Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 971: Six Paths of Reincarnation

The Great Virtue God King was severely wounded, and he felt that the power of the five degenerates of heaven and man invaded his physical body, purple palace, and Dantian, eroding his physical body, cultivation, soul, and soul. His life span flew away, his divine patterns rotted, and his soul His soul was almost eroded, and he knew that he would never be able to resist the demon god's attack, and he couldn't help but despair.

The demon god laughed loudly, and urged the Qingmen to crush down. Just as he was about to crush the great god king, he suddenly filled the sky with a chant of morality, and the merits and gold inscriptions were flying. It turned into a ruler to measure the merits of the sky. He knocked it lightly and smashed it. On top of his head, his body was immediately smashed to pieces!

"Di Zishang, you are so promising that you actually colluded with the emperor of Tianfen."

The Heaven-Measuring Merit Ruler killed the demon god and whizzed back, only to see eighteen golden wheels buzzing and turning. This merit ruler fell into the golden wheel. Emperor Hui stepped out of the void, with a powerful breath, almost as good as the Eternal Emperor of the Sun. A powerful person like the Emperor, it was obvious that he had unified Central Juntian during this period, and his cultivation and strength had made a leap. He seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "You are too disrespectful to me to kill the people of God King Yuxu on my territory. Save face.”

"Emperor Di Hui? You came just in time!"

Di Zishang glared and laughed loudly: "You also have a problem with God King Yuxu. You and I might as well join forces to eradicate this person. In the future, you and I will have a fair fight to fight for the unification of heaven and earth!"

Di Hui snorted and said with a smile: "I'm going to kill the Demon God King under your command, how can you expose it so easily?"

"Kill the Demon God King? I'm afraid that's not necessarily the case, right?"

Di Zishang smiled slightly, with a strange look in his eyes. Behind him, a huge twelve-grade lotus rose slowly. In the lotus stood a tattered round stone tablet, full of strange textures, and various obscure avenues flowed in the tablet. .

The stone tablet buzzed in a circle, and suddenly the great road in the tablet was gushing out, and the Buddha's voice was singing loudly in the lotus, which caused a sensation for nine days. The demon god king jumped out of the tablet, stretched out his hand, and the Qingmen roared back!

"Di Hui, do you dare to attack me secretly?"

The strength of the Demon God King is still the same as before, and his realm has not dropped at all. He is still the same as the God King. He smiled angrily and said: "Come on, you and I will have an open and fair fight. Do you think I am afraid of you?"

"The Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferred God?"

Di Hui's pupils narrowed sharply, his face was solemn, and he turned a blind eye to the provocation of the Demon God King. He was no stranger to the Six Paths of Gods Monument. In the memory of Emperor Ku's bloodline, there was this testimony from the Thirty-Three Heavenly Ruins of the Western Buddhist World. The record of the treasure.

The Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferred Gods was made by a deceased great Buddha from the Buddhist world. It was a treasure created by combining the ancient treasures of the Conferred Gods List and the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The great World Honored One from the Buddhist world once went to war with the heavens. The Emperor of Heaven at that time was Emperor Xuantian.

In that battle, the Six Paths of Baolian Gods Monument shone brilliantly. Thousands of gods and Buddhas came back to life endlessly, almost exhausting Emperor Xuantian to death on the spot. If Emperor Xuantian hadn't asked Emperor Gou Mang to move, The treasure of enlightenment left behind, the heaven will fall that time!

It was also a coincidence that Emperor Cangtian obtained the Six Paths of Gods Monument. With this treasure, he was almost invincible and had the upper hand in the battle to seize the emperor!

Now that this treasure of enlightenment appears again, the shock to Di Hui is unimaginable!

"Di Hui, your father, Emperor Ku, and my father, Cang Tian, ​​once competed for the throne."

Di Zishang laughed loudly and was extremely conceited: "In this life, you and I are competing for the throne, which can be said to be a good story! But other people are not even qualified to stand in front of you and me, and must be eradicated. King Yuxu will It’s the first one! Di Hui, what do you think?”

Di Hui's face straightened, and he smiled and said: "People of different ways do not conspire against each other. I have not yet gone so far as to join forces with someone who colludes with the Lord Tianfen."

