Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher Chapter 970: Making Careless Friends

The jade tree in the building contains billions of divine patterns and charms. It is of various types and contains various avenues. It is Ye Xu's most powerful foundation.

Using these divine patterns can elevate Ye Xu's cultivation to the level of a peak god king, and using the divine charm can make him comparable to the emperor!

In the battle of Taixu Divine Mansion, Ye Xu revealed all his secrets. Even an ancient being like the Eternal Emperor did not dare to push him too far and could only shake hands and make peace.

Wanting to refine such a huge and diverse divine pattern and turn it into one's own cultivation level is not a simple matter, nor can it be accomplished overnight.

But if he refines all these divine patterns and turns them into his own cultivation, these foundations will turn into his cultivation, and his cultivation strength will increase dramatically!

"I have promised God King Tanzu to search for the place where King Yuanshi is seated to see if I am the forbidden reincarnation. The tomb of God Ancestral is already so dangerous, and the place where King Yuanshi is seated must be even more dangerous. It must be improved early. strength."

Ye Xu is in seclusion, and God King Tanzu, God King of Creation and his wife are also practicing hard. They experienced the battle of Taixu Palace, and Ye Xu, Taixu, and Duanjing taught Taoism. There is also a lot of understanding, especially for God King Tanzu. After obtaining Qingdi's landscape map, he saw Qingdi's Hongmeng Avenue, which was of great benefit to his cultivation knowledge.

If he can calm his mind, he will hopefully reach the level of an emperor in the future before his life span is exhausted.

Everyone in Yuxu Mansion has this opportunity. Ye Xu's death will bring them endless benefits. This period is destined to be a good time for many masters in the Zhutian Divine Realm to rise in cultivation!

Time passed by, and another half a year passed. The Dade God King suddenly flew out of the Zhutian God Palace and went directly to Yangtian in the southeast. When he arrived at the Yangtian God Palace, he paid homage to Emperor Duanjing and said respectfully: "Emperor, I came here on your order." , I plan to use the Emperor’s Yantian Divine Furnace. My master is preparing to refine the treasure, and I sincerely ask the Emperor to give it to you.”

"I see."

Emperor Duanjing looked at the Dade God King up and down, moved slightly, and said with a smile: "Junior brother Dade, you have made great progress in your cultivation. I am afraid that it only takes a thousand years of hard work to get rid of your own evil thoughts and become an emperor. It is really gratifying. Congratulations.”

The Great Virtuous God King quickly smiled and said: "Thanks to the master who preaches day and night, Great Virtue has such an opportunity. However, it is so difficult to become an emperor. The emperor said that he has worked hard for thousands of years, so I am afraid it is to comfort me."

Emperor Duanjing took out the Yantian Divine Furnace, handed it to him, and asked, "Did God King Yuxu come out of seclusion? I heard that he practiced hard in seclusion. Now that he has come out of seclusion, it must be no small matter."

"That's not true."

The Great God God King shook his head and said: "I am still cultivating and have not woken up. The incarnation of the Great Dao of my master ordered me to come and borrow the divine furnace. He said that he has understood the magical power of using treasures to prove the Tao, and he wants to refine one that can prove the Tao. The witch treasure.”

"Prove the Tao with treasures? God King Yuxu actually comprehends such magical powers. He can walk one step faster and further than me."

Emperor Duanjing showed a surprised look and said with a smile: "Go back to God King Yuxu and tell us that you and I can walk around more in our free time."

The Dade Divine King accepted the order, said goodbye and left. When he flew to the central Juntian, he suddenly heard a voice shouting: "Senior Brother Dade, stay!"

The Great Virtue God King stopped in a hurry, followed the sound, and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Junior Brother Demon God. You and I have not seen each other for many days. Emperor Di Hui has unified Juntian. Could it be that Junior Brother is under Emperor Di Hui's sect?"

The demon god king roared and flew over, laughing loudly and said: "Di Hui? Senior brother, you underestimate me. I have another backer, and my background is bigger than Di Hui. How can I be easily surrendered by Di Hui? Now I am free and easy, unlike senior brother. He took refuge in God King Yuxu and ran errands for others.”

The Great Virtue God King looked ashamed and said: "My master has great supernatural powers and profound knowledge. He teaches and teaches, and he has gained a lot from Brother Yu. He is not just squeezing us. Brother Yu is only grateful to him."

He and the Demon God King have an old relationship. The two have had a friendship for more than ten thousand years. At this moment, the Great Virtue God King was very happy to see his old friend. Although the Demon God King's words made him a little unhappy, he didn't take it to heart.

"The majestic and virtuous God-King, the first person under the emperor of the Zhutian God Realm, has said this now. It is really sad."

The Demon God King's eyes flashed and he said with a smile, "Senior brother, where are you going?"

The Great Virtue God King was an honest man and said with a smile: "My master ordered me to pay a visit to Emperor Duanjing and borrow the Yantian Divine Furnace for refining treasures. Junior Brother, I have no time to tell you in detail. I still need to go back and get my life back."

The Demon God King chuckled and said, "Senior brother, you have indeed become someone else's errand boy. You are shameless and shameless!"

The Great Virtuous God King said seriously: "Junior Brother Demon God, I have been kind to me, not to mention that the Yantian Divine Furnace is an imperial weapon, how valuable is it? The master asked me to borrow the Divine Furnace because he valued my strength."

The Demon God King rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Senior Brother, I have a great fortune for you. I wonder if Senior Brother is interested?"

The great virtuous god king couldn't help but feel a curiosity in his heart, and said: "What wealth?"

The Demon God King laughed loudly and was about to speak when he heard a voice say: "Dade God King, as long as you hand over the Yantian Divine Furnace and surrender to me, you will be rich and rich!"

"Emperor Zishang?"

