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Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher, Chapter 965: All the Secrets Revealed (Support the

~《》~ Chapter 965: All the details are revealed

"I will shatter your eternal freedom!"

Ye Xu struck with a punch, and his unparalleled magical power, which he had demonstrated with his own body, exploded. His physical body was almost comparable to the emperor's soldiers. With one blow, it was no weaker than Emperor Duanjing's power to activate the Yantian Divine Furnace. He actually blasted out Six paths of reincarnation, the three realms of heaven, earth and man are all rotating in reincarnation!

At the same time, the jade tower hung high and suddenly fell. This treasure was refined by Ye Xu into a divine weapon. It weighed fifty times in the heavens and on the earth. It was more powerful than the imperial weapon!

The Eternal Emperor suddenly knew that something was wrong. He and Ye Xu had their first confrontation, but he was used by Ye Xu to help Ye Xu break through and become the God King. He was like a frightened bird. When he heard the word "proving the way", the first thing that rose in his mind was The thought that arose was not suspicion, but that he immediately turned from offense to defense, making himself passive.

At this moment, he woke up and the offensive and defensive momentum was reversed, but he had no choice but to defend with all his strength and beat Ye Xu's blow hard.


Ye Xu punched away, and the Eternal Emperor's whole body was in turmoil, and he could bear the power of the punch. Then he saw the Yulou coming down, but he let out a muffled groan, and his body was unstable, and his Eternal Great Freedom was thrown away. Break!

This fifty-layer jade tower has all the power of the heavens and the earth at full power. With one blow, its power surpasses that of the emperor's soldiers, and is almost comparable to treasures such as the power of the emperor of heaven. Even his eternal great freedom of mind cannot compete with it!

Before the Eternal Emperor could stand firm, he suddenly saw a jade tree fly out from the center of Ye Xu's eyebrows, and swept him away with a swipe!

"A boy who has just become a god king wants to compete with me? God King Yuxu, you underestimate the emperor! The twelve god kings of Yantian have not returned to their thrones?"

The Eternal Emperor was extremely furious. Although he was at a disadvantage, he was not at all disturbed. The charm of his whole body swept downwards, and he saw the twelve divine kings of Yantian flying up one after another, and involuntarily landed in the divine realm behind him.

Divine patterns floated behind the twelve divine kings, forming their own divine realms. Each had dozens of witch ancestors sitting in it. Behind these witch ancestors, there was Tao Yun to open up time and space. More than a hundred holy emperors sat in charge. The holy emperor blessed the witch ancestors. Zu blessed the God King, and the Twelve God Kings of Yantian blessed the Eternal Emperor. With heavy blessings, all the mana was poured into the body of the Eternal Emperor, causing his mana to increase dramatically!

This scene is like the most magnificent god, with gods of all sizes behind it, so spectacular!

"God King Yuxu, even if you become a God King, you will inevitably fail and die!"

The Eternal Emperor has an expressionless face, and his body is stable, like an eternal existence. His body is twisted for billions of time and space, sitting in the center, eternally motionless, like the most powerful god. He rumbled: "Let me see how you can break this eternal immortality." Feel free to move!”

Ye Xu turned a deaf ear, and suddenly there was a flash of light in the Jade Tower, and the power of the Emperor of Heaven fell into his hands. His eyebrows opened, and the Jade Tower suddenly fell into the Purple Mansion. The Yushu Yuanshen flew around, blended into the Jade Tower, and was compatible with the Jade Tree in the building. Then he made a move with his hand, I saw the Luotian Divine Mirror buzzing up, shining in the void, and the void was flowing with light, shaking endlessly.

At the same time, the fifty-one magical artifacts of Yuxu Palace flew up and turned into thirty-three days and eighteen levels of hell, hanging high above Ye Xu's head. Among the magical artifacts, Su Qiaoqiao, Feng Yanrou, Zaihua The God King and his wife, the Hercules God King, many disciples of the Yuxu Mansion, and more than a thousand witch emperors from the witch wilderness world also tried their best to activate these fifty-one magic weapons!

