shortage of fate and death, this cause and effect will not be clear in the future.


“Passing my law, whenever I mess with lineage, I am not allowed to provoke Wuhuang.”

“It’s a terrifying Little Brat. It turns out there is such a trump card. No wonder there is no fear in facing me.”

The blue light and shadow man’s voice is obviously 30% glad. Fortunately, he has chosen the potential of Wuhuang incomparable and chose to bear a good fruit with him.

The endless years passed and ah appeared again!

This aura will never be forgotten, killing the sky with 30% of the force in the past.

Aura blooming now …

Stronger than before ah!



“Ha ha ha! Black Boss actually recovered, at least … Peak 30% ah!”

“I really don’t know if it’s that act recklessly thing, it actually provokes Black Boss, but this time there is a good show.”

“Even Her Highness the Queen, who was our last life, was smashed by Black Boss to Nirvana 5 era …”

“Her Highness the Queen, please express your thoughts.”

Old shameless Wang Lun is full of surprises. After all, no one is more familiar with the aura of Black Boss than he was. Before the 7th century, he joined the pits. It was almost damaged. It was still forcibly smashed 7 8 Immortal Dao Bing, Tian Bing.

Black Boss has already hung up!

It’s just that Black Boss has always been low-key and never angry.

But as soon as I get angry, the stepping on horses becomes bigger.

“Old shameless, believing or not I sent a message to the master, saying that you bullied me on the basis of cultivation base.”

The ancient blue butterfly looked up at the Vault of Heaven, and naturally could feel the aura deep in the dead river, but just glanced at the old shameless indifferently.

Black Boss, actually recovered!

At least 30% of the power during the Peak period.

Black Boss has suffered multiple injuries and has been able to keep True Spirit indestructible since the 7th century, which is really good.

Now that Black Boss is restored, it means that the Immortal King sword also …

The master idiot is really mysterious, and it is bigger than I thought!

“Pu tong!”

“Her Highness the Queen! Just kidding, are you really serious?”

“This seat kneels for you, just ask Her Highness the Queen to spare this seat.”

“This seat will be sent by Her Highness the Queen in the future …”

“Your Majesty, good ah!”

Although old shameless Wang Lun had recovered his memory and cultivation base, he was still skinless and faceless, so he knelt down naked and wanted to give himself 2 mouths.

Which pot is really not open, which pot is want to die?

Does not making Little Demon King have anything to do with her?

This seat can’t stand Black Boss.

“Okay, don’t pretend, Black Boss’ recovery may cause a lot of strong enemy peeping.”

“There are too many people who don’t want Perpetual Temple Hall to reappears anymore.”

“Don’t lie here with me, go to the Great Qin Empire to guard. With your current cultivation base and trapped fairy sword, killing the god’s mansion is like killing a dog.”

“When necessary, Huanger’s younger sister still has a wonderful sword.”

“Great Qin is all right!”

The dark-green pupil light of Gu Qingdie is full of seriousness and heaviness. The recovery of Black Boss represents the signal of war. With the spirit of Black Boss, how can he admit defeat.

Sooner or later, I will return to the island of time before the 7th century …

Master idiot, you will go too!

Deep in the dead river!

The aura of Black Boss slowly recovers. The endless horrible strange lines interweave a network of 100000000 10000 terrors, which seems to block Heaven and Earth All Living Things and suppress all powerful enemies.

The terrible dead river is almost propped up, and only the endless darkness is shrouded, just like the legendary Supreme Skykiller.

“I … lying trough! This is unscientific …”

“Really … really what the fuck … recovered … you’re shattered …”

When the Lost Door saw the power of Big Black Brick, it was immediately incoherent, shiver coldly, completely from the trembling ah in the depth of one’s soul!

20%, 30%, 1%!

At least 30%, conservative estimate at least 30% ah!

30% of Black Boss, how terrible that is!

In the past, in the state of 30%, the sky was killed alive!

It is this thing, no one knows the horror Big Black Brick from there, forcibly smashing the sky.

die without a whole corpse, really die without a whole corpse ah!

How is it possible, trifling 7 epoch, that he has recovered to this point, what fierce medicine he took ah!

“ao wu! ”


“Yingming Shenwu, Eternal invincible Black Boss, handsome and handsome young master without waste, beautiful and charming little elder sister!”

“Meow! I will learn cat meowing, which is better than meowing meow!”

The Gate of Lost fell directly into the void, with a prostrate oneself in admiration face-to-ground gesture, completely expressed his persuasion, even more so, and more so than Miao Xiaoxi.

The last day, beg the monthly ticket ah! Otherwise, it is really a waste! ! ! ! !

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