Di Zishang sighed: "It's a pity. I originally wanted to kill you last, but you don't know how to appreciate me."

A warning sign suddenly arose in Di Hui's heart. The ruler for measuring merits and deeds shined brightly, and he swept behind him with a buzzing sound. He saw the void behind him crack open, and a big hand filled with strong demonic nature slapped it hard and measured it. The Heavenly Merit Rulers collided and exploded in pairs. The terrifying power instantly shattered the void and forced the owner of the big hand out of the void!

Di Hui took a step back, his eyes turned cold, and he looked up at this unusually tall demon god with a solemn expression: "Who are you?"

"The Lord of Daluotian, the Divine Lord of Qiangong, has met Emperor Hui!"

The unusually tall demon god Perseverance Void smiled slightly and said loudly: "Di Hui, you can be considered an outstanding talent in the heaven, but you are not my opponent yet."

"God Lord Qiangong? The most powerful person under the Demon God Emperor, the peak emperor?"

Di Hui was awestruck in his heart. He had always heard the name of Lord Qiangong. His cultivation level was second only to that of the Demon God Emperor. The Emperor was hit hard this time and almost died. It was Lord Qiangong and others who were chasing after him. It left him with almost no chance to breathe, and he was in such a miserable state.

Although the Demon God Emperor was severely injured, he is the Heavenly Lord who has attained enlightenment after all. A lean camel is bigger than a horse, yet he was forced to such an extent by God Lord Qiangong. This shows that Lord Qiangong God is so powerful that he is probably alone in the heaven. Fight, no one is this person's opponent!

Emperor Hui roared angrily, and the Golden Wheel of Merit buzzed and turned. Suddenly, there was a roar deep in the void, and a magnificent palace crashed through the void and drove into this place. It was the palace of Juntian God!

A statue of the God King, the Witch Patriarch, and the Holy Emperor flew up from the palace and swarmed into the eighteen golden wheels of merit behind Di Hui's head.

His face was extremely solemn, and he was more cautious than when he fought against the Great Sun Emperor. Qiangong Shenjun was the strongest person in Tianfen at the moment, and he had no chance of winning at all.

"Di Zishang, do you know how much danger you will bring to my heaven by colluding with this person? Do you know how many people will die because of this?"

Di Zishang laughed loudly, strode forward, and said with a smile: "Di Hui, you are too naive. We will do whatever it takes to achieve our goals. Your father, Emperor Ku, just can't understand this, so he will be defeated and die." ,the same as you!"

The eyes of the sea suddenly turned, Di Zishang's figure rose up, and with a wave of his palm, the great road of heaven and earth was shattered, and the doomsday was filled, and he attacked Di Hui. At the same time, the God of Qian Palace suddenly rose up and attacked Di Hui!

Di Hui's face was solemn. It would be difficult for him to win with Emperor Zishang alone. Coupled with the demon god Qiangong Shenjun, the peak emperor, he would not even have a chance to escape, let alone the chance of winning.


Yantian Divine Furnace suddenly erupted, flipped down, lowered the cover, and put Di Zishang and Haiyan into the Divine Furnace. A huge fist was seen hammering down from the sky, and there was a loud bang. , smashed into the divine furnace!

"The majestic son of the Emperor of Heaven actually colluded with the demon god of Da Luotian. He deserved to die!"

"Emperor Duanjing!"

Di Hui was overjoyed, and raised the Heavenly Merit Ruler with all his strength to fight against the God of Qian Palace. His body was shaken violently and he flew backwards. He couldn't help but be horrified in his heart: "As expected of the emperor at the peak, he is too strong!"


The flames of the Yantian Divine Furnace suddenly dimmed, and a big hole was carved out of the imperial weapon. Emperor Zishang groaned, his clothes were tattered, and he raised a sea eye on his head, like a huge evil eye, jumped out of the hole and raised his head. Looking over, I saw Emperor Duanjing stepping forward and transforming into the true form of Zhu Rong. The aura of the emperor filled the air, and he sneered: "Duanjing, you are looking for death! My sea eyes have swallowed up this emperor like you, and I am bound to be able to do it again." Get stronger!”