Suddenly, another World Flower flew over, its petals overlapped and quickly closed together, turning into a flower-like sledgehammer, which was grabbed by Ye Xu in his left hand!

This time, Ye Xu was heavily armed with the Flower of the World, the Power of the Heavenly Emperor, the Luotian Divine Mirror, and the magical weapons of the heavens and the earth. The power of any magical weapon was comparable to that of the Imperial Arms, or even surpassed it!

Also, he demonstrates the Tao with his body and the Tao with his spirit. The Jade Tower suppresses the physical body, and the Yuan Shen activates the Jade Tower. It can be said that he is armed to the teeth!

"Senior Brother Yongheng, if I can't break your eternal immobility, I will take your surname!"

Ye Xu shouted loudly, wielding the power of the Emperor of Heaven and falling with a crash. With the power of his pure body, he even surpassed the Queen of Heaven. It was even more terrifying than the scene when the Queen of Heaven wielded the Power of the Emperor of Heaven during the battle in the court meeting. In one blow, the Eternal Emperor was shattered. Billions of time and space!

The Eternal Emperor stretched out his big hand and sealed it with a palm.


His palms vibrated violently, and the divine realms transformed into numerous divine charms behind him exploded one after another. The gods and kings of the heavens shook endlessly. The vibrations were transmitted to the ancestor of the witch, and then passed to the holy emperor through the charm behind the ancestor of the witch. There was only a bang bang bang bang sound. Continuously, the body of the Saint Emperor exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist, all of which were shattered to pieces!

This aura of death was then transmitted to the witch ancestors in the second circle. Hundreds of witch ancestors could not resist such a huge force. Their bodies were shattered one by one. However, due to the magical support of the Eternal Emperor, they could still survive. Withstanding it, they would not be killed in one blow, but their bodies would be destroyed and they would be severely injured.

Ye Xu waved his other hand, and the World Flower swept over with a bang. The Eternal Emperor raised his other palm to block the blow. Suddenly, an even more violent explosion occurred in the divine realm behind him. The witch ancestors who had been severely injured were again It was unbearable to withstand such an intense attack, and they died violently one by one!

The aftermath of the explosion caused a sensation and bombarded the twelve god kings of Yantian, making this god king unstable.


A beam of light shot out from the Luotian Divine Mirror. The people in Yuxu Mansion and the God of Creation King and his wife joined forces to activate this magical mirror. Compared with the power in Ye Xu's hands, it was simply incomparable. This divine light spread all over the place. It shines in the void, and everything it passes by melts away. Even the divine realm transformed by the charm of the eternal emperor has a tendency to melt into the divine light!

In the divine domain, the twelve divine kings of Yantian looked terrified, roared angrily, and their bodies and divine patterns melted in the divine light!


Fifty-one magic weapons crashed into the Eternal Emperor, knocking the huge Emperor away and breaking his eternal freedom!

The Eternal Emperor's face darkened, he laughed, and finally looked directly at Ye Xu, regarding Ye Xu as his strong enemy, and said solemnly: "God King Yuxu, for a long time, I have only used my foundation once, and that was to deal with Zhengdao. That existence. In order to deal with you, it seems that I am going to use my secrets for the second time!"

An ancient aura was brewing in his body, giving Ye Xu an extremely dangerous feeling. This aura exploded and immediately forced back the divine light of Luotian Divine Mirror.

Ye Xu felt awe-inspiring in his heart. This aura had a domineering bearing, giving people a vague feeling of being above the nine heavens and looking down on all living beings, as if he was an ancient emperor of heaven, ruling the heavens!

The breath of the Emperor of Heaven!

"Senior Brother Yongheng, you like to dig graves everywhere. Did you dig the grave of a certain Heavenly Emperor?"