The face of the Great Virtuous God King changed drastically. He looked around and saw a young God King standing in the void. He was dressed in dark black clothes and was extremely luxurious and gorgeous. He looked like an emperor looking down at his ministers. His whole body was filled with a thick aura of death, and the five degenerates of heaven and man were even tolerated by the great avenue of heaven and earth, trying to squeeze him out of the void!

The void around him was crushed by his breath, constantly melting, turning into streams of death energy, pouring into his body.

The great virtuous god king couldn't help but gasp, the emperor's death has become a reality, and he has the power to swallow up the heavens!

This kind of strength and means has surpassed him and reached a level comparable to that of an emperor!

The Great Virtue God King suddenly knew something was wrong. Even though he was an honest man, he couldn't help but get really angry at this moment. He turned to look at the Demon God King and said sternly: "Junior Demon God Brother, is this your support? This is what you want to give Brother Yu. of wealth?”

A trace of shame flashed in the Demon God King's eyes, and then he hardened his heart and said with a smile: "Brother, you and I are old friends, so I gave you this wealth. What are the benefits of taking refuge in the Yuxu God King? Yuxu God King is just He is a wild man, but Emperor Zishang is the son of the Emperor of Heaven. It is only natural that he will inherit the world and be honored. When the Emperor's son becomes the Emperor of Heaven, you will also be a meritorious minister. If you follow the God King Yuxu, he will be defeated in the future. If you die, you will suffer too!"

"We have different ways and we cannot conspire against each other! Demon God, now I am severing my ties with you. When we meet again, you and I will be enemies!"

The Great Virtue God-King cut off a section with his hand and turned around to look at Di Zishang, with no chance of winning in his heart: "When did Di Zishang practice to this level? He is amazing, he is worthy of being the son of the Emperor of Heaven!"

He felt secretly in his heart and bowed respectfully: "It turns out he is the emperor's son. I have met the emperor's son before."

Emperor Zishang said coldly: "Dear Virtue, what do you think?"

The Great Virtuous God King chuckled and said: "The emperor was joking just now. A loyal minister has nothing to do with the two masters. How can I dedicate the Yantian Divine Furnace to His Highness? If His Highness the Emperor has nothing else to do, I will retire."

The Demon God King stood in front of him and said with a smile: "Brother Dade, why did you leave in such a hurry?"

The face of the Great Virtue God King darkened, and he said angrily: "Demon God, don't force me to kill you now!"

Di Zishang laughed loudly and said solemnly: "Demon God, there is no need to talk nonsense to him. This old ghost doesn't know how to appreciate it, so he killed him and took away the divine furnace!"

The Great Virtuous Divine King was furious, his white hair flying, and he said sternly: "Emperor, do you think you are sure of victory? The Yantian Divine Furnace is the treasure of Emperor Duanjing. If you snatch the Divine Furnace, how can Emperor Duanjing not take action? My master It will also be alarmed, and coupled with the old age, it is enough to make you unable to eat and walk around! "

"Emperor Duanjing and God King Yuxu are coming, so naturally I am no match."

Di Zishang smiled slightly, holding the pearl of wisdom in his hand, and said calmly: "Fortunately, I also have helpers, I'm just afraid they won't come."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the void cracking open, and waves of heavy demonic energy surged, which was extremely terrifying. It was the aura of the emperor, but it was extremely dark and evil!

"Di Zishang, I will help you eliminate powerful enemies, but you must not forget to search for the whereabouts of the Demon God Emperor for me."

In the void, a huge figure of the devil appeared faintly. His aura was turbulent and terrifying. He sneered: "This is an agreement between you and me. If you dare to deceive me, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The cold light in Di Zishang's eyes flashed away, and he said with a smile: "Sovereign God, you are much stronger than me, how can I play tricks in front of you? I already know the whereabouts of the Demon God Emperor. After the God King Yuxu is eradicated, I will tell the Lord the truth and I will never hide anything!"

He was filled with murderous intent and secretly said: "A mere demon god dares to threaten me. After getting rid of God King Yuxu, I want you to die without a burial place!"

"The emperor in the sky tomb!"

The face of the great virtuous God King changed dramatically. He looked directly at Emperor Zishang and scolded: "My son, Emperor Cangtian has been fighting against Heavenly Tomb all his life and preventing Heavenly Tomb from invading our Nine Heavens Divine Realm. How heroic and majestic you are? You will be the Emperor of Heavenly Tomb." Come on, where should I put the late Cangtian Emperor?"

"You dare to reprimand me?" Di Zishang's face darkened and he said angrily.

The virtuous God King strode forward with awe-inspiring awe, and shouted angrily: "You are unkind, unjust, unfaithful and unfilial. Not to mention that I dare to rebuke you. No one in the world, even an ordinary person, dares to rebuke you!"

Di Zishang was furious, and a sea eye suddenly flew out of his body. He covered himself with the Great Virtue God King and sneered: "Old man, then you will die!"

The virtuous God King sacrificed the Yantian Divine Furnace. He did not dodge or dodge, and with a fierce breath, he threw himself at the round sea eye and said sternly: "I will now punish you, an unfilial son, on behalf of the late emperor!"


The body of the Great Virtue God King shook violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, spreading across the sky. He was not the opponent of Emperor Zishang in the first place. In order to inform Emperor Duanjing, he sacrificed the Yantian Divine Furnace without activating his own magic weapons, so Even more unbearable, he was seriously injured in one blow.

Di Zishang put away Hai Yan and said calmly: "Demon God King, kill him for me!"

The Demon God King accepted the order, strode forward, raised a green gate, and said with a smile: "Brother Dade, you and I have known each other for thousands of years. Originally, the younger brother should not take action against the older brother, but everyone is his own master. After you die, You can’t blame me!”

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