Emperor Duanjing was shocked and took back the Yantian Divine Furnace. He saw that the power in this divine furnace had been corroded by less than half. The aura of the five declines of heaven and man filled the furnace, corroding the imperial weapon. He hurriedly thought, and The aftermath of this doomsday disaster was wiped away.

"The majestic son of the Emperor of Heaven actually practices such weird magic skills. If you are allowed to grow, wouldn't you want to devour the heavens? I won't let you!"

Emperor Duanjing raised the damaged Yantian Divine Furnace, shouted angrily, and used his fist as a hammer to smash Emperor Shang down as a piece of scrap metal!

"Heaven and earth fall!"

The emperor's son screamed loudly, the eyes of the sea bleed, and the sky was stained red. The sky of Juntian God Realm seemed to turn into a lake of blood, and time and space withered, collapsed, and disintegrated in the blood!

"Emperor Duanjing, the emperor and I will join hands to deal with this thief!"

The Great Virtuous God King shouted angrily, his white hair flying, his white beard stained red with blood, and he rose into the air to greet Emperor Zishang brazenly.

"Old guy, you're not qualified to interfere here yet!"

Behind Di Zishang, the Six-Way Stele of Baolian Conferred Gods appeared. The Demon God King roared fiercely, and his body suddenly changed, turning into a Kunpeng with a wingspan of tens of thousands of miles. It carried a blue cloud on its back, and the blue cloud turned into a majestic portal, grabbing the Great Virtue God King. He smiled and said: "Senior Brother Dade, now that I have the emperor's son as my backer, I am already immortal. We two senior brothers will have a good time competing!"

"Junior Brother Dade, you go first and inform God King Yuxu! He must inform the other emperors and kill God King Qiangong together!" Emperor Duanjing said solemnly with a solemn expression.

The Great Virtue God King hesitated for a moment, then immediately turned around and left. The Demon God King chuckled strangely, fluttering his wings and flew over. The Qingmen shook, and infinite ancient giant beasts swarmed out of the door. Giant beasts filled the sky, heavily surrounding the Great Virtue God King. , shouted: "Brother, I gave you a fortune, but you refused to take it. It's hateful, it's really hateful. Now that you're dead, you can't blame me!"

The Great Virtue God King was furious and fought hard, but he could not help but hit him hard. Emperor Zishang's doomsday calamity surged through his body, eroding his cultivation, body and soul all the time, causing his strength to be greatly reduced, and he gradually ceased to be the Demon God King. opponent.

The Demon God King smiled strangely, and saw that the Great Virtue God King was gradually unable to support himself. A sharp claw reached down, crushing countless giant beasts, and grabbed the head of the Great Virtue God King!

"My life is at risk..."

The Great Virtue God King was desperate in his heart. Suddenly he saw the void shaking, and divine patterns all over the sky suddenly appeared, turning into a big hand with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. He grabbed it down and grabbed the Demon God King in his hand. A voice laughed: "Little Bird, I once captured your eldest disciple Demon Ancestor Tuoluo, and told him that one day your master and disciple will meet and reunite, and it seems that it is today."

"Master!" The great virtuous god king was overjoyed.

"God King Yuxu?"

The Demon God King turned pale with fright, and suddenly his heart trembled, Qingmen crashed into him, and roared violently: "You can't even think of catching me!"

The big hand made a fist and struck hard, causing the Qingmen to shatter into pieces. Then with a slight squeeze, the Demon God King screamed, his liver, gallbladder, and intestines were squeezed out, and he said angrily: "My soul is entrusted to the Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferred God. I will not die until I die." Mie, you can’t kill me!”

Ye Xu's voice came, booming and rumbling, shaking the heavens: "The Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferred God? How is it compared to my Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

Just hearing a buzzing sound, the sky split open, and a huge samsara cut through the sky and descended to the central Juntian Divine Realm. The power of samsara distorted infinite time and space. With a slight twist, the soul of the demon god king was almost destroyed. Pull it out of your body!

"Little bird, I am now the Lord of Zhutian. Demon Ancestor Tuoluo's cultivation is too weak, so I won't even ride him. It's too humiliating for my status. If I want to ride, of course I will ride the God King!"

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