Ye Xu was secretly on guard, but his expression did not change at all. He smiled and said, "Could it be that you have the body of a Heavenly Emperor hidden in your body?"

The Eternal Emperor laughed loudly, with a stern face, and said calmly: "This is my capital to fight for the throne. I originally planned to use it in the battle to seize the emperor. My skills are superior to those of the others, God King Yuxu. Can you force me to use all my secrets?" Out, enough to be proud of.”

Ye Xu felt awe-inspiring in his heart. The Eternal Emperor possesses the body of a certain Heavenly Emperor, which is probably part of his heritage. This person has not even sacrificed his imperial soldiers so far, so his heritage is unfathomable!

In addition to the Eternal Emperor, the other two emperors, the Lihen Emperor and the Great Sun Emperor, probably also have their own backgrounds, in order to catch everyone by surprise in the battle to seize the emperor, suppress the heroes in one fell swoop, and ascend to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven!

These old monsters have indeed deep and terrifying backgrounds that cannot be matched by the new emperors.

In addition, there are many masters in heaven who should not be underestimated, such as Di Hui. Although he is also a new emperor, with the treasure house left by his good father Di Ku, Di Ku can compete with Emperor Cangtian for the title of emperor. I am afraid that he also left a profound foundation for Di Hui, no less than the three great emperors!

There is also Di Zishang, the son of Emperor Cang Tian, ​​who is probably also a figure with unfathomable background.

"Senior Brother Yongheng, you have a foundation, and so does my little brother."

Ye Xu's eyes flashed and he heard a buzzing sound. Divine patterns flew out densely from the Jade Tower and swarmed into his body.

Ye Xu's momentum suddenly began to rise sharply. He climbed from the junior god king to the terrifying level of the peak god king in one fell swoop. He was still rising, facing the eternal emperor!


Lines of charm flew out of the building, dense and terrifying. All the charms transformed from the avenues of the heavens condensed and fell behind Ye Xu, making him look like an ancient emperor, making people unable to look directly at him!

This is his foundation. Ye Xu fought against the God Crown Prince in the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods. He relied on this foundation to extract the divine patterns from the jade tree in the building, and in one fell swoop raised his cultivation to the height of the peak god king. This Only then can he defeat the God Crown Prince.

But foundation is just foundation after all. Borrowed cultivation cannot last long. In the past, Ye Xu's cultivation could only last for a quarter of an hour.

But now that his cultivation strength has skyrocketed, he can activate these divine patterns as much as he wants, and he can even borrow the charm from the jade tree in the Jade Tower to increase the mana of the emperor in one fell swoop and suppress the eternal emperor!

With such huge mana, Ye Xu even felt that he could vaguely mobilize the power of the Emperor of Heaven and mobilize the great avenues of the Nine Heavens God Realm!

The Eternal Emperor's eyes flashed, and he snorted coldly, feeling a little hesitant in his heart.

Ye Xu is so tyrannical that he actually used his own secrets to rise to the level of an emperor. I am afraid that even if he sacrifices the body of the Heavenly Emperor, he may not be able to restrain Ye Xu. If he uses his other secrets, then his All the trump cards will be revealed in front of everyone, and there will be no secrets at all, which will make you passive in the real battle to seize the emperor.

"This kid, a newly promoted God King, is so troublesome. He can even force me to reveal all my secrets. He is amazing. He is really powerful. He has only been practicing for a few years. How can he be on par with mine..."

The muscles in the corner of the Eternal Emperor's eyes twitched, and his expression suddenly changed. He chuckled and said, "Master Yuxu, you and I are just fighting over each other. Why do we need to decide whether we are better or worse? Let's stop."

Ye Xu did not challenge him step by step, and he was not completely sure that he could defeat the Eternal Emperor and the other two emperors. He immediately said with a smile: "Senior Brother Eternal Brother is righteous, I admire you. Everyone, please stop the truce and discuss important matters together! "

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